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2014-5-26 02:17| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 90| 评论: 0|来自: 驻南非大使馆

摘要: H.E. Ambassador Tian Xuejun Is Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal

Q: We’ve seen these investments. Do you think they have made a difference in how the world viewing China’s investment in Africa? Since CCTV and other Chinese media are expanding in Africa, do you see the perception of China changing?




A: There are some changes, but still more needs to be done and there is a long way to go. The good part is that this has enabled African people and people around the world to have better, more objective and more comprehensive understanding of what’s going on. This offers the public and audience more choices, making the media more democratic.




Q: I want to touch on the economic and commercial aspect of China-Africa relations. One thing China did very well in the 1990s, when I was there, is the training of its workers, to bring the people off the farms into factories and to train them to give them skills. So you have a whole generation of nongmin became gongren. This is a very virtuous cycle of economic development, because you have people coming to cities and sending their salaries to their parents and relatives back in the countryside. Africa is struggling to industrialize. And people often complain about a skills gap that workers don’t have enough skills to compete with Asian countries, particularly China. And one of the criticisms of China in Africa is that it has brought a lot of workers over to its factories. When I sat with Ambassador ZHONG Jianhua, he said that was the past and he mentioned Hisense, not only opening factories but also training locals. I want to follow up and I am wondering it is only Hisense or there is a new emphasis that Chinese companies coming to Africa also finding ways to opening training centers?




A: This is a very important question. China-Africa cooperation is all-rounded and comprehensive, covers a wide range of areas. China and Africa are good friends, good partners, and good brothers. We sincerely wish for better developments for Africa. We ask ourselves, that are the most needed if Africa is to develop well? I think the following are of key importance: infrastructure construction, industrialization, rural development and human resources training. China and Africa have had much cooperation in these key areas. For example, in infrastructure construction, according to our preliminary statistics, around half of the infrastructure projects undergoing now in Africa are carried out by Chinese companies. We also have much cooperation in industrialization and rural development and I will not elaborate this time. I will mainly focus on the training area. I’ve mentioned that we believe that giving the fish is important, but what’s more important is to teach them how to fish. This is our policy, and we aim to enhance Africa’s ability to develop by itself. We therefore have a tailored plan to train Africa’s personnel. During the fifth FOCAC in 2012, we have proposed five key areas of assistance to and cooperation with Africa, one of which is the training of personnel. The FOCAC is held every 3 years and the next will be in South Africa next year. Just now I’ve mentioned from the period 2012-2015, we will help Africa train 30,000 personnel of different kinds and offer 18,000 government scholarships. As for South Africa, every year we provide more than 60 government scholarships, and organize seminars according to the requirements of South Africa, for example on the experience of running special economic zones and textile skills. We’ve set up agricultural technology demonstration centers in Bloemfontein in Free State to exchange skills and expertise on growing vegetables, promoting aquiculture and pursuing agricultural development. We’ve also sent agricultural professors to Kwazulu-Natal to set up mushroom research and farming center and benefited more than 50,000 local farmer households.


答:你的问题非常重要。中非合作是全方位的、立体的,中非是好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟。我们真诚希望非洲发展得越来越好。要想非洲发展得好,最需要什么?我认为有几个最关键的领域:基础设施、工业化、 农业发展和人力资源培训。中非在这些关键领域进行了很多合作。据不完全统计,非洲大陆目前近一半基础设施工程是中国公司承建。关于工业化和农业发展方面的合作我就不再展开了。我想重点谈一下人力资源培训合作。之前我也说到,我们的政策是“授人以鱼、更重要的是授人以渔”,帮助非洲国家提高自主发展能力。所以我们专门有一个帮助非洲进行人才培养的计划。2012年中非合作论坛第五届部长级会议上我们提出五大领域一系列新的合作政策,其中一个就是人才培养。因为合作论坛每三年一次,2015年第六届将在南非召开。在这三年里,我们要帮助非洲培养3万名各类人才,提供18000名政府奖学金。就南非而言,我们每年提供60多个政府奖学金,并且根据南非需求,我们为南非举办像经济特区经验培训班、纺织技能培训班等课程。在自由州建立了农业技术示范中心,来交流种植蔬菜、水产养殖、农业发展方面的技术技能。同时我们派了农学教授在夸祖鲁纳塔尔省建立蘑菇种植示范中心,有5万多户农民受益。在南非的中国企业在培训方面工作做得也有声有色,效果很好。


Chinese companies are also doing well in training their local staff. You’ve mentioned Hisense. It has not only set up an industrial park in Western Cape, but also a R&D and training center and has trained many locals. Chinese companies like Huawei and ZTE have both set up local training centers. The China South Rail got the contract of 95 locomotives. At the same time, it has been training local technicians and up to now more than 120 locals have completed the training. South Africa is also famous for production of diamond and jewelry. China is helping South Africa to train people in the jewelry industry and the first seminar has been completed last year.




I’m glad that you’ve noticed that Chinese companies in South Africa are pushing forward localization. Take Sinosteel for example. It has relatively large investment in South Africa and has long been operating in South Africa for more than 20 years. Among the current more than 4000 employees, only 15 management people are from China. The rest are all locals. The same with Hisense. The same with the Import & Export Bank of China and the Bank of China. Most of their employees are locals. Recently I had a meeting with the heads of Chinese companies in South Africa, and they all believe that localization is a good experience. The companies create local jobs, train local people, and do everything possible to pay back to local communities, contributing to social and economic development of South Africa. I was told that localization is really good for their business, because for local people, whether at the management level or being an ordinary worker, they know local situation and they make the company’s local business more smooth. Training is important to both Africa and China, and China is willing to share some of our good experience with African countries, and help Africa train more talent. However, training is only part of China-Africa cooperation. In the future, we will act according to the needs of African countries and people, and offer our assistance, and through this, bring the people from China and Africa together to realize our dreams .




Q: Just to clarify on the last part. Is the interaction between the Chinese government and Chinese companies more than an informal conversation? Does the Chinese government provide incentives, any policy incentives or tax incentives for Chinese companies to do training centers in South Africa and other African countries?




A: Training programs come in two categories. One is the training courses between governments. The other is the training of local staff by companies. The Chinese government hopes and supports companies to training the workers. Our policy is to help African people, to share with them “how to fish” to improve their ability of self-development.




Q: I want to also ask about Prime Minister Abe’s recent trip to Africa. It is a concern for China to have the Prime Minister here, someone that you object, and now trying to improve ties with African countries? Do you see it as a threat?




A: China and Africa are sincere friends, partners and good brothers. We sincerely wish for better developments of Africa. We hope China-Africa relationship can be even better, Africa’s relationship with other countries can be better, and we hope more countries could engage in greater efforts to benefit African countries and people, and do more things to promote economic and social development, safeguard peace and security and improve people’s wellbeing of Africa. I’ve noticed that Mr. Abe has made many promises during the visit. We will see how he implements all these measure. During his visit, Mr. Abe said that China assists Africa only for its market and resources. I think this is very unprofessional, and absurd. I’ll not elaborate as I’ve already shared with you many things about China-Africa cooperation.








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