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2014-5-26 02:17| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 89| 评论: 0|来自: 驻南非大使馆

摘要: H.E. Ambassador Tian Xuejun Is Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal

H.E. Ambassador Tian Xuejun Is Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal



Q: I’m quite intrigued with the concept of the “Chinese Dream” and have noted Ambassador Tian’s article in “The Thinker” linking this notion to an “African Dream”. What is the “Chinese Dream”? Why should Africans embrace this concept?




A: The Chinese Dream is a concept proposed by the new Chinese leadership. What are the contents of the Chinese Dream? To be simple, it is for the prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation and the happiness of the people. The Chinese Dream is an open dream; it’s a dream for win-win cooperation. Against the background of globalization, the Chinese people need the understanding and support of the international community to realize the Chinese dream. We cannot realize the dream without exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world, including Africa. At the same time, while attaining the Chinese Dream, the Chinese people will play our role in promoting and make our due contribution to world peace and development. I have visited 27 African countries and have been working in South Africa for nearly two years. My personal feeling is that African countries and people all have their dreams, which are the great rejuvenation of Africa, the prosperity of the country and the wellbeing of the people. The African Union has a strategy for the coming 50 years, and South Africa has a NDP for the coming 20 years. Last year the Embassy hosted an open-day event and invited students from primary and secondary schools. They shared with us their dreams by writing them on the “Dream Cards”. Their Dreams are innocent and cute, but also very impressive and I was deeply moved. I think all these are the embodiment of the greater African Dream. Many statesmen, experts and scholars from Africa believe that the Chinese Dream and the African Dream are closely linked and highly complementary to each other. I fully agree. A review of the history tells us that China and Africa had similar experience in the past. And if you look at the current situation, you can see that China and Africa are both faced with similar development tasks that we both need to develop the economy and improve people’s livelihood. For a long time, China and Africa have been offering each other mutual understanding, support and assistance, and we have formed a community of common destiny. This idea of a community of common destiny was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to Africa last year and was recognized by many African leaders. China is willing to join hands with Africa to realize our respective dreams and contribute to peace and development of the world.




I understand you were also asking that why China talks about the Chinese Dream in Africa. I want to emphasize that China sees Africa as our good friend, good partner and good brother. The process during which China-Africa relationship develops is also the process during which we realize our respective dreams. When visiting Africa in March last year, President Xi Jinping summarized China’s Africa policy in the following: sincerity, real benefits, affinity and good faith. By sincerity we mean that we treat African people as our sincere and real friends. True friendship is more precious than gold. We treat each other with equality and respect, and we sincerely wish that Africa could be better and better. By real benefits, we emphasize on the practical nature of China-Africa cooperation. We honor our words with real actions and we always achieve what we’ve promised. By affinity, we say that Chinese and African people have a natural feeling of kinship towards each other. In the future, we are going to work to bring our people even closer. By good faith, we mean that we are honest and frank in facing up to the problems that may occur in China-Africa cooperation, and we will appropriately handle these problems according to the spirit of mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. This is not only what we say, but what we do, and we will do it better. At the same time, we hope the international community could also care more about Africa, support and assist Africa, so that the continent can rise out of turbulence and poverty and truly become the future star of the world.




Q: Thank you for putting in a framework for me and helping me to understand what you mean by the connection between the Chinese Dream and the African Dream. Could you give me an example that you think captures the character that Africa and China sharing this Dream? In South Africa you have an example of the students. Do you have other examples?




A: President Xi Jinping said that people all wish for good and happy life. And it is people’s wish that drives us to work harder. Just now I talked about the Chinese Dream. I also touched upon the African Dream, which is about the rejuvenation of the continent, the development of the country and the wellbeing of the people. I believe these are consistent with the contents of the Chinese Dream. Former Deputy Secretary-General of The United Nations and former Foreign Minister of Tanzania, Dr Asha-Rose Migiro, wrote an article stating that the Chinese Dream converges the African Dream. I think the article is worth reading.




Q: China and Africa may both have dreams. But China’s stage of development is more advanced than most of the African countries. Is the talk of the African Dream now an effort to change the conversation or shift the controversy of China’s investment in certain countries that China is just investing out in Africa? People are calling this neo-colonialism.




