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2015-7-16 16:14| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 647| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Jointly Meet Challenges to Seek Common Development and Realize Grand Plans Together


Jointly Meet Challenges to Seek Common Development and Realize Grand Plans Together



– Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s Comments on President Xi Jinping’s Attendance at 7th BRICS Summit and 15th Meeting of Council of Heads of State of SCO Member States




From July 8 to 10, 2015, President Xi Jinping upon invitation attended the 7th BRICS Summit and the 15th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Ufa, Russia. At the end of the journey, Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefed journalists on the visit.




Wang Yi said that the current holding of the BRICS Summit and the Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States in the same place at the same time “is a coincidence, but not by chance”. The BRICS mechanism and the SCO are multilateral cooperation frameworks with emerging markets and other developing countries as the main body, and are important platforms of solidarity and cooperation among emerging forces of the current world. The gathering of President Xi Jinping and nearly 20 state leaders from the 5 BRICS countries and the Eurasian region in the ancient city of Ufa is meant to deepen solidarity and cooperation among the BRICS countries, promote in-depth development of the SCO, uplift major bilateral relations, push forward the “Belt and Road” construction, consolidate the victory results of World War II (WWII), and safeguard the international order with the United Nations (UN) as the core. The current visit is practical and efficient, with the Summit and the Meeting connected, multilateral and bilateral corresponding to each other, and political security and economic cooperation developing together, yielding fruitful results. In just three days, President Xi Jinping attended altogether 25 activities of the Summit and the Meeting, held talks with seven heads of state and heads of government, delivered important speeches at multiple occasions, and signed and issued with various parties 23 joint statements, communiqués, declarations, and cooperation agreements in various fields. The domestic and foreign public paid high attention to the current visit, universally holding that the Summit and the Meeting highlighted the constructive role of China, promoted the two major cooperation mechanisms of the BRICS and the SCO for new development opportunities, and further uplifted the strategic mutual trust between China and relevant countries.



I. Deepen the BRICS cooperation and foster a community of common interests




Wang Yi said that the BRICS Summit mechanism was initiated in Russia in 2009. The five emerging markets from Asia, Africa, Europe and America, upholding international fairness and justice and committed to promoting world economic growth and enhancing global economic governance, have gone through a remarkable history, with the influence, impact and status in international affairs continuously rising. At present, the BRICS cooperation is faced with some complicated factors, including the economic downward pressure brought by the slow growth around the world. Some discord is heard from the outside from time to time badmouthing the development prospect of the BRICS countries and questioning the effectiveness of the BRICS cooperation. In this context, the returning of the leaders of the BRICS countries to Russia after six years with the Summit themed as “BRICS Partnership – Highly Potent Factor in Global Development” reflected the member states’ firm determination to explore potential advantages and develop hand in hand and strongly sounded the bugle of the BRICS cooperation acceleration in the new situation.




President Xi Jinping pointed out clearly at the Summit that the BRICS countries boast gigantic development potentials and the ascending trend will not change. The more challenges we meet, the firmer determination we should hold. Centering around the establishment of the BRICS partnership, President Xi Jinping comprehensively and systematically expounded China’s policies and propositions to strengthen the BRICS cooperation, and called on the member countries to jointly build a four-pronged partnership -- safeguarding world peace, boosting common development, promoting diversified civilization and strengthening global governance. President Xi Jinping also made a four-point proposal on how to deepen the BRICS cooperation, namely implementing major achievements and proposals to underline the BRICS executive force; planning key areas of cooperation to strengthen the BRICS centripetal force; exploring respective advantageous potentials to strengthen the BRICS competitiveness; and advocating common philosophy and pursuit to increase the BRICS charisma. In addition, President Xi Jinping vividly pointed out that the BRICS countries are just like the five fingers, each having its own strengths, and together forming a clenched fist. President Xi Jinping’s speech accurately seized the pulse of the time with a long-term and simple but profound perspective, boosted the confidence and cohesion of the BRICS countries, depicted the bright prospect of the BRICS, and thus received universal acceptance and recognition among the countries present at the Summit.




