第四,必须坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合。 Fourth,
we must persist in a joint commitment to rule of law and rule of virtue.
Laws are moral values that have
been carved into stone, while moral values are laws that we follow in our
hearts. Both laws and moral values possess the power to regulate social
behavior and preserve social order. Therefore, in running our country and
society, we need to lay emphasis on both the rule of law and the rule of
virtue, not only highlighting the normative function of law, but also valuing
the educational function of virtue, so that law and virtue promote each other
and rule of law and rule of virtue reinforce each other.
To effectively exert the
normative function of the law, we must ensure that the rule of law gives
expression to moral values and that the law better promotes the cultivation of
morality. Moral values constitute the foundation of the law. This means that
only laws that conform to moral values and have deep moral foundations will be
consciously observed by the majority of the people. The law, on the other hand,
serves to safeguard moral values. This means that good civic morality can be
fostered through the compulsory regulation of people’s behavior and the punishment
of those who break the law. We need to pay more attention to turning basic
moral values and conventions into laws and regulations, ensuring that our laws
and regulations are more representative of moral values and humanistic spirit.
At the same time, we need to draw upon the mandatory force of the law to
reinforce morals and ensure the basic moral standards, so as to enhance the
overall moral fabric of our society.
To effectively exert the
educational function of virtue, we must draw on virtue as a means of nurturing
the rule of law and strengthen the role of morality as a pillar of rule of law
culture. No matter how many laws we make, or how good those laws are, people
will only genuinely abide by them once they have become ingrained in their
subconscious. As the saying goes, “A person without shame knows no limits.”
Without the nutrition that virtue provides, rule of law culture will have
nothing to sustain it, and we will lack a solid social foundation on which to
enforce our laws. As we advance the rule of law in China, it is imperative that
we vigorously promote our core socialist values; carry forward traditional
Chinese virtues; and cultivate social morality, professional ethics, family
values, and the moral integrity of individuals. By raising the moral integrity
of our people as a whole, we will create a favorable humanistic environment to
underpin the rule of law in China.
第五,必须坚持从中国实际出发。 Fifth,
we must proceed from China’s specific situation.
The way a country approaches the rule
of law and the kind of rule of law system it builds is determined by that
country’s national conditions. In the Book of Lord Shang it is written: “In
governing a country, a wise ruler establishes laws through observing popular
customs, thus bringing order. He understands the fundamentals of the land he
rules, thus implementing appropriate policies. Where the customs of the times
are ignored and the fundamentals of the land neglected, the people will descend
into disorder even when laws are made. And he may be kept busy but will achieve
little.” The effort to comprehensively advance the rule of law must, therefore,
be carried out on the basis of China’s realities and in line with our push to
modernize the country’s governance system and governance capacity. In this
effort, we can neither afford to disregard our country’s national conditions
and race ahead of ourselves, nor can we afford to simply stick to old ways and
guard old conventions.
To proceed on the basis of our
country’s realities, we need to give emphasis to what is especially Chinese,
practical, and contemporary. We need to identify and apply successful practices
that the CPC has developed during its efforts to lead the people in
implementing the rule of law. With a view to addressing major theoretical and
practical issues in the development of socialist rule of law, we must work
constantly to develop and enrich a socialist rule of law theory that conforms
to China’s realities, displays Chinese characteristics, and reflects the
objective laws of social development, so as to underpin the rule of law in
China with sound theoretical guidance and support. Long ago, our ancestors
began to ponder the question of how human behavior could best be reined in.
China’s first systematically compiled laws appeared as early as the Spring and
Autumn and Warring States Periods (770-221 BC). In the years from the Han
Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty (202 BC-AD 907), China succeeded in establishing
what was essentially a fully-developed set of written laws. The legal system of
ancient China embodied a huge wealth of knowledge and wisdom, allowing it to
occupy a unique place among the major legal systems of the world. We need to
take note of the successes and failures of China’s ancient legal traditions,
identify, extract, and promote the very finest elements of China’s traditional
legal culture, and selectively integrate these elements into our present
Proceeding on the basis of our
country’s realities does not mean that we can develop the rule of law in
isolation from the rest of the world. The rule of law is one of the most
important accomplishments of human civilization. Its core essence and purpose
have penetrating implications for the national and social governance of all
countries in the world. We must, therefore, learn from the fine achievements of
other countries in the development of the rule of law. However, learning from
others does not amount to simply copying them. Putting our own needs first, we
must carefully discern between the good and the bad and adopt the practices of
others within reason. Under no circumstances can we engage in “all-out
Westernization,” “complete transplant” of the systems of others, or copy from
other countries indiscriminately. |
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