A: China and African countries are all developing countries. Although China has developed remarkably in recent years and is now at a different stage of development from African countries, we believe China and Africa’s development are highly complementary. We think China’s development is an opportunity for Africa, and China’s development will further support Africa’s development. Not only we think in this way, many African countries share the idea. For example, many friends from Africa told me that, under the influence of the international financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis, South Africa’s economic development has been under huge pressure. But China’s economic development in recent years has greatly boosted and helped South Africa’s economic development. China has been SA’s largest trading partner country for 4 consecutive years, and last year our bilateral trade volume reached US$65.15 billion, accounting for 1/4 of the total China-Africa trade volume. You also know that Johannesburg stock market changes closely with China’s economic indicators, showing how close this economic connection is.




I know some media are saying that China’s assistance to Africa is only for Africa’s market and resources; they say China is practicing neo-colonialism in Africa. But I think these allegations are absurd. One reason might be that they don’t know much about China-Africa cooperation; or they might have other agendas. In fact, for a long time, under the framework of South-South cooperation, and in the spirit of win-win cooperation, China has provided Africa great assistance and support, mainly targeting economic and social development and people’s wellbeing. You have been to many other African countries, and I think you are aware of the many China-assisted infrastructure projects in Africa, roads, railways, power stations, bridges, etc. These projects have improved Africa’s investment environment. Also China has invested in Africa some production projects in automobile equipment, home appliances and leather processing, creating jobs for Africa and improving the continent’s ability to develop by itself. Thirdly, China has sent many agricultural experts to Africa, and helped built many agricultural demonstration centers and agricultural skills promotion center. These are all effort to help train agricultural experts for Africa, improve African countries’ agricultural productivity, and contribute to Africa’s food security. Fourthly, China has assisted in the construction of many hospitals, schools and stadiums in Africa. Before I came to South Africa, I was learnt that there were 30 hospitals under construction in Africa with China’s assistance and would be soon completed. And you know there are many more stadiums and schools. All these have improved local people’s health, sanitary, education and culture conditions. Starting from 1963, China has sent to 48 African countries nearly 19,000 medical personnel and treated more than 200 million patients. China has also provided Africa a large number of government scholarships to help train African talents. I wish to give you an example. The fifth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC was held in 2012 and I was there for the meeting. The Conference proposed that from 2012 to 2015, China will provide 18,000 government scholarships to African countries and help train 30,000 talents in different areas for African countries. In addition, we have been actively participating in the peace-keeping missions in Africa. Currently there are 1,800 Chinese peace keepers working on the continent, the largest number among the 5 Permanent members of the UN Security Council. This is our contribution to peace of Africa.


对于有一些媒体说,中国对非援助仅仅是为了获取非洲的市场和资源,或者说中国在非洲搞新殖民主义,我认为这是非常荒唐的。这可能是因为他们对中非合作不了解。也可能他们是别有用心的。首先,实际上,长期以来,在南南合作的框架下、本着互利共赢的精神,中国向非洲提供了大量的援助和支持,主要集中在经济、社会和民生领域。你在非洲也去过很多国家,应该知道中国援建了非洲大量的公路、铁路、电站、桥梁等基础设施,改善了非洲的投资环境。第二,中国在非洲投资建设了汽车装备、家电制造、皮革加工等一些生产型项目,帮助非洲创造就业,也提高了非洲自主发展能力。第三,中国向非洲派了大量农业专家,建立了许多农业技术示范中心和农业技术推广站,帮助非洲培养农业方面人才,提高非洲国家农业生产力,为保障非洲的粮食安全作出贡献。第四,中国在非洲援建了大量的医院、学校和体育场。我来南非工作之前了解到,我们当时正在非洲援建30所医院,很快就要建成。还有很多的体育场、学校。这些为改善当地百姓的卫生、教育和文化生活条件作出了贡献。从1963年开始,我们向非洲48个国家派出了接近19000人次的医疗人员,诊治了2亿多的非洲患者。中方还向非洲提供了大量政府奖学金,帮助他们培养人才。举个例子,2012年召开了中非合作论坛第五届部长级会议,提出自 20122015年,中国将向非洲提供1.8万个政府奖学金,帮助培养3万名各类人才。另外,我们还积极参与非洲的维和行动,现在在非洲大陆上有1800名中国维和人员,是安理会五常中最多的国家,我们为非洲的和平做出了贡献。


