法文版:世界气象日致辞(法文).doc 中文版:世界气象日致辞.doc Message
on World Meteorological Day 世界气象日致辞
23 March 2015 2015年3月23日
Extreme weather and changing
climatic patterns are having a growing impact on our planet and on human
well-being. In the last three decades,
floods, storm surges, droughts and wildfires have taken a huge toll in lives
and caused massive economic losses. The
devastation caused by Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu and other parts of Oceania is just
the latest example of how catastrophic weather extremes can be.
Climate change is increasing the
intensity and frequency of these extremes and threatening water and food
security in many parts of the world.
Mitigating climate change and adapting to it are among the great tests of
our time. To rise to these challenges,
we will need timely, reliable information for decision-making and action,
delivered to those who need it, in a form that is accessible and usable.
Over the last twelve months,
thousands of lives have been saved in India, the Philippines and elsewhere by
improved weather forecasting, early-warning systems and evacuation plans. Information products and services based on
climate predictions can assist in strengthening climate resilience. This is the aim of the Global Framework for Climate Services, initiated by the World
Meteorological Organization with other United Nations partners to facilitate
the use of climate information to reduce disaster risk, promote food and water
security, and safeguard public health.
Last week, Sendai, Japan, hosted
the Third United Nations Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction – the first
milestone in a critical year of action on sustainable development. In July, the world will gather in Addis Ababa
to discuss financing for development.
Leaders will hold a summit in New York in September to adopt a new
development agenda, including a set of sustainable development goals to guide
us through 2030. We aim to close out the
year in Paris in December with a meaningful, universal climate agreement. 上周,日本仙台市主办了第三次联合国减少灾害风险大会。这是今年这个可持续发展行动重要年度的第一个里程碑。今年7月,各国将齐聚亚的斯亚贝巴,讨论发展筹资问题。9月,世界领导人将在纽约举行首脑会议,通过新发展议程,包括一套可持续发展目标,指导我们从现在到2030年的工作。我们的年末目标是12月在巴黎达成有意义的、普遍加入的气候协定。
Climate resilience is an important
thread that runs through this year of decision-making on our future
well-being. On World Meteorological Day,
I urge all actors in society to heed this central message. Armed with knowledge, we can overcome the
climate challenge and create safer, more prosperous societies for all.
今年是我们就未来福祉作出决策的一年,增强气候抗御能力是贯穿其中的一条主线。值此世界气象日,我敦促社会所有行为体共同应对这一核心任务。我们以知识为武器,一定能战胜气候变化的挑战,一定能为所有人创造更安全、更繁荣的社会。 |
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