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2014-12-7 16:06| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 23| 评论: 0|来自: 求是

摘要: On Deepening Economic Reform


On Deepening Economic Reform



Li Keqiang




Last year, the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) laid out strategic plans for the comprehensive deepening of reform in China. According to these plans, the emphasis of our efforts to comprehensively deepen reform will be placed on economic reform, wherein our core task will be to properly balance the relationship between the government and the market, so that the market can play the decisive role in the allocation of resources and the government can exert its role more effectively. Bearing in mind the fundamental reality that China is still in the primary stage of socialism, and will continue to be so for a considerable period of time to come, it is essential that we carry on orienting our reforms towards the socialist market economy, that we fully appreciate the importance and urgency of deepening economic reform, that we gain penetrating insight into the scientific connotations and inherent requirements of economic reform, and that we carry out our various reform initiatives in a solid and determined fashion. By making full use of economic reform as a driving force, we will promote the coordinated progression of reforms in various other areas, thereby generating strong synergy in reform.



I. Development must come through reform




China’s basic national conditions dictate that development still holds the key to solving all of China’s problems. Based on this realization, we must continue to regard economic development as our central task and make efforts to promote China’s sound and sustainable economic and social development. Fact has demonstrated that in order to achieve development, we must rely on reform.




Over the last 36 years, it has been reform that has allowed China to make achievements in economic and social development that have captivated the world. In this time, China has risen from the tenth largest economy in the world to the second largest; it has gone from being a low-income economy to an upper-middle income one; and it has witnessed remarkable enhancements in both its overall national strength and international standing. With a commitment to freeing our minds, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, and acting in a realistic and pragmatic manner, we have continually dismantled the constraints of the planned economy, gradually established and developed a socialist market economy, and promoted the sustained development of our economy and society during 36 years of reform. This journey can be described as a constant process of encountering and overcoming obstacles. Whenever we have come up against an unassailable institutional barrier – a “river” that cannot be crossed or a “mountain” that cannot be scaled – we have cleared the path in front of us and injected ourselves with new vigor through reform, revealing a new path when there was seemingly no way forwards. Some have said that China’s reform and opening up drive has been forced by necessity, and I believe that there is some truth in such an assertion. At the beginning of the reform and opening up drive, a group of farmers in Fengyang County, Anhui Province, agreed amongst themselves to split collective farmland on a per household basis, something that had never been done before. We may say that they were forced to do so by poverty and hunger. This one change to the system had a huge effect: with the same number of people and the same amount of farmland, the problem of hunger was quickly resolved. Showing respect for the public’s creativeness, the CPC quickly implemented similar reforms in rural areas throughout the entire country. This was followed by reforms in cities and other areas of the economy, which were hugely effective in liberating and developing China’s productive forces and which brought about major improvements to the people’s standards of living. These experiences have shown us that by relying on reform, resolutely tearing down the obstacles posed by irrational systems and mechanisms, and working constantly to release the dividends of reform, we will be able to unleash the limitless creativity that lies locked within our people. If we succeed in doing that, the industrious and intelligent Chinese people will be able to create enormous amounts of social wealth, and our country’s economic and social development will have the impetus to go on.




Over the past year, it has been reform that has allowed us to get the work of the new government off to a good start against the backdrop of complex circumstances. Last year, in the face of complex domestic and international situations, mounting downward pressure on economic growth, and numerous intertwined challenges, the Chinese economy not only averted a “hard landing,” but also began to show a trend of improvement amidst stability, demonstrating steady growth, increased employment, moderate price increases, and higher incomes. In addition to exceeding our own expectations, this stood out as a strong performance internationally. One of the most important factors contributing to this performance was reform. 




We engaged in major efforts to promote a range of reforms, particularly those involving the streamlining of administration and the scaling back of administrative power. Reform measures we took last year included the successive cancelation and delegation of 416 items previously subject to State Council approval; the revamping of the registration system for industry and commerce; the expansion of trials to replace business tax with value-added tax (VAT); the complete lifting of interest rate controls on loans; the revamping of the investment and financing system for railway construction; and the establishment of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Through these reform initiatives, and particularly by placing power in the hands of the market and the non-government sector, we were able to encourage investment and business startups in the non-government sector and boost the confidence of market entities. The streamlining of administration and the scaling back of administrative power to stimulate the vitality of the market was the key to achieving the steady improvement of our economy last year.