People talk about neo-colonialism. But what is colonialism? I think people of Africa and China are both very clear about colonialism. It is to open the gates to Africa by gun-powers, plundering Africa’s resources, and making the people suffer from oppression and exploitation. I was there for the Breakfast Meeting between President Xi Jinping and leaders of 15 or 16 African countries last year. African leaders at the meeting said that the African people know too well what colonialism is. Instead, China’s assistance is sincere and China is Africa’s sincere friend. As for China’s cooperation with Africa in energy and resources fields, to put it in our African people’s words, it is China who buys energy and resources from Africa with fair price under the international rules and practice. It is China that helped increase the value of Africa’s resources and energy, give African countries more funding for development, enhance their ability of self-development and give them greater say in international bargaining.




I then come to the three characteristics of China’s assistance to Africa and China-Africa cooperation. First of all, China’s assistance to Africa and China-Africa cooperation is all-rounded and comprehensive. It covers all African countries and all areas including development, peace, people’s wellbeing and security. Second, China believes in the old saying that rather than giving people fish, it is more important to share with them how to fish. We help improve Africa’s wellbeing and enhance their ability to develop by itself. Third, China honors every promise it has made, and will honestly complete, or even exceed, what we’ve promised. For example, we have completed all the measures promised by previous FOCAC meetings.


你从我的介绍也可以看出,中国对非援助和合作有以下三个特点:一、中国对非援助和合作是全方位的,覆盖非洲所有国家,涵盖发展、和平、民生、安全所有领域。二、我们不仅授人以鱼、而且授人以渔,帮助非洲改善民生,提高自我发展能力。三 、中国守信誉,承诺的事情一定会办到、一定会办好,比如,历届中非合作论坛中方承诺的事情都全部完成了。


Q: You’ve talked about the misunderstanding that people don’t understand what China is doing in Africa. Perhaps this is the fault of the media, the Western Media, they tends to be very critical about China in Africa. We have seen in the last couple of years the explosion of China media in Africa, and I went to many African countries and see many of my Chinese colleagues. I wonder if this is an effort, what we see the growth of CCTV and Xinhua in Africa, to counterbalance the criticism you’ve received from the Western media. To foster, perhaps better ties with African countries that have perhaps been influenced by Western media?




A: China and Africa enjoy a profound traditional friendship and good cooperation. Especially after we entered the 21st Century, and with the establishment of FOCAC, China and Africa has not only enhanced political relations, but also carried out fruitful cooperation in many other areas in economics and trade, agriculture, health and personnel training. The cooperation have achieved real results and brought real benefits to people of both China and Africa. We are all witness to these achievements and China-Africa relationship has become a good example of state-to-state relationship. However, for the development of China-Africa relationship, for China’s Africa policy and for the development and advancement of African countries, some media have not been objective, comprehensive and fair in doing their reports. Rather, they wear colored glasses and carry out biased and negative reports, smearing China-Africa relations and Africa. A question that many people with vision have been thinking about is that, if we are to bring China-Africa relationship to a higher level, we need to curb such subjective assumption and distorted interpretation, enhance mutual trust and clear misunderstandings. And I also believe that this is very important because it will help us make international media more democratic. All these years, China and Africa have enhanced exchanges and cooperation in media and we have had some achievements. But I don’t think it’s enough, and more needs to be done and there is still a long way to go. I hope some media could be more objective, comprehensive and fair in reporting China-Africa relationship and the real stories of the continent. This is the professionalism of media, the social responsibility of media, and also a way to show that they are responsible to their audience and readers.




Q: To achieve this goal, is it necessary for the government of China and some state-owned media to increase their investment in local-owned media organizations. I am thinking about the example of the recent investment of Independent Group by China Development Bank and CCTV’s investment part. Is this part of the government policy or is this just a commercial investment?




A: Just now I mentioned that people are all think about how to change the current situation, and some companies and media are also working to enhance cooperation. You mentioned CCTV. CCTV English news has been broadcasting in Africa and many African friends are understanding and knowing China through CCTV News. You many also know a private Chinese company doing business in South Africa, Star Times. Recently it has completed the business rescue of TopTV. It also has business in many other African countries. The benefits of their operation in Africa are that they have lowered the cost of African people. With fewer costs, they get more information. And it also boosted the media development of African countries. And may I correct you that the companies involved are China International Television Cooperation and CADFund, and some other Chinese and South African business partners.








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