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2014-1-9 21:32| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 18| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Wang Yi Gave an Interview to Al Jazeera


Wang Yi Gave an Interview to Al Jazeera




Recently, Foreign Minister Wang Yi gave an interview to Al Jazeera in Beijing. The following is the transcript of the interview.




I. You have concluded your first visit to five countries in the Middle East region, namely, Palestine, Israel, Algeria, Morocco and Saudi Arabia. What is the purpose of this visit? How do you evaluate the outcome of this visit?




Wang Yi: This is my very first visit to the Middle East region as the foreign minister of China’s new government. The trip has three goals: namely, to carry forward the relations of friendship; to deepen existing cooperation; and to promote peace talks.




China and the Arab states enjoy time-honored ties of friendship, forged by the two-thousand-year old Silk Road. In modern times, China has firmly supported Arab states in their cause to win national independence and liberation. China is committed to carrying forward this traditional friendship. My Middle East trip has achieved this goal completely, as I have felt for myself the profound goodwill of the Arab states and their peoples for China and the Chinese people.




China works hard to deepen its cooperation with the countries in the region for mutual benefit. Last year, two-way trade reached nearly US$300 billion, with China becoming the top trading partner of many Arab states. According to rough statistics, China’s accumulated contractual value in the region totaled US$120 billion, including a substantial input in infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and factories. More recently, China’s direct investment in the region has grown rapidly. Already standing at US$10 billion in accumulative terms, it keeps increasing with an incredible speed.




The Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee held not long ago, which made important arrangements on the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening-up, will bring about fresh and important opportunities for the cooperation between China and the countries in the region. China plans to develop a Silk Road economic belt that spans the Eurasia continent and a maritime Silk Road that links the Pacific with the Indian Ocean. As we can see on map that the two Silk Roads will cross at the Middle East region, which spells excellent opportunities and bright prospects for common development and common prosperity of China and the region’s countries. During the visit, I discussed many new ideas and new schemes of cooperation with Arab leaders. China is ready to share its experience in high-speed rail development with any country and participate in national rail network programs and infrastructure development of the region’s countries, thus benefiting these countries and their peoples.




Many hotspot issues in the Middle East are undergoing important changes. One key purpose of my visit is to follow through on President Xi Jinping’s four-point proposal on the issue of Palestine. Moreover, I also discussed the Syrian and the Iranian nuclear issues of shared interest with the leaders of the region’s countries. China is ready to contribute its share to bring peace and stability to the region. On the whole, my visit has achieved its anticipated purpose.




In Algeria, I elaborated on the new Chinese government’s policy towards Arab states. We can summarize it as "four supports". That is, we support Arab states in following their chosen paths, we support Arab states in resolving the region’s hotspot issues through political means, we support Arab states in achieving a win-win and common development with China, and we support Arab states in playing a bigger role in regional and international affairs and in more effectively safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests. This represents China’s most fundamental position which also meets the aspiration and fundamental interests of the Arab countries and their peoples.




II. Though Palestine and Israel have resumed peace talks, the Middle East peace process remains confronted with many obstacles and challenges, such as expansion of Israeli settlements and other issues. How does China see the future of the peace process? China is the only permanent member of the Security Council that is not a Quartet member. Will China join the mechanism? What role will China play in the Middle East peace process?




Wang Yi: The Palestine-Israel issue is a long-standing hotspot issue. Peace in the Middle East will be elusive if this issue is not resolved. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China has all along played its own role in seeking a solution. In May this year, China received the visits by Palestinian and Israeli leaders at the same time. President Xi Jinping went out of his way to work on them respectively and made a four-point proposal to resolve the Palestine-Israel issue. He stressed that an independent Palestinian State and a peaceful co-existence between Palestine and Israel is the right direction of a settlement, that peace negotiation is the only realistic way leading to Palestine-Israel reconciliation, that “land for peace” and other principles are the important foundation to advance the Middle East peace process, and that international support is a necessary guarantee for moving the peace process forward. The four-point proposal by President Xi is highly comprehensive and has been well received by both Palestine and Israel and the international community at large.




During the visit, I spent long hours discussing with Palestinian and Israeli sides on President Xi’s four-point proposal. I had a deep impression from the meetings that both sides saw their peace talks as the sole alternative, they both hoped to continue with it to a fruitful end, and they both saw the current moment as an important opportunity. Mutual recognition of each other’s right to exist and mutual accommodation of each other’s reasonable concerns is the right way to move the talks forward. In the peace talks, one should try to bring people around with reason rather than power. I told the two sides clearly that this land is the common homeland for both Palestinians and Israelis. The fact that the State of Israel has existed for over 60 years and the Palestinian brothers and sisters remain displaced without realizing their legitimate rights and interests to statehood is not fair, nor reasonable, and should not be allowed to go on. So we support the establishment of an independent State of Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital living in peace with Israel. In this way, peace in the Middle East will be guaranteed. We will continue to work toward such a direction. I believe that so long as both sides can work toward such a direction and with full support of the international community, a success of the peace talks will be highly hopeful.




With respect to the Quartet mechanism, first, we hope that it can truly play a role, especially at this crucial juncture of Palestine-Israel peace talks. Second, China is open to the mechanism, and we are ready to join it if the Quartet so wishes. Third, even if not joining it, China will continue to work in its own way to move the peace process forward.




