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王毅:坚持和平共处 推动合作共赢(中英对照)

2015-4-11 00:57| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 1627| 评论: 0|来自: 求是

摘要: Wang Yi: Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Through Commitment to Peaceful Coexistence





China is both an active proponent and a devoted practitioner of The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. As the cornerstone of China’s independent foreign policy of peace, these principles have been written into the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, and can be seen in almost every communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations and every bilateral agreement China has reached with other countries.




China will actively explore a new model for peaceful coexistence and equal cooperation with major countries.




China and the US are the world’s two largest economies and the largest developing and developed countries respectively. Conflict and confrontation between the two will only result in a no-win situation. Therefore, the right choice for the two countries is to enhance cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and strive to achieve mutual benefit. China has a desire to work with the US in fully implementing the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries during their meeting at the Annenberg Estate in 2013, respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, build mutual trust through dialogue, expand common interests, and properly manage differences, so as to advance China-US relations along the trajectory of a new model of major country relations. In addition, China also has a commitment to partnership but not alliance with Russia. As unique to the world’s major-country relationships at present, China maintains the most stable, substantial, and influential strategic partnership with Russia. We will expand pragmatic cooperation with Russia in all areas; strengthen strategic collaboration in international affairs; and firmly support each other’s development and rejuvenation, thereby ensuring a high level of relations between China and Russia. Moreover, working with the European Union, we will combine the two great forces, two great markets, and two great civilizations of China and Europe, forge a partnership for peace, growth, reform, and civilization, and promote an even more fruitful China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership for mutual benefits.




China will adhere to the principles of “affinity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness” in building a strategic foundation in the neighboring region characterized by security, stability, development, and prosperity.




China will remain committed to the principles of harmonious coexistence and mutual support in its relations with its neighbors. Focusing on the themes of development and cooperation, we will strive to maintain overall peace and stability by forging a tightly-knit community of common destiny in Asia. We will actively promote the interlinking of infrastructure with neighboring countries, working to establish the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” and speeding up preparations for the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. These initiatives will allow neighboring countries to benefit more from China’s development. At the same time, China will adhere to an approach of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security in Asia. Expanding talks on national defense with neighboring countries, we will properly handle the disputes that we have with certain neighbors over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights through peaceful talks on the basis of respect for history and international law, so as to usher in a new phase of Asian security cooperation that is characterized by joint efforts, shared benefits, and win-win results.




China will uphold the correct outlook on justice and gain and forever be a reliable friend and sincere partner of developing countries.




China will continue to stand firmly with developing countries as it always has done before. Upholding the correct outlook on justice and gain, we will fully implement our Africa policy of “sincerity, real results, affinity, and good faith”; carry out the “461” China-African cooperation framework (four principles, six major projects, and one forum); and work together with the relevant African countries in the building of high-speed railways, expressways, and regional aviation infrastructure in Africa. These initiatives will allow us to take China-Africa relations to a new level. Building on the success of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, we will join hands with Arab states in building the “one belt and one road,” (“Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”) and strive to make new breakthroughs in our cooperation with Arab nations. In addition, we will push for the establishment of the China-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CLACS) Forum, so as to inject new impetus into cooperation between China and CLACS in all respects.




China will deepen its reform in all respects, open up wider to the outside world, and provide more “Chinese opportunities” for global development.




China has sounded the clarion call for a new round of comprehensive reform. These reforms will not only further tap China’s enormous potential for development, but will also provide new impetus for global development. Over the next five years, it is estimated that China will import more than US$ 10 trillion in goods and invest more than US$ 500 billion overseas. In addition, Chinese tourists are expected to make more than 500 million overseas trips during this period. This will bring about huge market, investment, and growth opportunities for the world. China is aiming to upgrade not only its economy, but also its opening up and mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries. As part of these efforts, we will shift the focus of our overseas cooperation more in the direction of public wellbeing, urge Chinese enterprises to assume social responsibilities and give back to their host countries, and enable people of other countries to benefit more from cooperation with China.




China will play a more active role in addressing hotspot and global issues and contribute more “Chinese strength” to the preservation of world peace and stability.




We will continue to play our unique role in promoting the resolution of global and regional hotspot issues such as the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, the Iranian nuclear issue, and Syria. We will continue to escort merchant vessels and combat pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden; expand our participation in UN peacekeeping missions; and work actively with other countries in the fight against international terrorism. At the same time, we will promote the realization of the UN Millennium Development Goals, contribute “Chinese wisdom” and “Chinese solutions” to the handling of global issues such as climate change, cybersecurity, and major natural disasters, and provide more public goods to the international community.




Carrying forward The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is a major historical responsibility and the call of the times. China is willing to work together with all countries in writing a new chapter in the peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation of all humankind.




(Wang Yi is Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China.) 







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