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王毅:坚持和平共处 推动合作共赢(中英对照)

2015-4-11 00:57| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 1626| 评论: 0|来自: 求是

摘要: Wang Yi: Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Through Commitment to Peaceful Coexistence

坚持和平共处 推动合作共赢

Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Through Commitment to Peaceful Coexistence



Wang Yi






In 1954, during his visits to India and Myanmar, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, together with his two counterparts, proclaimed five principles for peaceful coexistence between countries: mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity; mutual non-aggression; mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs; equality and mutual benefit; and peaceful coexistence. As a monumental event in the history of international relations, the establishment of The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence heralded the beginning of efforts by developing countries to safeguard their national independence and sovereignty and establish a new model of international relations. Following their conception in Asia, The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence spread rapidly throughout the world, becoming a universally recognized set of norms governing international relations.




Above all else, The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have been widely accepted by the international community because they embody the notions of equality, peace, and mutual benefit, which are central to the new model of international relations, and because they conform to both contemporary trends and the common interests of all countries.




Firstly, emphasizing the equality of sovereign states, The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence  have provided developing countries with a strong guarantee in their joint efforts to fight against aggression and oppression and safeguard their sovereignty.




While the international law of the modern era, which was born out of the bourgeois revolutions of Western countries, did embody the principle that all sovereign states were equal, in practice this equality applied primarily to the Western powers. In contrast, The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence extended this equality to newly independent developing countries, thereby guiding these countries in their struggle against colonialism and imperialism and giving them a glorious banner under which movements for national liberation and independence spread like wildfire. At the Asian-African Conference in Bandung, Indonesia in 1955, a ten-point declaration for world peace and cooperation was adopted on the basis of The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Subsequently, the Non-Aligned Movement identified The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as its core stance. Taking inspiration from The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, an increasing number of developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America began voicing support for one another. Through their staunch efforts to resist foreign interference, these countries eventually succeeded in putting themselves on the path of independent development.




Secondly, advocating peace and opposing war, The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have established the correct approach for the settlement of disputes between countries.




The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence reflect the joint wisdom of developing countries in Asia. Embodying the idea of seeking common ground while putting aside differences, they serve not only as guiding principles for the resolution of disputes between countries, but also as a guideline for normal development of bilateral relations between countries whose disputes cannot immediately be resolved. For instance, on the basis of these principles, China and India properly addressed the issue of their relations over China’s region of Tibet; while China and Myanmar concluded a border treaty. These successes fully demonstrated the strong vitality of The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, setting a good example for other countries to follow in peacefully resolving their disputes. In addition, The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence also played an important guiding role in the resumption of contact and establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US, and in the normalization of relations between China and Japan.




Thirdly, unequivocally opposing hegemony and power politics, The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have played a constructive role in building a new international political and economic order that is just and equitable.




During the Cold War, the world’s two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, frequently bullied smaller countries as they contended for global supremacy and dominance. The majority of countries and peoples around the world opposed hegemony and power politics, and shared a common desire for an international order that was equal, just, and equitable. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, in essence, constituted a declaration for the establishment of such a new international order. Of these principles, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, and mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs were the basic principles for establishing a new international political order; equality and mutual benefit were the basic principles for establishing a new international economic order; and peaceful coexistence was the basic goal. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have been incorporated into a number of documents adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, such as the Resolution of Peaceful and Neighborly Relations Among States, the Declaration on Principles of International Law, and the Charter of Rights and Obligations of National Economies, demonstrating that these principles have been widely recognized by the international community. As fact has demonstrated, the higher the banner of The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is held, the more favorable the conditions will be for the establishment of a more just and equitable international order at an early date.






The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence represent a body of ideas that has evolved with the times. Over the past six decades, they have grown from a set of principles governing interactions between countries with different social systems to a set of norms for international relations in general; their scope has expanded from bilateral relations to multilateral relations; and their application has spread from the resolution of issues between countries to the resolution of certain issues within countries. Displaying exceptionally strong vitality, they have been enriched as the times have changed, and have found wider application as the international situation has developed. In view of a changing situation, we now need to endow these principles with new contemporary meaning, so as to continue pushing the international community in the direction of collaboration and mutually beneficial cooperation.




Firstly, we need to respect the right of all countries to choose their own social systems and development paths.




There is no universal model for development that suits all countries in the world. Rather, each country should follow a development path that is suited to its own national conditions. Though we have now entered the 21st century, hegemony and power politics have still been seen from time to time. Certain Western nations, acting under the pretexts of democracy and human rights, have instigated color revolutions and carried out a policy of new interventionism against developing countries. These actions constitute a grave violation of the principles of sovereign equality and non-interference. They have repeatedly brought chaos to the countries and regions involved, and world peace and development have suffered as a result. The international community must therefore be vigilant against and strongly oppose such actions. The path of historical advancement must be one in which different civilizations coexist and flourish together, and in which different social systems and development paths respect and learn from each other.




Secondly, we need to strive for the common security of all nations.




The Cold War mentality and zero sum game are now outdated notions. The one-sided pursuit of absolute unilateral security amounts to selfish and wishful thinking, and serves only to undermine one’s own security. At the same time, the strengthening of military alliances that are targeted towards specific third parties has caused tensions to rise, and has done nothing to preserve peace and stability on a regional or global level. We need to establish a new concept of common security that allows us to raise mutual trust through dialogue and build peace through cooperation. In our pursuit of universal and lasting global security, we need to take the rational security concerns of all nations into account, respect the equal rights of all nations to participate in regional and global security affairs, and enhance the authority of the United Nations and its Security Council in safeguarding international peace and security.




Thirdly, we need to promote mutually beneficial cooperation and common development of all countries.




In order to bring about full recovery and healthy growth of the world economy, it is essential that we stand together in times of difficulty, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and promote common development. All nations, particularly the major economies, should adopt responsible macroeconomic policies, enhance mutual communication and coordination, and firmly safeguard and develop an open world economy, so as to achieve integration through openness and development through integration. We need to maintain a free, open, and unprejudiced multilateral trade system, oppose protectionism in all its forms, and guide various regional free trade arrangements in the direction of open and inclusive development as opposed to mutually exclusive development.




Fourthly, we need to jointly address the new issues and challenges that we are now facing against the backdrop of globalization.




With the continuation of globalization, global issues such as terrorism, climate change, transnational crime, cybersecurity, energy and resource security, and major natural disasters have risen unprecedentedly. These problems will spare no country. Therefore, we need to foster a sense of common destiny, and establish a global cooperation network to address global issues. We need to actively advocate multilateralism, closely abide by the fundamental principles of international law, and give full play to the role of international and regional multilateral mechanisms, so as to form synergy. At the same time, we need to push forward the reform of the global governance system in order to make it fairer, more impartial, and more effective. We also need to address both the symptoms and the root causes of terrorism, extremism, and separatism, cracking down on these activities whilst at the same time upturning the soil that allows them to breed. Moreover, in line with the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities,” developed countries should lead the way in making greater efforts to address issues such as climate change, and should aid developing countries in raising their capacity to respond to global challenges.




Fifthly, developing countries need to be given fuller representation and a bigger say in the international system.




Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries has long been a moral highlight of The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. On the one hand, developed countries should proceed as soon as possible with plans for the reform of the IMF and other international institutions, so as to share the power of international governance with developing countries. On the other hand, emerging market economies and developing countries should strengthen south-south cooperation and enhance their coordination and assistance in international and regional affairs, so as to increase the institutional power of developing countries in the international community.







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