III. The Syria issue is also a complicated one. China and Russia have vetoed Syria-related draft resolutions three times, which caused a huge controversy. With bloodshed still going on in Syria, how does China see the future of the Syria issue? The Geneva II conference on Syria will soon be held. Will China participate in it and what kind of role will it play?




Wang Yi: You mentioned China’s voting record at the UN Security Council. I want to tell our Arab friends that as a permanent member of the Security Council, China is fully aware of its responsibility and obligation for upholding international peace and stability. China is very serious and prudent when it comes to voting at the Security Council. We go by such norms: First, to uphold the purposes of the UN Charter and basic principles governing international relations, particularly the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of members and equality of all countries regardless of size. This underpins the very survival and development of the developing countries, small- and medium-sized countries in particular. Second, to uphold the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of each and every country, which is the basic texture of the international order. If this is breached, many countries may feel insecure. Third, to maintain peace and stability of the regions concerned. We take into consideration the fundamental and long-term interests of the countries and peoples in the region when making our judgment on the issue.




The Chinese side always believes that the Syria issue can only be resolved politically and there can be no other way. The war there has been going on for three years and people have now realized that war can resolve nothing and violence can only breed hatred. This is why more and more countries have come to favor a return to the track of political settlement.




To make the Geneva II conference a success, much work remains to be done. The most pressing task is to put an end to the war and violence. It’s unthinkable that the two sides are sitting down at the negotiating table while the fighting is still going on. At the same time, the work to destroy Syrian chemical weapons must not stop. The process should move forward step by step, until a complete and thorough destruction of all such weapons is achieved. With Geneva II providing an important platform for a political settlement of the Syria issue, the international community, China included, should create an enabling environment and atmosphere for the two sides in Syria to sit down at the negotiating table. We may offer suggestions, make proposals, and submit plans, only for them to consider. But we must refrain from imposing anything on them. The Syria issue, ultimately, needs to be resolved through equal-footed negotiations between the two sides in Syria. Such negotiations, as we can expect, will be tortuous, and not smooth at all. What is clearly defined is the future course of peace negotiations, the goal of which is clearly defined as the implementation of the Geneva Communiqué. We hope that the negotiations will not only take place but also continue. Though time-consuming, as the negotiations may be, we must do our best to keep their momentum.




Follow-up question: Will the Chinese side participate in Geneva II?




Wang Yi: Of course we will. We have already done a lot of work to promote Geneva II. So we hope the conference will start on 22 January as scheduled and play a due role.




IV. Egypt is the first Arab and African country to have established diplomatic relations with China and former President Morsi made China the first country he visited after assuming office. But Egypt has remained in the state of turbulence after the coup. How does China see the future of Egypt?




Wang Yi: Egypt is an ancient civilization and a major Arab and African country. China and Egypt have a long history of friendly exchanges. Egypt has played a very important role in maintaining regional peace and stability. In more recent years, turbulence erupted inside Egypt, which is detrimental not only to the country’s own stability and development but also to the role it is expected to play in the region. Egypt, in our view, is in the middle of political and social transition, and it is in search of a development path suited to its national conditions. In so doing, Egypt has our understanding and support. The Egyptians are a great people. They have the wisdom and ability to find a development path that is conducive to the country, acceptable to its people and suited to Egypt’s realities. The recent situation in Egypt is moving in a positive direction and we just hosted a visit to China by the Egyptian foreign minister. It is my impression that Egypt is regaining its confidence, more willing to get engaged with the rest of the world, including the major countries, which is a highly positive development. We hope that Egypt will restore stability, achieve development and regain its role as a major country in the region.




V. Relations between Iran and the United States have eased to some extent, and the work on Iranian nuclear issue has entered a new stage. However, differences between Iran and some Arab countries, Gulf countries in particular, have further widened. How does China balance its relations with the Gulf Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia, while engaging with Iran?




Wang Yi: China has always maintained normal and friendly relations with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We enjoy friendly relations with Arab countries and at the same time maintain normal state-to-state relations with Iran. China’s position on the Iranian nuclear issue has been a clear-cut and firm one. We oppose Iran’s efforts to develop and possess nuclear weapons and support the establishment of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. We have participated in the negotiation process on the Iranian nuclear issue. After 10 years of negotiation, the P5+1 and Iran have recently reached the first agreement in Geneva, making the first step toward a peaceful solution, which indeed has not come easily. This agreement, although an initial one, sets the necessary restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program, thus removing the most urgent concern of the international community. What matters now is to properly implement the agreement. The six-month Geneva nuclear agreement will test the ability of Iran and the other parties to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations in real earnest. At the same time, it is imperative to lose no time in pushing ahead with the negotiations in order to reach a final agreement that provides a comprehensive and once-and-for-all solution to the issue, which is the only way to eliminate the issue for good. That will benefit both Iran and the region as a whole.




We hope Iran and the Arab Gulf countries will solve their problems through consultation and negotiation. We are working toward this goal. We believe that Iran and other countries in the region will iron out their differences and disputes properly and thereby live in greater harmony with each other.






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