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2014-5-4 19:55| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 4| 评论: 0|来自: 求是

摘要: Li Jingtian: The Core Issue in Improving the Conduct of the CPC


III. Taking advantage of activities to study and practice the Party’s mass line, we should establish permanent means of maintaining the close relationship between the Party and the people




Bad conduct is a reoccurring problem that can be very difficult to eliminate. Whereas fine practices cannot be cultivated overnight, bad practices cannot be stamped out in a single effort. Improving the conduct of the Party, with the focus being maintaining close ties with the people, is not only a major political task at present, but also a long-term task in the self-improvement efforts of the Party as it continues to govern the country over the long term. At present, our responsibility is to ensure the successful implementation of activities to study and practice the Party’s mass line, with the focus being to establish permanent means of maintaining the close relationship between the Party and the people.




We should reinforce the values of serving the people in a down-to-earth, honest, and upright fashion. Only by identifying with these values will we genuinely be able to address problems related to conduct. While carrying out activities to study and practice the Party’s mass line, we should take solid steps to reinforce education on the Marxist viewpoint on the masses as well as the Party’s mass line. On that basis, we should urge Party-member cadres to further strengthen their ideals and convictions, guide them in enhancing their thinking and understanding, and ensure that the values of serving the people in a down-to-earth, honest, and upright fashion become deeply rooted in their thinking and their actions. At all times, Party-member cadres must stand together with the people, serve them whole-heartedly, adhere to the viewpoint of historical materialism that the people are the real heroes, and remember that the Party was founded for the public good and that it governs for the people.


强化领导干部带头作表率。领导干部的一言一行,会对广大干部、党员和群众产生强烈的示范和导向作用。 开展好群众路线教育实践活动,要从领导机关、领导班子、领导干部做起,坚持上级带下级、主要领导带班子成员、领导干部带一般干部,形成一级抓一级、层层抓落实的工作格局。要坚持打铁自身硬、正人先正己,每一个领导干部都要以普通党员的身份把自己摆进去,高标准、严要求,要求别人做到的自己首先做到,要求别人不做的自己坚决不做,真正做到认识高一层、学习深一步、实践先一着、剖析解决突出问题好一筹。


We should ensure that leading cadres set a good example. The words and deeds of leading cadres have a strong guiding influence on other cadres, Party members, and the public. In order to successfully carry out our activities to study and practice the Party’s mass line, it is essential that leading organizations, leading bodies, and leading cadres set an example to be followed. Leadership at each level should oversee the efforts of leadership at the level below, principal leaders should oversee the efforts of the members in their leading bodies, and leading cadres should oversee the efforts of ordinary cadres. By doing so, we will create a situation whereby each level oversees the level below and efforts are made at all levels in unison. Before attempting to guide others, leading cadres must ensure that their own conduct is good and proper. Leading cadres should first view themselves as common Party members, and set high and strict standards for themselves. They should only expect of others what they are capable of doing themselves, and only forbid others from doing what they are able to refrain from doing themselves. Moreover, they should always be one level above in their thinking, one step ahead in their study and practice, and one notch higher in their analysis and resolution of prominent problems.




We should devote more efforts to the building of institutions. Institutions represent a fundamental, comprehensive, consistent, and permanent means of addressing problems related to conduct. Institutions not only regulate people, but also cultivate them. Therefore, we will be unable to address the issue of conduct unless we are able to establish sound institutions. Only by developing sound systems, establishing scientific and effective institutions, and ensuring that those systems and institutions are enforced strictly will we be able to foster fine conduct and a strong contingent of officials. At the same time, we must ensure uniform standards in the enforcement of institutions, with no exceptions. Those who violate regulations must be held accountable for their actions and punished accordingly.




We should enhance oversight and appraisal by the public. Nobody is clearer than the public when it comes to problems with Party members and cadres as well as the effectiveness of our various initiatives. This is why the public should have the first say when it comes to this issue. We need to fully trust and rely on the public, carefully listen to the opinions of the public, arrange for the orderly participation of the public, and willingly subject ourselves to their supervision. By evaluating our activities in accordance with public opinions and regarding public satisfaction as the highest standard to be pursued, we should work to ensure that our activities not only conform to the will of the public, but also reflect their demands.




(Author: Executive Vice-President of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee)






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