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2014-12-7 16:06| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 25| 评论: 0|来自: 求是

摘要: On Deepening Economic Reform


IV. The transformation of government functions must be accelerated




Many of China’s problems in economic and social development are closely related to the role that the government plays and the mode of management that it adopts. Without adjusting the functions of the government, it will be difficult to promote reform in other areas. In addition to being the organizer and implementer of reform, the government is also an object of reform, and must therefore introduce reforms that are targeted towards itself. A government that is content with the status quo, that has too many misgivings about reform, and that is overly hesitant to carry out reform will end up becoming an actual obstacle to reform. When this government came into office last year, the first task we set ourselves was to accelerate the transformation of government functions, to be achieved by streamlining administration, scaling back power, loosening restrictions, and strengthening regulation. In essence, this can be regarded as an attempt by the government to reform itself. Going forwards, we must continue to promote the transformation of government functions, refine management systems and operation mechanisms, and straighten out the relationships between the government and the market, between the government sector and the non-government sector, and between the central government and local governments. By gradually defining the powers of each level of government in the form of a list of powers and ensuring that the government performs its duties correctly and in full, we will build a clean and innovative government that conducts itself in accordance with the law.




First, we must continue to cancel and delegate items subject to government approval. This government has promised to cut the number of items subject to government approval by more than 1/3 during its tenure, and we must ensure that this target is met. First and foremost, we must aim to do a thorough job in the cancellation of items subject to government approval, so as to place power in the hands of the market wherever possible. This requires that we conduct a thorough review of all approval items that are not stipulated in law, cancelling all items that are deemed unnecessary. In cases where government approval is deemed necessary, the items in question need to be lawfully readjusted as government approval items. In the future, items that are not stipulated in law will no longer require government approval. In addition, we need to carry on advancing the comprehensive reform of the registration system for industry and commerce. In an effort to better facilitate companies in doing business and citizens in launching their own business ventures, we will adopt a series of new reform measures. These will include reversing the relationship between business licenses and administrative permits, so that companies are able to obtain a business license before receiving an administrative permit for their area of business; revamping our registered capital system to replace the capital paid-in system with a capital subscription system; and cancelling annual inspections of companies in favor of annual disclosures.




Second, all items that remain subject to government review and approval must be disclosed to the public. The public disclosure of government affairs will have the combined effects of boosting the reform of the government approval system and constraining the review and approval activities of the government. All departments will be required to promptly make public a full list of all items still subject to their approval, and will not be permitted to impose government reviews on any item not found on that list. More importantly, government departments will not be permitted to establish any new items for review and approval. In fact, this represents a transition to a mode of management that is based around a negative list. In other words, the government will produce a clear list of all activities that are prohibited or restricted, and any item not found on that list will be deemed permissible by default. To invest and do business in these permitted areas, companies will simply be required to go through the legally prescribed registration formalities. 




Third, we need to strengthen and improve government regulation. By no means does streamlining administration and scaling back administrative power mean that we will leave the market entirely to its own devices. As we are placing power in the hands of the market, it is also essential that we step up government regulation of market activities. Specifically, we need to further enhance our ongoing and ex post regulation and further refine the concrete measures that we adopt in our regulatory activities. During the transformation of government functions and the reform of government organizations, local governments are required to identify the enhancement of market regulation as their number one priority, establish a regulatory network with the sufficient reach and depth, and develop scientific and effective mechanisms for regulation. It is often the case that local governments are lax in their regulatory activities until something goes wrong, when their typical response is to implement a “crackdown” or a “large-scale inspection.” The problem is the underlying issues are never properly resolved. Therefore, it is essential that we institutionalize, standardize, and normalize the regulatory activities of the government. In doing so, we must work quickly to establish effective systems pertaining to the carrying out of spot-checks, the assignment of liability, and the formulation of a register of abnormal business activities and the establishment of a black list. By dealing out stern punishments to wrongdoers, we will make an example of those who act in violation of laws and regulations. 



V. The reform of our fiscal and taxation system needs to be deepened




A sound fiscal and taxation system is an institutional necessity if we are to optimize the allocation of resources, safeguard a unified market, promote social fairness, and ensure the enduring peace and stability of the country. China’s current fiscal and taxation system was gradually developed on the basis of the fiscal and taxation reforms that we carried out in 1994, which saw the introduction of a system for the sharing of fiscal revenue between the central government and local governments. In recent years, fiscal revenues have increased by a considerable margin, affording the government significantly enhanced capabilities in macro-control. However, as conditions have changed, it has become increasingly evident that our current fiscal and taxation system is no longer suitable and no longer adequate. It is therefore essential that we carry out reform.




