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2015-7-21 15:40| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 955| 评论: 0|来自: 求是

摘要: Beijing APEC: A Milestone for Asia-Pacific Partnership


Beijing APEC: A Milestone for Asia-Pacific Partnership



Wang Yi




With the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting being held in Beijing from November 10 to 11, 2014, the worlda once again turned its attention to the Asia-Pacific region, to China, and to Beijing. Chinese President Xi Jinping joined the leaders and representatives of other APEC members on the shores of Yanqi Lake in Beijing to discuss the future of APEC and the overall development of the Asia-Pacific region. As a harmonious, productive, and highly fruitful gathering, the Beijing APEC meeting displayed the confidence, ambition, and determination of its participants in promoting Asia-Pacific cooperation; showcased the outstanding ability of China’s leadership for bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, and demonstrated China’s positive attitude towards international and regional affairs as well as its role as a major country with a strong sense of responsibility. The meeting received an overwhelmingly positive response from the international community, with many observers calling it a historic and highly impressive event that built on past achievements and paved the way for future progress.



I. The world greeted the 2014 Beijing APEC meeting with high expectations, bearing testament to the crucial role that APEC plays in world and Asia-Pacific development.




The year 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of APEC. Founded in 1989 by 12 Asia-Pacific countries, this multilateral mechanism has connected countries along the Pacific Rim and linked emerging economies with developed ones, gradually transforming “Asia-Pacific” from a mere geographical concept into a pivotal body for economic cooperation. By 2013, APEC members accounted for 40% of the world’s population, 57% of the world’s GDP, and 46% of the world’s trade volume. Moreover, of the world’s 20 largest economies, 9 are APEC members. As the most dynamic and promising geo-economic region in the world at present, the Asia-Pacific region is widely regarded as an engine for world economic growth.




APEC has opened up a new chapter in regional economic cooperation. Since its establishment, APEC’s membership has grown from 12 to 21, while participation at its meetings has been elevated from ministers to national or regional leaders. APEC has become the broadest, most representative, and highest-level mechanism for economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. Since the adoption of the Bogor Declaration in 1994, tariffs in the region have fallen by 12 percentage points on average, the total volume of trade has increased seven-fold, and remarkable progress has been made in the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. Each year, APEC carries out almost 200 practical cooperation projects in 30 different domains. These projects play an important role in promoting regional economic cooperation, and have also helped to build the capacity of APEC economies.




Following the principles of independent and voluntary cooperation on the basis of consultation and consensus, APEC strives to foster a “family spirit” and community of common destiny in the Asia-Pacific region. APEC remains committed to propelling progress through “two wheels” – trade and investment liberalization and economic and technical cooperation – and advocates connectivity in the Asia-Pacific region as well as cooperation in global value and supply chains. As a leading authority on many cutting-edge issues in the world economy, APEC has provided new ideas for the advancement of regional economic integration. Following the establishment of APEC, a number of other mechanisms for regional economic cooperation have emerged and flourished in rapid succession. Together with APEC, these mechanisms have formed a highly vibrant and mutually complementary network for regional economic cooperation.




As the world experiences a new phase of turbulence and hotspot issues come and go in close succession, economic recovery remains a daunting challenge. The Asia-Pacific region, in contrast to other regions, has enjoyed overall stability and robust economic growth, becoming an anchor of world stability and prosperity. Yet it too faces risks and challenges. Many Asia-Pacific economies face the daunting task of economic transformation and restructuring. Moreover, lacking internal impetus for growth, certain economies even risk falling into the “middle-income trap” (MIT). APEC has borne witness to the historic achievements of Asia-Pacific’s development. Now, the Asia-Pacific region hopes that APEC will shoulder a new historic mission in developing the region. In keeping with the principles of mutual trust, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation, it is imperative that APEC economies seize opportunities for development, address challenges and differences, and take regional cooperation to an all new level.



II. APEC needs China, and China needs APEC.




APEC opened a new chapter in China’s relations with the Asia-Pacific region. China’s entry into APEC in 1991 was a milestone in both the opening up of China and the development of APEC. From then on, China began to step up the pace of its integration into the Asia-Pacific region. In 2001, China successfully hosted the APEC meeting in Shanghai. In 2013, APEC members accounted for 8 of China’s 10 largest trading partners, with trade with APEC economies accounting for 60% of the country’s total foreign trade. In the same year, as much as 83% of utilized foreign direct investment (FDI) in China came from APEC members, while 69% of China’s outbound investment went to them.




At the same time, the Asia-Pacific region and APEC have increasingly come to rely on China. When APEC was founded in 1989, China accounted for just 2.4% of the global GDP and 1.6% of the world trade volume. By 2013, these figures had increased to 12.7% and 10% respectively. China has become the largest trade partner of many APEC members, as well as a major source of their foreign direct investment (FDI) and tourists. According to calculations by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), China is now responsible for more than 50% of Asia’s economic growth, with each percentage point of growth in China bringing about 0.3 percentage points of growth in Asia. These figures show that China and the Asia-Pacific region have become a close-knit community of common destiny.




During the year of preparations leading up to the Beijing APEC meeting, China worked in close coordination with all APEC members, meticulously preparing the themes, topics, and intended outcomes of the meeting. This role gave China the chance to voice its opinions, present its solutions, and contribute its wisdom. Of the 100-plus proposals tabled at the Beijing APEC meeting, more than half were introduced by China. Following a thoroughly democratic and transparent process of consultation, China identified “Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership” as the theme of the meeting, and “advancing regional economic integration,” “promoting innovative development, economic reform and growth,” and “strengthening comprehensive connectivity and infrastructure development” as its three major priorities. This agenda was welcomed by other APEC members for reflecting the trends of economic development in Asia-Pacific and the world and conforming to the common needs of Asia-Pacific economies.






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