中文版:加快建设社会主义法治国家.doc 加快建设社会主义法治国家 Accelerating
the Establishment of Socialist Rule of Law in China
习近平 Xi Jinping
坚定不移走中国特色社会主义法治道路 Remaining
committed to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics
In comprehensively advancing the
rule of law in China, it is imperative that we take the right path. A wrong
path will take us to the very opposite of what we are trying to accomplish and,
if that happens, no requirement or measure we introduce will mean anything.
There is a core theme that runs through the resolution we have adopted at this
plenary session, and that is the necessity of keeping to and expanding the path
of socialist rule of law with Chinese Characteristics. This path constitutes an
overall guideline. That is to say, China has made dozens of achievements in its
efforts to establish the rule of law, some large and some small. But ultimately
these achievements boil down to one thing, and that is the path of socialist
rule of law with Chinese Characteristics.
Engels once said, “A new program
is after all a banner planted in public, and the outside world judges the party
by it.” In any initiative we introduce, the public will stand behind the CPC as
long as its banner is clear and its members step into action. The worst mistake
a governing party can commit is to show indecisiveness on matters of extreme
importance, standing by as the public debate rages on and division grows.
Consequently, those with ulterior motives will fan the flames of discontent,
lead the public astray, and stir up trouble. In the end a mishap is bound to
occur! So, there is no room for ambiguity in the question of our path. We must
send a clear and correct signal to the public.
The decision to lay out plans for
comprehensively advancing the rule of law at this plenary session reflects the
CPC’s will to enhance its capacity for national governance. This is not
something that we have been pressured into doing. On the fundamental issue of
keeping to and expanding the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese
Characteristics, we need to demonstrate both confidence and resolve. This is a
major proposition, and there are many things that will need to be explored and
considered in depth. But the fundamental elements of this path must be
permanently upheld.
第一,必须坚持中国共产党的领导。 First,
we must uphold the leadership of the CPC.
Leadership by the CPC is the
underlying feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the most
fundamental guarantee for socialist rule of law. In upholding the path of
socialist rule of law with Chinese Characteristics, the most important thing is
that we uphold the leadership of the CPC. The CPC was the first to propose the
rule of law in China; and the first to propose enshrining it as a fundamental
principle by which the Party leads the people in governing the country. In
addition, the CPC has been leading the people in advancing the rule of law in
practice. Therefore, our efforts to comprehensively advance the rule of law in
China must be conducive to strengthening and improving the leadership of the
CPC, to bolstering its position as the governing party, and to accomplishing
its mission in governing the country. In absolutely no way does this amount to
weakening the leadership of the CPC.
Leadership by the CPC is a
fundamental requirement of the socialist rule of law, and an integral part of
our efforts to comprehensively advance the rule of law in China. We need to
build CPC leadership into all aspects and processes of law-based governance,
ensuring that an organic balance can be maintained between the leadership of
the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country, and the rule
of law. Only when the rule of law is enforced strictly under the leadership of
the CPC will the people fully realize their role as masters of the country, and
only then will the introduction of the rule of law into national and social
affairs take place smoothly.
Leadership by the CPC is not an
empty slogan, but something that must be manifested in practice through the
CPC’s endeavors to lead legislation, ensure law enforcement, support the
administration of justice, and lead the way in abiding by the law. On the one
hand, we need to preserve CPC’s core role in exercising overall leadership and
coordinating various efforts; bring all aspects of law-based governance under
CPC’s overall planning; and ensure that CPC’s propositions are integrated into
all aspects and processes of the rule of law. On the other hand, we need to
improve CPC’s leadership over law-based governance in China, continually
raising its capacity to lead in this regard. Not only must the CPC commit to
governing in accordance with the law, confining its activities to the
boundaries stipulated by the Constitution
and law; but it must also fully exert the role of Party organizations, members,
and officials as a leading political core and pioneer for enforcing the rule of
第二,必须坚持人民主体地位。 Second,
we must uphold the principal position of the people.