First, we need to promote budget transparency. Given that the government’s revenue comes from the people, the public have the right to monitor how, where, and to what effect this money is spent. For many years, problems such as a lack of uniform standards for the use of fiscal funds, low efficiency in the use of funds, and a tendency for funds to be left idle have been present in China. At the same time, some local governments have not been sufficiently constrained in their debt financing activities. All the above problems are attributable to a lack of budget transparency and insufficient monitoring and inspection. Therefore, it is important that we promote greater budget transparency. These efforts will involve the following aspects. Firstly, we need to expand the scope of budget disclosures to the public. All levels of government will be required to make their budgets and final accounts available to the public, including, above all, all spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality using public funds. In addition to budgets for public spending, budgets pertaining to government-managed funds, state capital operations, and social insurance funds also need to be further made public. Moreover, in the interests of transparency, transfer payments taking place at all levels will be progressively disclosed to the public. Secondly, we need to make our budget disclosures more detailed. In addition to making public the basic expenditure and project expenditure of departmental budgets at the soonest possible juncture, we need to improve the way that the revenue and expenditure budgets of the government are itemized, making clear which items are to be made public, providing the right level of detail, and setting out budget disclosures clearly so that they can be understood by the public and monitored by society. Thirdly, we need to enhance monitoring and inspection of budget disclosures and establish the relevant accountability mechanisms. Through the above efforts to increase transparency, strengthen monitoring, and enhance constraints, we will make the process of budget preparation and execution more transparent, ensure that fiscal funds are used more effectively, and limit the chances of influence peddling and other forms of corruption. 




Second, we need to further advance the reform of our taxation system. At present, the focus of our taxation reforms is the replacement of business tax with value-added tax. However, this reform is not a simple matter of switching from one tax form to another; more importantly, it is an opportunity to eliminate instances of double taxation, lighten the burden on businesses, and promote the transformation of our industries, the development of the service sector, and the creation of new business models. Viewed systematically, there are still five steps to be taken in the replacement of business tax with VAT. They are as follows: step one, we will continue with efforts to replace business tax with VAT over a wider scope of sectors in 2014; step two, we will essentially replace business tax with VAT in all sectors in 2015; step three, we will make further refinements to our system of VAT; step four, we will refine systems for the sharing of VAT revenue between the central government and local governments; and step five, we will enact legislation regarding VAT. This year, our efforts need to be devoted to carrying out step one. In addition to railway transportation and postal services, which have already been confirmed for the switch from business tax to VAT, we will bring the telecommunications sector under the coverage of VAT this year. In addition to the above, we need to replace various administrative fees with taxes, advance the reform of excise and resource taxes, and accelerate the pace of legislation on environmental tax, so as to carry on lightening the burden of taxes and fees on small and micro businesses. 




Third, we need to clearly define the powers and spending obligations of different levels of government. For many years, the division of powers and spending obligations between the central government and local governments, and between local governments at different levels, has been unclear, irrational, and unstandardized. Generally speaking, the central government is still performing a number of roles that it need not perform and cannot effectively perform. Last year, we launched comprehensive and coordinated trial reforms for the development of modernized agriculture in the Sanjiang and Songnen plains of Heilongjiang Province. An important aspect of these reforms has been the delegation of the central government’s approval powers with regard to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. Accordingly, all funding for rural initiatives is now transferred directly to the provincial government for overall management. Once a sufficient amount of experience has been gained, we will not only implement these reforms on a national scale, but also apply them to other areas, thereby delegating responsibilities and financial powers that the central government is not equipped to exercise effectively. Of course, there are cases where the powers and spending obligations of the central government will need to be enhanced. Through the implementation of reform, we need to further develop a system in which powers match spending obligations. While maintaining the overall balance in fiscal revenue between the central government and local governments, we will gradually straighten out the sharing of revenue between the central government and local governments, ensure that the central government and local governments assume their respective roles and responsibilities in a coordinated fashion, and seek to maximize the overall effectiveness of government administration. 





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