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2014-6-11 13:12| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 4| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Interview with China Correspondent of The Hindu by Foreign Minister Wang Yi


Interview with China Correspondent of The Hindu by Foreign Minister Wang Yi




On 8 June, Foreign Minister Wang Yi gave an interview with Mr. Ananth Krishnan, the China Correspondent of The Hindu. The full text is as follows:




1. As a new government takes office in New Delhi, this will be the first high level visit from China to India. How does China view the future of working with the new government in Delhi under Prime Minister Modi?




Wang: I am very honored to visit India as the special envoy of President Xi Jinping shortly after the new government took office. I was here in this beautiful country many times, but this trip is different. It is a trip to convey messages and to get to know more friends. It is also a trip to cement our existing friendship and explore further cooperation.




India was a cradle of splendid ancient civilization, and I am glad to see this country gaining new vigor and vitality. Less than two weeks into office, the new Indian government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already shown to the world its resolve and courage in pushing forward reform and development, and its sincerity and enthusiasm in seeking friendship and cooperation with other countries. The international community, impressed by the great opportunities in India, is full of confidence in the future of the country.




As a friendly neighbor of India, China also takes the development of India as an opportunity. Being ancient Eastern civilizations at similar development stages, China and India are both pursuing the great dream of national renewal, dreams that are interconnected and mutually compatible. We have long been partners of cooperation, and we may well build closer partnership for development. My trip brings a most important message to the people of India – China stands by your side throughout your efforts of reform and development, and your pursuit of dreams. China is ready to work with our Indian friends for an even brighter future of our strategic and cooperative partnership.




2. How does Foreign Minister Wang view the overall status of the relationship, and can we look forward to a visit by President Xi Jinping to India later this year?




Wang: China-India relationship has entered the track of sound development since the beginning of the century. China is satisfied about the achievements in this relationship in recent years, and is full of confidence and expectation on the future of this relationship.




Our confidence comes from the strong efforts of our leaders on developing the bilateral relationship, which is the most important driving force behind it. Shortly after Prime Minister Modi took office, President Xi Jinping has instructed me to visit India as the special envoy, and Premier Li Keqiang has sent a congratulatory message to Prime Minister Modi and held a telephone conversation with him. President Xi Jinping is expected to pay an official visit to India within this year. All this gives full expression to the great sincerity and resolve of our leaders on enhancing political mutual trust and deepening mutually-beneficial cooperation between the two countries. I am confident that with the joint efforts of the new leaders in China and India, the bilateral relations will surely usher in a new era and reach a new height.




Our expectation comes from the enormous potential in our cooperation. China-India cooperation in the various areas has indeed made rapid progress since the beginning of the century. For example, bilateral trade volume has grown by over 20 times, mutual visits have increased nearly three-folds, and direct flights between the two countries was up from naught to 45 a week. However, given our 2.5 billion population, such cooperation is still far from the scale and level that it needs to be. Just like the emerging tip of a massive buried treasure that awaits your discovery, or a huge volcano that is preparing itself for a billowing eruption, much is to be expected from the cooperation between our two countries.




China-India relationship is the most dynamic and highly potential bilateral relationship in the 21st century. It is vital for China and India, two major forces in the process towards a multi-polar world, to achieve peaceful, cooperative and inclusive development. This will not only bring huge benefits to our two peoples, but also will contribute to peace in Asia and the world, and to addressing the development issue of mankind.




3. Are there any particular areas where Foreign Minister Wang sees room for new cooperation between China and India?




Wang: I believe that practical cooperation between China and India faces three important opportunities.




First, the opportunity of mutual complementarity. China and India, one being a global manufacturer and the other a major service provider, may complement each other well with their different economic strengths. Chinese enterprises, with their rich experience in infrastructure development and manufacturing, can contribute to India’s development in these areas, thus creating bright spots for cooperation. We also welcome more competitive companies from India to enter the Chinese market for opportunities in business cooperation. Moreover, our mutually-reinforcing cooperation is expected to grow in such areas as two-way investment, financial services and new and high technologies.




Second, the opportunity of economies of scale. The combined population of China and India, the largest and the second largest respectively, exceeds 1/3 of the world’s total. In addition to their vast land, diverse culture and diligent people, China and India are also seeing their economies on a fast-growth track. The complementarity and connection between our two economies will help unleash significant economies of scale, and produce the most competitive production basis, the most attractive consumer market, and the most powerful growth engine of the world.




Third, the opportunity of regional and global cooperation. China and India are both members of the BRICS and emerging economies. We are well-positioned and duty-bound to strengthen cooperation in promoting regional economic integration, increasing regional connectivity, facilitating global free trade, upholding energy and food security, and tackling climate change, and to make our contribution to the economic prosperity of Asia and the world.




I believe that as long as our two countries pursue the same dreams, align our strategies, connect our markets and strengthen people-to-people ties, the world will soon witness the joint national renewal of the two ancient civilizations of China and India, and an Asian century of prosperity and rejuvenation.






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