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2014-12-7 16:06| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 27| 评论: 0|来自: 求是

摘要: On Deepening Economic Reform


VIII. A focus needs to be placed on promoting economic restructuring through reform




China has now entered a critical stage of development in which the continuation of economic development will only be possible through economic restructuring and the transformation of the country’s economic growth model. To promote the restructuring of our economy, we must and can only rely on reform. In fact, in a certain sense, relying on reform to achieve economic restructuring is in itself a kind of reform. The problem with China’s economic structure lies in the distorted and rigid allocation of resources as a result of irrational systems and mechanisms. Therefore, in carrying out economic restructuring, our focus must be placed on reforming irrational structures within our economy. Only by reforming irrational systems and mechanisms and allowing the market to play the decisive role in resource allocation will we be able to fundamentally address the problems in our economic structure and gain genuine results in reform. If we continue to rely on old methods, that is, to promote restructuring primarily through administrative means, our economic restructuring is sure to be arduous, slow, and poor in effect, and may even see progress being gained and lost in a repeated fashion. This has already been demonstrated by our experiences in the past. Going forwards, the focus of our efforts to promote economic restructuring must be placed on market-based reform. Specifically, by allowing the market to play the decisive role in the allocation of resources, enabling the government to play its role more effectively, developing new systems and mechanisms, and enhancing policy guidance, we will make the transition from extensive to intensive growth, climb towards the middle and high-end of the international division of labor, and make progress towards achieving balanced development between urban and rural areas and among different regions, so as to realize development that is more efficient, more equitable, and more sustainable. In order to ensure that economic restructuring is driven predominantly by reform and innovation, we should introduce specifically tailored reform measures and differentiated policies for each respective area and aspect of restructuring. 




First, we need to establish long-term mechanisms to promote the growth of domestic demand. China’s greatest source of untapped potential for the realization of sustainable development lies in domestic demand. Thus, our commitment to making domestic demand the primary engine for economic growth reflects a major structural readjustment in itself. In a bid to constantly boost domestic demand as a driving force for growth, we need to give full play to the fundamental role of consumption and fully exert the crucial role of investment. We need to make promoting consumption, especially consumer spending, the focus of our efforts to boost domestic demand. In doing so, we should exert ourselves in three areas: first, we must deepen the reform of income distribution and adopt multiple measures to promote the growth of incomes in urban and rural areas, so as to address the lack of disposable income among consumers; second, we must make further improvements to our social safety nets, so as to address the worries that consumers have with regard to spending their disposable income; and third, we must create a better environment for consumption and foster new growth areas in consumption, so as to address the unwillingness of consumers to spend their disposable income and the lack of opportunities to spend. Through these efforts, we will release more effective demand. We need to vigorously promote the development of service-related consumption, encourage non-government investment in health care, education, and care for the elderly, and facilitate the provision of a wider range of products and services. We need to advance the reform of systems for the domestic circulation of goods, abolish various unreasonable regulations and systems that hinder consumption, rectify and standardize market practices, crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit, fake, and shoddy goods, and establish a legally-regulated environment for business. At the same time, we also need to develop new forms of commerce that boast huge potential for development, such as the sale of goods and services over the Internet. In addition to the above, we must continue to develop new and innovative systems and mechanisms for investment and financing, promote greater diversity in investors, and accelerate the implementation of uniform market access requirements, so as to further unleash the potential of non-government investment and promote the reasonable growth of fixed assets.




Second, we need to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas under coordinated planning. The dualistic urban-rural structure is both a key manifestation and an important cause of China’s irrational economic structure. In setting out to address the dualistic urban-rural structure, it is essential that we establish a range of systems and mechanisms to facilitate the integrated development of urban and rural areas. In doing so, we need to allow farmers to realize their potential by giving them free rein to enter the market, so as to create a new situation in which the modernization of agriculture and our new type of urbanization complement and reinforce each other. With regard to promoting the development of systems for modern agriculture, we mainly need to take the following steps: first, on the basis of upholding and improving our basic rural operational system, we must accelerate our initiatives to determine, register, and certify rights to contracted farmland, encourage the transfer of the rights to use contracted land, and develop agricultural operations of a moderate scale; second, we need to improve mechanisms for the pricing of farm products, and launch trials for the target price subsidization of soybeans and cotton; and third, we need to improve policies on agricultural subsidies and promote the intensive and sustainable development of agriculture. With regard to promoting the development of systems and mechanisms for a new type of urbanization, we mainly need to take the following steps: first, we need to accelerate the reform of our household registration system and introduce differentiated polices on the integration of rural migrant workers into cities as permanent urban residents; second, we need to introduce residency permits for the floating population and establish mechanisms to tie the provision of basic public services to permit holders’ length of residence; and third, we need to carry out reform trials pertaining to various aspects of our new type of urbanization, such as cost-sharing mechanisms for the integration of rural residents into cities as permanent urban residents and diverse investment and financing mechanisms to support urbanization on a sustainable basis.




