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2014-12-7 16:06| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 24| 评论: 0|来自: 求是

摘要: On Deepening Economic Reform


II. Reform requires both courage and wisdom




Now that we have entered the “deep-end” of reform, a stage in which we must tackle many difficult challenges, most of the reforms that we are left with can be described as major and highly sensitive issues. Many of these issues touch on deep-seated social problems, and resolving them will inevitably require adjustments to the current balance of interests. As extremely tough issues to tackle, some of these reforms have already been stalled for a number of years, despite our intentions to press ahead with them. At the same time, profound changes have taken place in the domestic and international environments, with numerous problems becoming intertwined as different demands collide with one another. We may say that the opportunities for reform are unprecedented, but it is also true that the complexity, difficulty, risks, and challenges of reform are unprecedented, too. Then, how should we respond to such a situation? The fact of the matter is that we have no choice. This is because the deep-seated problems we are now encountering are already posing a formidable obstacle to our economic and social development, and this obstacle cannot be evaded, circumnavigated, or ignored. If we do not implement reform, we will have no way of moving forwards; and if we are slow to act on reform, we will miss an important window of opportunity, and the price we pay in the future will be greater as a result. Therefore, with a keen awareness of our historical mission and responsibility, we must advance reform with the determination and courage to take the knife to our own flesh where necessary. Where we encounter illegitimate vested interests, we must act resolutely and without misgiving to rebalance them or root them out as necessary. Moreover, we must employ calculated strategies and approaches, read the situation as it develops, adapt to changes, wait for the right moment to act, and seize the initiative firmly in our own hands, so as to mount a successful reform campaign. 




Reform requires concerted efforts. We have a saying that those who share a common desire are sure to be victorious. We are all familiar with the story of how Han Xin, the great Han Dynasty general, inspired his soldiers to fight with extra ferocity by intentionally cutting their escape route and leaving them with no choice but to fight. At that time, Han Xin had been ordered to attack the state of Zhao. But his poorly trained troops were no match for a strong enemy that outnumbered them by more than ten-to-one. To encourage his soldiers to fight to the death, Han Xin formed his ranks on the bank of a river, leaving no escape route. With no choice but to fight for their own lives, each of Han Xin’s soldiers fought with the ferocity of ten enemy soldiers. In the end, Han Xin’s army scored a major victory against the army of Zhao. This story tells us that victory will be within our reach as long as we share the same purpose and have the courage to fight. Therefore, in advancing reform, it is essential that we share a common purpose. Most importantly, leading officials at all levels are required to set an example for everybody else to follow. Talking the talk is much less desirable than walking the walk, as the people will have faith only when the leaders have resolve. Therefore, leading officials at all levels must plan and promote reform with the initiative to take charge, the sense of responsibility to seize the moment, and the courage to innovate and do what nobody else has done before. At the same time, leading officials must make the importance and urgency of reform known to the public, enabling everyone to truly understand that reform, an issue that has a bearing on China’s future and its destiny, is closely related to each and every member of society. This will help us to ensure that reform is underpinned by the widest and deepest possible social foundation. As long as the people understand, support, and devote themselves to reform, there is no doubt that we will be able to advance reform effectively and successfully.




Reform requires sound planning and execution. An important aspect of sound planning and execution will be maintaining a combined approach of strengthening top-level design and “feeling out the stones to cross the river.” At our current stage of reform, it is indeed true that we must engage in top-level design to ensure that reform proceeds in the right direction and that major errors are not made in key and critical areas. Having gained substantial experience through our initiatives and explorations in reform over the years, we are now in a good position to engage in top-level design. With the overall strategic picture in mind, we must meticulously carry out top-level design and overall planning, advancing reform in a comprehensive and integrated fashion by matching and linking various different reform initiatives. However, we also need to be aware that top-level design alone is not enough. This is due not only to China’s sheer size and its huge regional variation, but also to the inherent complexity of a phase of reform in which so many things are difficult to predict in advance. For this reason, we must “feel out the stones to cross the river,” building up experience as we plot the route ahead. In the case of major reforms where breakthroughs are needed but we are unsure on how to proceed for this moment, we should encourage localities with the right conditions to engage in preliminary trials, or engage in explorations in our experimental reform zones. Where successful, these reform trials should be promptly replicated on a wider scale; where problems occur, remedial action should be promptly taken to limit the resulting risks and impacts to a local scale. This constitutes an effective means of advancing reform in an active yet prudent manner. In other words, we must be able to walk steadily before we can expect to walk quickly and gracefully. Therefore, it is important that we remain committed to engaging in trials and replicating successful practices gradually; to carrying out reform in a progressive and incremental fashion; and to piecing together small initiatives into major undertakings, so as to ultimately achieve success in reform.



III. Reform must benefit the people




In setting out to comprehensively deepen reform, we must regard promoting social equity and justice and improving the people’s wellbeing as the fundamental purpose of our initiatives. This purpose is dictated by the inherent requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics and by the tenets and nature of the Party and the government. It is the key to whether our reforms succeed or fail. Reforms that do not allow the people to benefit are meaningless, and they will not be supported by the people. When we speak of allowing the people to benefit, what we are saying is that we must promote equal rights, equal opportunities, and fair rules, so that all people can benefit more fairly and more thoroughly from the fruits of development.




In the past, our reforms were able to spread like wildfire, going deeper and deeper one step at a time. Fundamentally speaking, this was possible because they presented the people with very tangible benefits, and because they brought opportunities for equal participation and development, which allowed them to win the widespread support of the people. The same may be said of the reform initiatives that we have been carrying out in various areas since last year, which have progressed smoothly and yielded sound results. While the external conditions and focal points of our reforms will change in the future, their purpose of benefiting the people will not and cannot change. Reform not only represents our most important source of impetus for development; it is also our single greatest dividend contributor. By establishing fair and effective systems and mechanisms, we will ensure that the dividends of reform and the fruits of development are shared among the people. Admittedly, there are still numerous irrationalities in the way that interests are distributed in China, and adjustments must be made in this regard. However, we cannot view this balance of interests in static terms alone, simply redistributing the “pie” we already have within the existing framework of interests; rather, we need to adopt a dynamic and developmental approach, placing our focus on creating more and making the “pie” bigger whilst trying to divide it more fairly. Even when we are making adjustments to the existing balance of interests, we cannot simply adopt the egalitarian approach of dividing everything out evenly. Firstly, we need to safeguard the interests of impoverished and low-income groups, allowing them to obtain more opportunities from reform; secondly, we must facilitate the gradual expansion of middle-income earners, giving them more space in which to develop; and thirdly, we need to protect the legitimate interests of high-income earners, providing them with a better environment for development, one in which they are given free rein to invest and launch business ventures. We must allow each group in our society to tap their full potential and find their rightful place; unleash the vitality of all labor, knowledge, technology, managerial expertise, and capital; and give full play to all sources of social wealth. By doing so, we will be able to bring about a situation in which all social strata and all interested parties participate widely in and support reform. China’s GDP per capita is currently almost US$ 6,800. With the right approach to reform and development, it will exceed US$ 10,000 by the year 2020, and will continue to grow after that. With development and growth, there is still a great deal we can do to straighten out and optimize the balance of interests. Accordingly, there is still a great deal we can do to universally benefit the people.





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