英语口译、笔译资料下载 中文版:中英踏上双赢之路.doc(非官方译本,参考自凤凰博报·智谷趋势) China
and Britain Are on a Winning Course 中英踏上双赢之路
By H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of
the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国总理
6 June 2014 2014年6月6日
Many countries have very high
expectations of China, some even to the extent of seeing China as a global
power. As the premier of China, I do have a good sense of where things stand.
Indeed, China has achieved a
quantum leap in its development, which is regarded as a remarkable success by
the international community. Thanks to the reform and opening-up process started
more than 30 years ago, China has substantially improved the livelihoods of its
people within a generation. Personally, I do recall vividly my experience of
poverty and hunger in my youth, having been sent to work as a farm boy. By
2013, China’s grain output had continuously increased over ten consecutive
years and basically met the food needs of the 1.3 billion Chinese. Feeding its
people has been considered as an issue "the size of Heaven" since
ancient times in China.
的确,中国的发展实现了量的飞跃,国际社会都视其为卓越的成就。30多年前开启的改革开放进程,让中国人民的生活水平在一代人之内得到大幅提升。我个人年少时曾被派往农村劳动,彼时贫穷和饥饿的记忆至今仍历历在目。到2013年,中国的粮食产量已连续10年增长,基本满足了13亿人口的粮食需求。自古以来,人民温饱在中国一直被视为 “天大”的事。
At the same time, China’s urbanisation
process is steadily advancing, with more than half of its people now living in
cities and towns. Nine-year free compulsory education is provided, covering 160
million students. A nationwide medical service network has been built, covering
all its urban and rural residents. The list can go on and on.
On the other hand, we should keep
in mind an old Chinese saying: "One should always be aware of the strength
of others and the shortcoming of oneself." China is far from achieving its
development goals. Measured by World Bank standards, more than 200 million
Chinese still live below the poverty line. Development is quite uneven between
urban and rural areas and among different regions, with the per capita GDP of
some inland provinces being just one third of the coastal region.
In the process of urbanisation,
China faces three pressing tasks, affecting 100 million people each: to help
100 million rural migrants enjoy resident status in cities and towns in eastern
China; to accommodate 100 million rural people as local residents in cities and
towns in central and western China, and to provide 100 million people living in
rundown areas in cities with decent housing. These undertakings have an impact
on 300 million people. It is indeed a most daunting challenge. A latecomer to
modernisation and weighed down by weak economic foundations, China lags far
behind the United Kingdom and other western countries in many areas. Its quest
for modernisation remains a long and arduous one. As premier, my highest
priority is to pursue modernisation through urbanisation and industrialisation.
China’s economy needs to grow at
a proper rate, expected to be around 7.5 per cent this year. It is slower than
the past, but normal. Given the size of China’s economy, its annual economic
increment is about one trillion US dollars. The growth rate in the first
quarter of 2014 was 7.4 per cent. Despite considerable downward pressure, China’s
economy is moving on a steady course. We will continue to make anticipatory and
moderate adjustments when necessary. We are well prepared to defuse various
risks. We are confident that this year’s growth target will be met.
Reform and opening up in the past
three decades have delivered better livelihoods for the Chinese people. And
reform and opening up remain key to realise modernisation. To achieve this
goal, we need to stay the course on market-orientated reform, energise the
market, motivate the people, bring out their ingenuity and open China still
wider to the outside world.
We will delegate power and create
more space to individuals and the private sector for economic activities, while
enforcing government regulations with tighter oversight, and imposing tougher
penalties on IPR infringement, environmental pollution and unfair competition.
This will give foreign investors the same level playing field and greater space
for development, just like their Chinese counterparts.
The United Kingdom is a great
country and an important partner of China. My visit has a threefold purpose:
first, to discuss ways to deepen co-operation in various fields and thus spur
the growth of our respective economies; second, to present the real China so as
to change misperceptions and ease misgivings; and third, to draw on British
perspectives and experience.
The United Kingdom has a strong
economy, dynamic financial sector, advanced science and technologies; and it
leads the world in energy conservation and environmental protection. China, for
its part, has a huge market, large foreign exchange reserves and a competitive
manufacturing sector. Drawing on our complementary strengths, there are many
areas for collaboration. We look forward to stronger co-operation in finance,
infrastructure construction, among others, and more robust exchanges in
research, education, and culture. We look forward to win-win engagements.
In the 20th century, after going
through the baptism of two world wars and a cold war, humankind has realised
that nothing is more valuable than peace. In today’s globalised environment,
nations can develop together in a peaceful manner. While the world continues to
face challenges and differences, we need to be steadfast in insisting on
addressing them through dialogue and consultation. Nothing can make us turn our
back on peace.
China is a beneficiary and a
contributor to peace. We appreciate fully the difficulty in building peace and
the greater difficulty in sustaining it. As a major country on the world stage,
China would dedicate itself to securing peace and co-operation. China is eager
to learn from other nations, will keep abreast of the trend of the times, will
actively engage in global dialogue, and will promote the 21st century as an era
of peace and co-operation.
中国受益于和平,也是世界和平的积极构建者。我们深知,创造和平是困难的,而维护和平更为艰难。中国作为世界舞台上的主要国家之一,将致力于捍卫和平与合作。中国迫切希望向别国学习,与时俱进,积极参与国际对话,并使21世纪成为和平与合作的时代。 |
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