Third, we need to establish mechanisms to promote balanced regional development. Addressing the problem of imbalanced regional development not only represents one of our major goals in economic restructuring, but also constitutes a major approach to unleashing our huge potential for development. The key to addressing unbalanced regional development lies in the establishment of effective growth-promotion mechanisms. Working on the basis of our existing regional development strategy, which consists of vigorously developing western China, revitalizing the old industrial bases of northeast China, spurring the rise of central China, and supporting the spearhead development of eastern China, we need to plot out an overall layout for China’s regional development that extends from eastern regions to western regions and from coastal regions to inland regions. Specifically, by fostering new regional economic development belts and new growth poles along the routes of major rivers and land transportation arteries, we will establish a new layout for China’s economic development that stretches from east to west in a cascade fashion. This will help us to achieve balanced and coordinated development across different regions. We also need to establish a new economic development belt along the Yangtze River, and accelerate the planning of other new economic development belts. We need to promote economic integration in the Yangtze River Delta, deepen regional economic cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta, and enhance coordinated development in the Bohai Rim and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. To achieve this, we must eliminate market barriers, local blockades, and administrative monopolies, and rely on both market forces and differentiated regional policies to promote the formation of a unified market in which fair competition can take place. In addition, we need to establish diverse mechanisms for investment and financing, support the development of large scale transit and circulation across regions, and develop a new inter-linking network of infrastructure. With regard to development across regions, within subregions, and in new economic development belts, we need to enhance the precision of our differentiated policies and promote the achievement of universal standards in the provision of basic public services.




Fourth, we need to drive the optimization and upgrading of our industrial structure through innovation. The impetus for the restructuring of our industries will come from innovation. By taking innovation as a driving force and supporting it with differentiated industrial policies, we will promote the advance of certain industries while urging the withdrawal of others, so as to push China towards the middle and the high-end of the international value chain. We will continue to draw on market competition to encourage the survival of the fittest, facilitate companies in engaging in mergers and reorganizations, and enhance standards pertaining to environmental protection, safety, energy consumption, and land use. We will straighten out various preferential policies, urge the exit of backward and excess production capacity, and impose strict controls on the increase of such production capacity. We will urge companies to accelerate their technological upgrading, and promote the upgrading of our traditional industries. At the same time, we need to establish new platforms for innovation, launch trials for regional clustering of specific industries, and promote the development of emerging industries of strategic significance. The service sector represents a weak area in China’s industrial structure. For this reason, we must promote the accelerated development of our service sector directly through reform and indirectly through opening up. In doing so, our key areas of focus will be extending the coverage of VAT to cover all aspects of production and services; promoting the orderly opening up of service industries such as finance, education, culture, sports, health care, and elderly care; and easing restrictions on the entry of foreign capital into these industries. The role of technological advances as both a supporting foundation and driving force for the development and restructuring of industry is becoming increasingly evident. Therefore, through the establishment of effective mechanisms, we must boost the core role of enterprises in technological innovation, fully motivate those engaged in scientific research, and forge close ties between technology and industry. With a commitment to constantly deepening reform, we will drive the transformation of China’s economic growth model, promote the restructuring of its economy, and raise the quality and efficiency of its economic development.




Economic reform is an arduous yet hugely significant task. Rallying closely around the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as General Secretary, we must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide, forge ahead with determination, tackle challenges head-on, commit ourselves to our various tasks in deepening economic reform, and promote the sustained and healthy development of our economy and society. In doing so, we will work tirelessly to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, establish a modern socialist country that is strong, prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious, and realize the Chinese Dream – the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.






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