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2015-7-16 16:14| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 648| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Jointly Meet Challenges to Seek Common Development and Realize Grand Plans Together


III. Advocating win-win cooperation and transmitting China’s positive energy




Wang Yi said that on various occasions of the Summit and the Meeting, President Xi Jinping, focusing on the international situation and embracing the principal thread of win-win cooperation, profoundly elaborated China’s major diplomatic principles, powerfully steering the development direction of the two major cooperation platforms from the strategic aspect and sounding China’s voice on international arena. In the BRICS Summit, President Xi Jinping clearly proposed that all parties should build the new type of international relations with win-win cooperation as the core so as to tackle the global issues on how to make the world a better place, let people live more happily, and make various countries live in peace. President Xi Jinping pointed out that in order to establish this new type of international relations, all parties must stick to peaceful development and reject hegemony and war, adhere to multilateralism and promote democratization and legalization of international relations, reform and improve global economic governance and construct an open world economy, and establish the new-type global development partnership and let the development achievements fairly benefit every corner of the world. President Xi Jinping said that all parties should make it possible for our descendants to learn from the history book that the BRICS countries adhere to peaceful development with no war, no colonization, and no imposing of one’s will on others; concentrate on developing economy and improving people’s livelihood and persisting in doing their own jobs well; and practice mutual respect and mutual trust as well as win-win cooperation and promote common development of all countries with their own development. All the state leaders present totally agreed to this vision.




While attending the leaders dialogue between BRICS countries as well as the SCO, the EEU and the invited countries, facing the leaders of emerging markets and other developing countries, President Xi Jinping stressed once again that all parties should establish the awareness of solidarity, mutual help and mutual support to build the partnership of win-win cooperation. The initiative of the “Belt and Road” construction is open, and also inclusive, and China is willing to integrate it with the strategic development plans of other countries. President Xi Jinping also deeply elaborated China’s neighboring diplomatic concept of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and the neighboring diplomatic policy of “being a good neighbor and partner”. Those in-depth communication and exchanges speeded up the transition of China’s proposals to international consensus, allowing the international community to have a more precise understanding of China’s strategic intention and making clear that China’s development is the growth of peaceful strength as well as the growth of the world positive energy. The leaders present at the dialogue all expressed their willingness to strengthen cooperation and enhance coordination with China so as to form joint forces in regional and international affairs.




For all mankind, this year is a memorable year. President Xi Jinping on several occasions of the Summit and the Meeting called upon all countries to treasure the outcomes of the WWII victory, safeguard the principles and purposes of the UN Charter and oppose any attempt or act to deny, distort or tamper the WWII history, which received broad agreement from the participating countries. The outcome documents of the BRICS Summit clearly stated against the militarism and fascism. The SCO Summit specially issued the Statement on the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and World War II, expressing the common ground of cherishing the memory of revolutionary martyrs, maintaining the outcomes of the WWII victory, and establishing the new type of international relations. The Statement, which spoke highly of the heroism and contributions of the Chinese people in the war against militarism and fascism, made the international community look forward even more to the commemorations of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, which will be held in China in early September.



IV. Boosting friendly relations and building mutually beneficial cooperation framework




Wang Yi said that the multilateral meeting is often an important platform for bilateral exchanges as well. While attending the Summit and the Meeting, President Xi Jinping intensively met with relevant state leaders, and exchanged in-depth views with them on bilateral relations as well as international and regional topics of common interest, further boosting solidarity, mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation with these countries. Right after his arrival in Ufa, President Xi Jinping held a bilateral meeting with President Vladimir Putin. The two state leaders reached further consensus on promoting all-round practical cooperation and deepening international coordination and decided through consultation to step up the integration and cooperation between the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and that of the EEU, to jointly push forward the launching of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the NDB for early operation, to accelerate cooperation in large strategic projects in such fields as finance, energy, high-speed rails, electric power, aerospace and aviation, and to run the 2016-2017 China-Russia Media Exchange Year successfully. President Xi Jinping held this year’s second meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and the two sides decided through consultation to speed up flagship cooperation projects in such fields as railways and industrial parks, to integrate the two countries’ respective development strategies and initiatives, and to enhance coordination in climatic change and other major international schedules. While meeting with President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, the two state leaders agreed to make the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which will be held in South Africa this year, a grand meeting to strengthen China-Africa solidarity and seek future cooperation together. After the Ufa Summit, Uzbekistan will take over the host country of the SCO. While meeting with President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan, the two state leaders said that they will jointly promote the SCO’s development in the direction of closer unity, more practical cooperation and more effective action. President Xi Jinping also met with the leaders of Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries, and reached new consensus with them on increasing mutual trust and deepening cooperation. What was of special concern was that the leaders of China, Russia and Mongolia held the second meeting during the Ufa Summit, and the trilateral cooperation made substantive breakthrough. The three parties signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Planning Outline of the China-Russia-Mongolia Economic Corridor, launching this historical process, and issued the Mid-Term Roadmap of the Trilateral Cooperation, specifying the general direction of the trilateral cooperation.



Wang Yi said in the end that President Xi Jinping’s current attendance at the Ufa Summit opened the prelude of China’s diplomacy in the second half of the year. President Xi Jinping profoundly expounded China’s propositions, boosting all parties’ confidence. Active promotion of practical cooperation and enhancement of all parties’ solidarity played an important role for the BRICS and the SCO to take new steps and achieve new breakthrough. The visit harvested a complete success. In the second half of this year, the international community will jointly commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, and will also work together to formulate the Post-2015 Development Agenda and conclude the negotiations on the new global agreement on coping with climate change. We should seriously implement the important outcomes of President Xi Jinping’s visit, further well forge the two platforms of the BRICS and the SCO, keep strengthening cooperation with other emerging markets and developing countries, firmly serve the overall situation of development, reform and stability at home, and constantly advance the lofty cause of world peace and development.







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