We actively adopted innovative approaches in macro-control. In line with the targets we set for ourselves at the beginning of last year, we clearly defined acceptable parameters for the operation of our economy in 2013, identifying a minimum acceptable level for economic growth and job creation on the one hand and a maximum acceptable level for inflation on the other. Provided that our economy remained within these parameters, we would focus our efforts on promoting reform, restructuring the economy, and boosting our capacity for endogenous growth. In the face of an extremely complicated and unpredictable economic situation, we resolved to stand firm and hold our ground, neither allowing ourselves to be carried away by a constantly fluctuating market, nor shifting our policies to suit different opinions. We were determined not to expand our fiscal deficit, and we resolved to neither loosen nor tighten our monetary policy. Even when we encountered short-term fluctuations in the money market, our response was calm and collected. But how did we respond to funding shortages? To overcome this problem, we did everything in our power to bring idle fiscal funds and monetary funds into play; we consolidated transfer payments and held down the general budgetary expenditure of government agencies and government-affiliated institutions; and we expanded the scope of trials for the securitization of credit assets. By doing so, we were able to tap the full potential of the funds available to us. At the same time, we explored numerous ways of utilizing additional funds that were newly created. By optimizing the structure of our fiscal spending and credit funds, we were able to channel funding towards areas that were crucial to securing economic growth and improving the wellbeing of the public. As a result, not only were we able to achieve more without spending more, but we even managed to undertake some major initiatives. 




We devoted major efforts to carrying out economic restructuring through reform. In a precision effort to optimize supply on the one side of the equation whilst improving demand on the other, we drew primarily on market forces backed by differentiated policies to support, guarantee, and advance certain sectors while controlling, scaling back, and withdrawing others. On the one hand, we engaged in major efforts to support the development of the service sector and emerging industries; promoted the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries; and worked actively to address the problem of serious excess production capacity in certain industries. On the other hand, we stepped up government investment in weak areas such as urban renewal, railway construction in central and western China, and urban infrastructure development. As a result of these efforts, the pace of our economic restructuring has picked up, and particularly pleasing developments have been seen in our demand, industrial, urban-rural, and regional structures. In 2013, consumption was responsible for 50% of China’s GDP, up 4.1 percentage points from the previous year; the service sector accounted for 46.1% of our GDP, surpassing the secondary industry for the first time; and grain output exceeded 600 million metric tons, increasing for the tenth consecutive year. At the same time, the economic growth of China’s central and western regions outpaced that of its eastern region, and rural incomes continued to grow at a faster rate than urban ones, signaling the further reduction of the urban-rural income gap. The initiatives we have taken in restructuring are not only driving our growth at present, but will also pave the way for development in the long term. 




Failing to plan for the long term will inevitably bring about trouble in the short term. Looking back now, if we had opted for short-term stimulus policies instead of turning to reform, that is, our three-way approach of streamlining administration and scaling back administrative power, adopting innovative approaches in macro-control, and carrying out economic restructuring, it is likely that last year would have played out very differently. Moreover, we would probably have created many difficulties for ourselves in the years ahead. Last year taught us that reform and innovation not only allow us to address the striking problems that we face in the short term, but also enable us to lay down a foundation for long-term development.




To achieve sustained and healthy economic development in the future, we must continue to rely on reform. China is still in the midst of an important period of strategic opportunity in which it may achieve a great deal. With the continued progression of new models of industrialization, IT application, urbanization, and agricultural modernization, we will find ourselves with ample space for development across different regions of China. This means that we have both the potential and the foundations to maintain a medium-high rate of economic growth for a period of time to come. However, we also need to be aware that China has entered a painful phase of economic restructuring, and a phase in which the country’s economic growth is undergoing a change of gear. In other words, we have come to a critical uphill stretch in our development. If we do not deepen reform, we will lose the momentum to keep on developing, and we may even risk falling into the “middle-income trap.” Therefore, we must advance reform with unbreakable resolve, resolutely remove the defects that are present in our systems and mechanisms, and promote the further liberation and development of productive forces. We must unleash the creativity and enthusiasm of millions upon millions of people, give full expression to our hidden strengths, and promote the steady development of our economy for years to come.




It is extremely important that we correctly balance the relationship between reform and the pace of economic growth. The right economic conditions are required before reform can be advanced. According to our experience, conditions for reform are not ideal when economic growth is too fast or too slow. When economic growth is too slow, employment inevitably becomes a problem. The corresponding slowdown in the growth of incomes and the improvement of public wellbeing becomes the cause of public dissatisfaction, which in turn becomes an obstacle to the progression of reform. When economic growth is too fast, however, various economic relationships become overstretched. This overly rapid growth gives rise to inflation, becomes an obstacle to economic restructuring, and even hinders reform. This is the reason why we must take resolute steps to rectify the tendency to gauge government performance solely on the basis of growth speed. Rather than pursue speed alone, we must strive to maintain genuine growth that is reasonably paced, high in quality and efficiency, and of benefit to our initiatives in environmental protection. Reform may be regarded as a driving force for development, being mostly conducive to economic growth. For this reason, we need to better link reform and development in the future, ensuring that the two are able to support, complement, and mutually reinforce each other.






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