China’s socialist system ensures
that the people assume the principal position as masters of the country. It
also ensures that the people are the primary actors in comprehensively
advancing the rule of law. This is a superiority of our system, and the
fundamental distinction between socialist rule of law with Chinese
characteristics and capitalist rule of law.
To uphold the people’s principal
position in the country, we must commit to the principle that the rule of law is
for the people, dependent on the people, beneficial to the people, and there to
protect the people. We must ensure that the people, under the leadership of the
CPC, are able to administer state affairs and manage economic, cultural, and
social affairs through various channels and in various ways as provided by law.
Moreover, we must integrate the requirements of representing the people’s
interests, reflecting their wishes, protecting their rights, and furthering
their wellbeing into the whole process of our law-based governance, ensuring
that the will of the people is embodied not just in laws themselves but also in
their enforcement.
Just as the rights and interests
of the people are protected by the law, the authority of the law must be
maintained by the people. We need to motivate the public to actively involve
themselves in the practice of the rule of law; enable the people as a whole to
become loyal advocates, conscientious observers, and resolute defenders of
socialist rule of law; and ensure that all people share a common aspiration to
respect the law, trust the law, observe the law, apply the law, and defend the
第三,必须坚持法律面前人人平等。 Third,
we must uphold the principle that all are equal before the law.
Equality is a basic attribute of
socialist law and a fundamental requirement of socialist rule of law. The
principle that all are equal before the law must be reflected in all aspects of
legislation, law enforcement, judicial practice, and law abidance. All
organizations and individuals must respect the authority of the Constitution and law; confine their
activities to the boundaries prescribed by the Constitution and law; and exercise powers, enjoy rights, perform
duties, and fulfill obligations in accordance with the Constitution and law. No organization or individual shall be
permitted to enjoy special privileges that place them above the Constitution and law. Whoever violates
the Constitution and law must face
punishment. Under no circumstances can any individual, under any pretext or in
any way, be allowed to arbitrarily override the law, place their power above
the authority of the law, or bend the law for their own personal gain.
Leading officials at all levels
have an important responsibility to assume in advancing the rule of law. At
present, there are still Party members and officials who think that the country
is under the rule of individuals, who think that they are the ones in charge,
and who think that conducting affairs in accordance with the law is overly
complicated and unnecessarily restricting. Convinced that they have the final
say in everything, they are totally oblivious to the existence of the law, and
are bent on overriding it with their authority at every turn. Not until this
state of affairs is addressed will we stand a chance of genuinely realizing the
rule of law. It is therefore imperative that we gain a hold of the “critical
minority” constituted by leading officials. First of all, we need to make sure
that they have the right mindset. We must enable officials at all levels to
understand that upholding the authority of the Constitution and law means upholding the authority of the common
will of the CPC and the people; that safeguarding the inviolability of the Constitution and law means safeguarding
the inviolability of the common will of the CPC and the people; and that
guaranteeing the enforcement of the Constitution
and law means guaranteeing the realization of the common will of the CPC
and the people.
It is essential that we are
earnest in our efforts to promote and enforce the rule of law. Leading
officials at all levels must have reverence for the law, lead the way in
conducting affairs in accordance with the law, and set a good example in
observing the law. They must strive to become more adept at using law-based
thinking and approaches to deepen the reform, promote development, resolve
conflicts, and maintain stability. In the short term, it might not appear
harmful to simply shout out slogans, put on appearances, and feign support as
opposed to taking real action. But the moment problems grow beyond our ability
to deal with them, the consequences of our inaction will be catastrophic.
Therefore, no matter who they are or who is involved, officials who break the
law must be held legally accountable for their actions. Under no circumstances
can we tolerate the existence of a “neutral gear” in our law enforcement and
judicial practice. We need to identify progress in law-based governance as an
important criterion in the performance appraisals of leading bodies and
officials at all levels. At the same time, we need to make compliance with the
law and conducting affairs in accordance with the law an important area of
consideration in the performance assessment of individual officials. |
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