President Xi Jinping stressed that the BRICS cooperation is practical and effective rather than idle and fruitless. Under the coordination and promotion of President Xi Jinping and other state leaders, the BRICS cooperation has gained in-depth and concrete development continuously and reached a higher level. The Summit decided to establish a closer BRICS partnership, and issued the Ufa Declaration and its action plan, the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy and other important documents, providing guidance and charting the course for the future development of the BRICS countries. The New Development Bank (NDB) has gained new and important progress in its preparation work and will come into full operation and initiate the first group of cooperation projects within this year. It will provide financial support for the development of the BRICS and other emerging markets, and add momentum to the global economic and financial governance reform. The NDB has its headquarters in Shanghai. As the host, China will play its due role for and make its unique contributions to the development of this new institution. The Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) of the BRICS has completed all formalities, which not only strengthened the ties of interests among the BRICS countries, but also added new aspects to the global financial security network. The rapid progress in financial cooperation among the BRICS countries forms a conducive attempt to reform and improve the international financial system, and will vigorously enhance the global voice and international influence of developing countries.



II. Promote the SCO development and build a community of common destiny




Wang Yi said that the SCO is an important platform for maintaining security and stability and promoting common development in the region. At present, the international and regional situation is undergoing profound and complicated changes, and the SCO has entered a critical period of development, with opportunities and challenges synchronously increasing. But opportunities clearly outweigh challenges, resulting in a brighter prospect of development. President Xi Jinping’s attendance at the current Summit focused on promoting the SCO development for new breakthrough. President Xi Jinping made a five-point major proposal, with adherence to the “Shanghai Spirit” on the top of the list. He stressed that the “Shanghai Spirit” featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect to diversified civilizations, and pursuit of common development represents the development direction of current international relations, and should become the spiritual bond in building the community of common destiny in the region. At the same time, all parties should strengthen the capability to act and consolidate the protective screen of regional security, deeply explore cooperation potential and enrich the content of practical cooperation, promote amity between the peoples and consolidate good-neighborly friendship for generations, and keep opening up and mutual learning and push forward the development of the SCO. These propositions charted the course for the development of the SCO in a certain period to come.




President Xi Jinping put forward a series of major initiatives at the Summit, which injected strong impetus into practical cooperation of the SCO. President Xi Jinping stressed that on the aspect of security, all parties should start drafting the Convention against Extremism as soon as possible and accelerate the establishment of the Center for Coping with Security Threats and Challenges; on aspect of economy, all parties should do a good job in integration and cooperation between the Silk Road Economic Belt and development strategies of all countries as well as the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). China is willing to, through the Silk Road Fund, the China-Eurasian Economic Cooperation Fund and other platforms, meet the investment needs of the SCO member states, expand the experience of bilateral cooperation in production capacity to a wider scope in the SCO, establish industrial parks in all member states, push forward trade and investment liberalization, and provide support for the establishment of the SCO Development Bank. All these initiatives received welcome and positive response from all parties.




President Xi Jinping and other state leaders approved the SCO Development Strategy by 2025, which pictures a clear blueprint for the SCO cooperation in the next 10 years, and signed such important documents as the SCO Member States Border Defense Cooperation Agreement and the Cooperation Outline on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism among the SCO Member States from 2016 to 2018, which bettered the legal foundation for security cooperation. In particular, the Summit adopted the resolution to launch the procedure of India’s and Pakistan’s accession to the SCO, and accepted Belarus as an observer state and Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia and Nepal as dialogue partners of the SCO. This is the most important organizational transformation since the SCO’s establishment. It is conducive to improving the SCO’s representativeness and international status, and will exert profound influence on the future development of the SCO. An SCO with full vitality and continuous development will definitely make greater contributions to the peace and stability of the region.







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