第四,着力加强法治工作队伍建设。全面推进依法治国,建设一支德才兼备的高素质法治队伍至关重要。 Fourth,
we need to channel our efforts into building a strong contingent of personnel
for enforcing the rule of law.
In comprehensively advancing the
rule of law, it is of critical importance that we establish a highly skilled
contingent of specialist personnel that boasts strong moral integrity and high
professional competence. In China, specialist personnel for the enforcement of
rule of law are made up mainly of personnel from people’s congresses and the
government who are involved in formulation of laws and regulations; personnel
from administrative agencies who are involved in law enforcement; and personnel
from judicial bodies who are involved in the administration of justice. As we
proceed to comprehensively advance the rule of law, the building of these
contingents should be given priority.
Legislative, law enforcement, and
judicial personnel have both similarities and differences. Each has an
extremely important role to play. Legislation is a sacred task that aims to lay
down the rules of our country and society. Those involved in legislative work
must have a strong sense of political integrity. They must possess the ability
to respect objective laws, promote democracy, coordinate more effectively with
others, and build consensus. Law enforcement is a crucial process of bringing
laws off the page and into the real world. Law enforcement personnel must be
loyal to the law and must safeguard the law. With the courage to take
responsibility, they must strive to enforce the law strictly. The judiciary is
the last line of defense against violations of social equity and justice. Those
working in the judiciary must believe in the law and uphold the rule of law.
They must keep the scales in balance, hold the gavel firmly in their own hands,
and exercise the law justly and impartially. In line with the requirement that
our legislative, law enforcement, and judicial personnel are politically solid,
professionally competent, highly accountable, and strongly disciplined in their
conduct, we must urge our legislative, law enforcement, and judicial personnel
to firmly embrace socialist rule of law and strictly observe professional
ethics, ensuring that they are loyal to the CPC, the country, the people, and
the law.
Lawyers constitute an important
force in instituting the rule of law. We must devote major efforts to enhancing
the political integrity of lawyers, and identify upholding the leadership of
the CPC and upholding socialist rule of law as essential requirements for entry
into the legal profession.
第五,坚定不移推进法治领域改革,坚决破除束缚全面推进依法治国的体制机制障碍。 Fifth,
we must resolutely advance reform in the domain of law-based governance,
tearing down institutional obstacles that are preventing us from
comprehensively advancing the rule of law.
The fundamental solution to
problems in the domain of law-based governance is reform. There is no way we
will be able to solve major problems if we insist on operating completely
within the framework of old systems and mechanisms, if we greet new
circumstances and issues with old practices, or if we simply make piecemeal
changes here and there. When the resolution of this plenary session was being
drafted, I said that it would be better to have no resolution at all than have
one with no teeth. I said that the resolution would have to face problems
directly and focus on them. It would have to address issues of major concern to
officials and the public in the area of law-based governance, and respond to
the various concerns of society.
At this plenary session we have
studied and laid out plans for comprehensively advancing the rule of law in
China. While its scope may not be as far ranging as that of the Third Plenary
Session last year, this session will nevertheless have a wide-ranging impact on
our reform, development, and stability, on our domestic affairs, foreign
affairs, and national defense, and on our governance of the Party, the state,
and the armed forces. In this sense, its implications and scope are by no means
small. At this plenary session we have introduced more than 180 major reform
measures. Many of these reforms will be hard to grapple with, as they involve
changes to the distribution of interests and power. But every reform that has
been written into the resolution represents something that we have set our
sights on, and that must be seen through. We must therefore have the courage to
bring change to ourselves, solving one problem at a time and putting reforms
into effect one after another.
Reform in the realm of law-based
governance primarily involves organs of state power and power-welding
departments, such as public security organs, prosecuting bodies, courts, and
other judicial bodies. The considerable public attention our reforms have
attracted, coupled with the high difficulty of their implementation, means that
we need to show even greater broad-mindedness in bringing change to ourselves.
If we limit ourselves to our own little world, dwelling on the powers and
interests of our departments, and even haggling over this and that, the result
will surely be fumbling progress with little or nothing essential to achieve.
After all, what kind of reform does not challenge existing roles, powers, and
interests? We must have the courage to challenge what needs to be challenged,
and all involved must bear the bigger picture in mind. It is imperative that
departments and interested parties foster a stronger awareness of the bigger
picture, consciously think and act in line with the bigger picture, free
themselves from a closed departmental mentality, and support each other in
their initiatives. The criteria for gauging the effectiveness of reform must be
the amount of actual problems we solve and level of public satisfaction we receive
from solving those problems. Regardless of what kind of obstruction or
interference we come up against, we must resolutely press ahead with any reform
measure that is conducive to raising the CPC’s capacity to govern, to
bolstering its position as governing party, to safeguarding the authority of
the Constitution and law, to
safeguarding the rights and interests of the people, to upholding equity and
justice, and to preserving national security and stability. Under no
circumstances can we avoid the important and dwell on the trivial, shirk our
responsibilities, or drag our feet indecisively.
A feature of reform in the domain
of law-based governance is the fact that many issues involve legal provisions. It
is true that reform must have basis in law. But we cannot lack the courage to
step beyond the limits just because such action is not provided for in our
existing laws. If that were the case, reform would be unable to continue. Hence
the old saying, “If it is good for the people, there is no need to follow the
practices of antiquity; if it serves the matter at hand, there is no need to
observe the conventions of old.” Therefore, where reform is required in the
future, we will be able to make the necessary amendments to our existing laws
before proceeding. The Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening the
Reform will be required to carefully study and oversee matters pertaining to
Dear colleagues, the
comprehensive advancement of the rule of law is a systematic undertaking and a
profound and far-reaching revolution in the governance of our country. It is
imperative that we strengthen the CPC’s leadership over initiatives pertaining
to the rule of law. On the one hand, Party committees at all levels must improve
the systems and mechanisms by which the CPC exercises guidance over law-based
governance, and assume leadership responsibilities in the implementation of
rule of law in your respective regions and departments. Once you have clearly
identified the priorities, you must quickly formulate detailed guidelines and
plans for putting the guiding principles of this plenary session into effect.
On the other hand, we must place the focus of our efforts to comprehensively
advance the rule of law at the community level. We need to make full use of the
primary role of community-level Party committees in advancing the rule of law;
enhance the competence of community-level organizations and personnel in
carrying out the rule of law; guide community-level Party members and officials
in strengthening their awareness of the rule of law and raising their ability
to act in accordance with the law; and work hard to put the various tasks and
measures proposed by the plenary session into effect at the community level.
(This is part of a speech delivered at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee on October 23, 2014.) |
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