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2014-1-9 21:32| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 19| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Wang Yi Gave an Interview to Al Jazeera



VI. Peaceful use of nuclear energy is an important area of cooperation. Many Arab countries want to enhance cooperation with China in this area. When will we see China-Arab cooperation in this area start?




Wang Yi: We will gradually start cooperation with Arab countries in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. This is a new area for mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Arab countries, to which China takes a positive attitude. This issue was raised in my meetings in both Algeria and Saudi Arabia during this visit, and relevant agreements were signed with some countries. There are broad prospects for cooperation in this area.




Follow-up question: China has launched satellites for many countries but not yet for any Middle East countries. When can we expect to see a satellite launched by China in the region?




Wang Yi: We are more than happy to discuss with Arab countries about putting their satellites in space, if they so wish. We hope this will be materialized in the near future.




VII. Some people claim that China’s role in the Middle East is largely economic. How will China play a bigger political role? Besides, we have noticed that China, as the second largest economy in the world, has provided what seemed to be limited humanitarian assistance to the region when disaster hit, in particular to Syrian and Palestinian refugees. How would you explain it?




Wang Yi: I think there are some misunderstandings on this. China is always ready to have cooperation for mutual benefit with all countries in this region, Arab countries in particular, not only in the economic field, but also in the political, security and military fields. Having said that, there is a need for prioritization with regard to arrangement, and a need for China to build up its capabilities for sustained expansion of such cooperation. It is true that China-Arab cooperation in recent years has mainly focused on the economic field. That is because we believe that development holds the key to and serves as the foundation for solving all problems. Any solution to hotspot and political issues hinges on economic growth and better life for the people. As far as Arab countries are concerned, the most crucial task facing them is national development and economic revitalization. China is ready to do what it can to provide help and assistance as it has done in the past. Moreover, since 2012, China has provided humanitarian assistance on six occasions to the Syrian people and Syrian refugees in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.




We will play a role in the political field as well. China’s political role in the Middle East will only be enhanced, not diminished. In 2013, we hosted the visits to China by leaders of Palestine and Israel at about the same time and the United Nations International Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace in Beijing. President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to the meeting held by the United Nations to mark the “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”. I convened the Palestinian-Israeli peace symposium during my Middle East visit and invited persons of vision from both sides to the symposium. We offered a platform for all to make their views heard, to seek more consensus, and to raise the voice for peace together. I think this is a useful endeavor, and if continued, the voice for peace will become louder and the forces for peace will grow stronger. All this will help to provide impetus to and exert positive influence on the negotiations between the two sides.




All in all, China’s all-round role will gradually and more visibly be felt by Arab countries and get their understanding and support.




VIII. In face of the complicated situation in South Sudan, China, as a friend of South Sudan and with major interests in that country, has immediately sent an envoy there for mediation efforts. What is China’s position on the South Sudan issue and what role will China play in this regard?




Wang Yi: We are indeed following very closely what is happening in South Sudan. What is most important for South Sudan, a new-born nation with a lot to be reconstructed, is stability and development, without which the fundamental interests of all ethnicities in the country would be impaired. Conflicts will bring sufferings to all the people in South Sudan in the end, which is not in the interests of South Sudan at all. Since the outbreak of the conflict, China has kept calling for international attention, sent its envoys for mediation efforts, and actively supported the mediation efforts of the IGAD countries.




China has a four-point position on this issue. First, a ceasefire should take effect and violence should be stopped immediately, so as to make way for peace talks and to maintain law and order in the country. Second, it is imperative to launch an inclusive political dialogue process as soon as possible and find a solution acceptable to both sides. Third, the international community should intensify efforts for peace talks, urging both sides to engage in serious peace talks. Fourth, it is important to improve the humanitarian situation in South Sudan. As large numbers of civilians have been caught in the crossfire and their life, property and personal safety have been threatened, the international community should support and help them as much as possible. At the same time, we hope and believe that the Government of South Sudan will take concrete and effective measures to protect the lives and properties of the Chinese nationals in the country.




IX. You are an expert on Asian affairs. China has recently established the East China Sea Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ), which has drawn attention from various parties. How does China view the prospects of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific, in particular, since the United States has re-balanced its strategic focus away from the Middle East to the Asia-Pacific?




