中文版:实现中国梦必须走中国道路.doc 实现中国梦必须走中国道路 To
Realize the Chinese Dream, We Must Follow the Chinese Path
Socialism with Chinese
characteristics embodies the ideals and explorations of several generations of
Chinese Communists, the aspirations and expectations of countless people with
lofty ideals, the struggles and sacrifices of innumerable revolutionary
martyrs, and the endeavors of people of all China’s ethnic groups. It is the
inevitable path China’s social development took in modern times, and it is the
choice of both history and the people. The great praxis of socialism with
Chinese characteristics has not only made our country develop rapidly, our
people’s living standards improve quickly and the Chinese nation make great
strides in catching up with contemporary trends and in creating bright prospects
for its great rejuvenation, but has also made it possible for the Chinese
people and nation to make a major contribution to world peace and development.
Facts incontrovertibly prove that if we are to develop China, maintain its
stability, finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,
accelerate socialist modernization, and achieve the great rejuvenation of the
Chinese nation, we must unswervingly uphold and develop socialism with Chinese
——《全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神要突出抓好六个方面工作》(2012年11月15日),《求是》杂志2013年第1期 – Excerpt from “The Six Areas of
Work We Must Focus on to Fully Implement the Guiding Principles of the
Eighteenth National Party Congress” (November 15, 2012), published in the
journal Qiushi, No. 1, 2013
Experience fully confirms that
socialism with Chinese characteristics is a banner of the unity, progress, and
success of the CPC and the Chinese people. We must always hold high this great
banner and unwaveringly adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese
characteristics in order to finish building a moderately prosperous society in
all respects, accelerate socialist modernization, and achieve the great
rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
——《紧紧围绕坚持和发展中国特色社会主义学习宣传贯彻党的十八大精神》(2012年11月17日),《人民日报》2012年11月19日 – Excerpts from “Focusing on
Adhering to and Developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Studying,
Propagating and Implementing the Guiding Principles of the Eighteenth National
Party Congress” (November 17, 2012), published in the People’s Daily on November 19, 2012
The path of socialism with
Chinese characteristics is the only way to achieve China’s socialist
modernization and create a better life for the people. This path both takes
economic development as the central task and comprehensively advances economic,
political, cultural, social, and ecological progress as well as other aspects
of progress; adheres to both the Four Cardinal Principles and the reform and
opening up policy; and seeks both to further release and develop the productive
forces, and to progressively achieve prosperity for all and promote
well-rounded development of everyone.
——《紧紧围绕坚持和发展中国特色社会主义学习宣传贯彻党的十八大精神》(2012年11月17日),《人民日报》2012年11月19日 – Excerpts from “Focusing on
Adhering to and Developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Studying,
Propagating and Implementing the Guiding Principles of the Eighteenth National
Party Congress” (November 17, 2012), published in the People’s Daily on November 19, 2012
Orientation determines the path,
and the path determines destiny. What is most important for the great success
of China’s reform and opening up is that we take the Party’s basic line as the
lifeline of the Party and country. In building socialism with Chinese
characteristics, we have always integrated keeping economic development as the
central task with adhering to the two basic points of upholding the Four
Cardinal Principles and carrying out reform and opening up. We have rejected
both the old and rigid closed-door policy and any attempt to abandon socialism
and take an erroneous path.
——《在十八届中央政治局第二次集体学习时的讲话》(2012年12月31日) – Excerpt from a speech at the
Second Group Study Session of the Political Bureau of the Eighteenth CPC
Central Committee, December 31, 2012
Socialism with Chinese characteristics
is the fundamental achievement of the Party and the people’s 90-plus years of
struggle, creation and accumulation and the fundamental crystallization of more
than 30 years of reform and opening up. It encapsulates the dream of realizing
the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the most fundamental dream of the
Chinese people throughout modern times, and embodies humanity’s yearning for
and tireless exploration of socialism in the modern age.
——《在新进中央委员会的委员、候补委员学习贯彻党的十八大精神研讨班上的讲话》(2013年1月5日) – Excerpts from a speech at a
seminar for new members and alternative members of the CPC Central Committee on
the study and implementation of the guiding principles of the Eighteenth
National Party Congress, January 5, 2013
We firmly believe that as
socialism with Chinese characteristics constantly develops, our system will
certainly mature, the superiority of China’s socialist system will surely
become more evident, our path will inevitably become wider and the influence of
China’s development path on the world will constantly increase. We must have
such confidence in our path, theory and system to truly measure up to these
famous lines: “In spite of all beats, it stands still, not bending low. Whether
from east, west, south or north the wind does blow.”
——《在新进中央委员会的委员、候补委员学习贯彻党的十八大精神研讨班上的讲话》(2013年1月5日) – Excerpts from a speech at a
seminar for new members and alternative members of the CPC Central Committee on
the study and implementation of the guiding principles of the Eighteenth
National Party Congress, January 5, 2013
China must take its own path to
realize the Chinese Dream. This is the path of socialism with Chinese
characteristics. This hard-won path came from more than 30 years of great
experience in reform and opening up, continuous explorations in the 60-plus years
of the People’s Republic of China, a thorough review of the Chinese nation’s
development in its 170-plus-year modern history, and the inheritance of Chinese
civilization through more than 5,000 years. This path is deeply rooted in
history and broadly based on China’s present realities. The Chinese nation has
extraordinary creativity with which it has created our great Chinese
civilization, and we can also expand and continue on the development path
suitable to China’s own conditions. The people of all ethnic groups throughout
the country must strengthen their confidence in the theory, path and system of
socialism with Chinese characteristics and steadfastly and courageously forge
ahead along the correct Chinese path.
——《在第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议上的讲话》(2013年3月17日),《人民日报》2013年3月18日 – Excerpt from a speech at the
First Session of the Twelfth NPC, March 17, 2013, published in the People’s Daily on March 18, 2013
To realize the Chinese Dream, we
must adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have
taken this path for over 30 years now, and history has shown us that this
correct path suits China’s national conditions, enriches its people, and
strengthens the country. We will unswervingly continue down this path.
——在接受拉美三国媒体联合采访时的答问(2013年5月),《人民日报》2013年6月1日 |
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