Wang Yi: Let me say first of all that the Asian region is on the whole peaceful and promising, with countries living together in amity, and the regional economy maintaining a sound momentum of rapid development. Globally, Asia, East Asia in particular, has enjoyed the fastest growth and the biggest potential. As for some issues left from history that exist in the region, efforts are being made to find a solution through peaceful negotiations. Of course we know that the United States has traditional influence and practical interests in this region, which we think is normal, since it is also a big nation in the Asia-Pacific. China respects US legitimate interests in the Asia-Pacific and hopes to see it play a constructive role in regional affairs. President Xi Jinping stated publicly that the vast Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the United States to both develop. In June 2013, President Xi Jinping and President Obama held a meeting at the Annenberg Estate in California, during which the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on a wide range of topics and reached consensus on many issues. In particular, President Xi Jinping proposed that China and the United States should build a new model of major-country relationship and President Obama readily agreed to the idea. President Xi explained the three features of the proposed new model of major-country relationship, namely, first, no conflict or confrontation; second, mutual respect; and third, win-win cooperation. The US side subscribed to the idea fully. We have since implemented the agreement reached between the two presidents and advanced the building of this new model of major-country relationship, starting first and foremost from the Asian region. I hope to see more communication and closer coordination and cooperation between China and the United States in Asian affairs, for more commonalities, which may help develop sound interactions in this region. This serves not only the interests of China and the United States, but also those of all countries in this region.




As for the Air Defence Identification Zone in the East China Sea that you have mentioned, there is actually nothing unusual about it. Dozens of countries have already done so and some did it long ago. For example, Japan established its ADIZ as early as in 1969. The Republic of Korea and India, both our neighbors, have set up their ADIZ as well. To establish the ADIZ is China’s legitimate right and is in full accord with international law and practice. Moreover, the ADIZ is not territorial airspace, still less no-fly zone. Its establishment will not change the legal status of the airspace concerned, nor will it affect the freedom of flight ensured by international law. Our ADIZ has been in place for some time now and the area has been very peaceful with no flight of any airlines being affected. In retrospect, Japan and the United States did overreact. Allow me to quote a Chinese saying: it is not permissible to only allow magistrates to burn down houses while forbidding common people to even light lamps. All countries are equal. We established the ADIZ only recently while some other countries did it long ago. It is really unfair to make all sorts of criticisms and even accusations against China for doing so. Details of the ADIZ may differ from country to country, as there are no explicit international laws and regulations governing ADIZ. If there are any questions about ADIZ specifics, we are ready to sit down and talk about it. It is absolutely unnecessary to get restless or even make groundless accusations against China as Japan did.




In fact, there may be other considerations behind Japan’s reactions. It is possible that they would like to create tension between China and Japan on purpose, which would enable Japanese leaders to press ahead with their plan in Japan and break away from post-World-War II restrictions on Japan. We have noted that Japan has stepped up its rearmament recently, a move calling for attention. In particular, when the authorities in Japan fail to correctly understand Japan’s history of aggression, Japan’s rearmament move cannot but sound the alarm to its neighbors and the international community.




Recently, Japanese Prime Minister Abe paid homage to the Yasukuni Shrine in total disregard of opposition of people of various countries. It is a symbol of the militaristic aggression. Until this day, all the exhibits in the Shrine are designed to justify Japan’s decision to launch that war of aggression at the time, and the 14 Class-A war criminals tried at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East are still honored in the Shrine. This is the place that Prime Minister Abe bent on visiting. Worse even, he regarded the war criminals as “the souls of the war dead”. He has crossed the bottom line of human conscience and what he has done is way beyond Japan’s domestic affairs. In essence, it is an attempt to whitewash Japan’s war of aggression, challenge the just trial of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, and challenge the resultant post-war order. We are concerned that this will lead Japan to danger. Lessons of the history have to be learned. This is an issue to which the whole international community should pay much attention. Nobody should be allowed to turn back the wheels of the history or backtrack. Back then, Japanese militarists committed atrocities in Asia, just as German fascists did in Europe. In China alone, the Japanese war of aggression inflicted casualties of as many as 35 million, not to mention countless property losses. The Chinese nation is tolerant and generous. We have given up war reparations, and furthermore we have told our people that the Japanese people are also victims of militarism and that only the militarists should be held responsible for the war. In other words, Class-A war criminals honored at the Yasukuni Shrine should take the responsibility for the war of aggression. Now, the Japanese leaders went so far as to pay homage to these Class-A war criminals. This is unacceptable, not only to the Chinese people, but to the whole international community. It would be unimaginable if this took place in Europe. The only way to open up the future is to expose and condemn the past; and the only way for Japan to win back the trust of its neighbors is to commit itself to peace. We hope that the Japanese leaders should understand this most basic principle and respect the red line of human conscience and international justice.






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