三、北京APEC会议实现了共同构建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系、共同打造开放型亚太经济格局、共同规划APEC未来发展方向三大目标 III. The
Beijing APEC made real progress towards three major goals: shaping the future
through Asia-Pacific partnership; building an open economy in the Asia-Pacific;
and planning the future development of APEC.
The Beijing APEC meeting issued a
series of important proposals on cooperation, including “The 22nd APEC Economic
Leaders’ Declaration – Beijing Agenda for an Integrated, Innovative and
Interconnected Asia-Pacific” and the “Statement on the 25th Anniversary of APEC
– Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership.” The concrete outcomes
of the meeting were as follows:
First, the Beijing APEC meeting
resolved to advance the process towards the eventual realization of the Free
Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), thereby defining a new direction for
Asia-Pacific cooperation after the accomplishment of the Bogor Goals.
The realization of FTAAP is a
long-standing consensus and vision of APEC leaders. The establishment of FTAAP
will help to further consolidate the various bilateral and multilateral
cooperation mechanisms in the region and guard against risks brought about by
the overlapping and fragmentation of various free trade arrangements. Through
coordination between China and other APEC members, the Beijing APEC meeting
endorsed the Beijing Roadmap for APEC’s
Contribution to the Realization of the FTAAP, arriving at an important
consensus on launching the process of establishing the FTAAP. This sent out a
clear signal that APEC will seek to further upgrade regional economic
integration in the future, and pointed out a clear direction for Asia-Pacific
economic cooperation following the realization of Bogor Goals in 2020.
Second, the Beijing APEC meeting
formulated an accord on innovative development, economic reform, and growth
with a view to providing new impetus for development in the Asia-Pacific
Transforming growth models,
restructuring economies, fostering steady growth, and promoting reform are the
common tasks of APEC members. The Beijing APEC meeting carried out in-depth
discussions on economic reform, new economy, innovative growth, inclusive
support, and urbanization, which constitute the five pillars of cooperation
among APEC members, and cemented deeper cooperation in areas such as overcoming
the “middle-income trap” (MIT), Internet economy, urbanization, and blue
economy. Spearheading contemporary trends and broadening the scope of APEC
cooperation, the Beijing APEC meeting formulated and endorsed the APEC Accord on Innovative Development,
Economic Reform and Growth and the APEC
Strategic Blueprint for Promoting Global Value Chain Development and
Cooperation, which are set to have a major bearing on the thinking and
model of Asia-Pacific development in the future. The meeting also endorsed the Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption
- the first international anti-corruption document to be proposed and drafted
by China – and successfully established the APEC Network of Anti-Corruption
Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies (ACT-NET), designed to promote
cooperation on the repatriation or extradition of corrupt officials and the
confiscation and recovery of corruption proceeds. The introduction of these
initiatives will help to provide a guarantee for Asia-Pacific economic growth.
Third, the Beijing APEC meeting
decided to push forward comprehensive connectivity in Asia-Pacific region, with
a focus on promoting multi-level interconnected growth.
In a bid to build an open economy
in the Asia-Pacific featuring innovative development, interconnected growth,
and shared interests, the Beijing APEC meeting endorsed the APEC Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025,
which aims to provide a strong guarantee for the long-term development of the
Asia-Pacific region and bolster the position of the Asia-Pacific as an engine for
world economic growth. The Blueprint
– the first international document on connectivity ever proposed and drafted by
China – has established the overarching goal of strengthening physical,
institutional, and people-to-people connectivity by 2025.
Prior to the opening of the
Beijing APEC meeting, China hosted the Dialogue on Strengthening Connectivity
Partnership. The heads of certain international organizations and the leaders
of neighboring countries that were not APEC members were invited to
participate. At the dialogue, President Xi Jinping explained in detail China’s
proposals to promote connectivity and build a Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st
Century Maritime Silk Road (“One Belt and One Road”). This was followed by the
announcement that China would establish a Silk Road Fund. The dialogue, which culminated
in the issuance of a Joint Press Communiqué,
was met with a highly positive response from participants. China took the
initiative to hold the dialogue in the capacity as the host of the 2014 APEC
meeting. As a well-positioned and well-executed meeting with goals extending
well into the future, the dialogue served to highlight China’s leading role in
promoting connectivity and building the “One Belt and One Road.” It not only
supported, complemented, and paved the way for the Beijing APEC meeting, but
also put into practice the principles of “affinity, sincerity, mutual benefit,
and inclusiveness” that China observes in its diplomatic initiatives concerning
neighboring countries.
四、北京APEC会议是中国特色大国外交的重要实践,将进一步促进中国的改革开放 IV. As
an important exercise in China’s major country diplomacy, the Beijing APEC
meeting has further promoted China’s reform and opening up.
As an important member of the
Asia-Pacific community, China has always viewed promoting Asia-Pacific
prosperity and stability as its responsibility, and has remained committed to
playing a constructive role in regional affairs. Building on the key principles,
major policies, and fine traditions of Chinese diplomacy since the founding of
the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the CPC Central Committee with Xi
Jinping as General Secretary has worked more actively to convert China’s
opportunities into international opportunities and vice-versa, and more
assertively to play China’s regional and international role as a major country
with a strong sense of responsibility. These endeavors not only represent a
distinctive feature of China’s diplomacy under a new situation, but also
constitute the basic orientation of China’s diplomatic policies in the
Asia-Pacific region.
China is committed to building a
new Asia-Pacific of peace and stability.
As an Asia-Pacific country, China’s
has a strong stake in the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region. With
a view to safeguarding peace and stability in the region, China has proposed
the establishment of a new type of major country relationship between China and
the United States, seeking a model for engagement between various major
countries that is characterized by non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual
respect, and mutually beneficial cooperation. China also advocates common,
comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security for Asia, and hopes to
foster an open and stable framework for security cooperation that suits the
needs of the region and is universally accepted by its members. In addition,
China advocates multilateralism, calls for law-based international governance,
and promotes the peaceful resolution of hotspot issues. For instance, Beijing
hosted the Fourth Ministerial Conference of Istanbul Process on Afghanistan in
2014, which led to the adoption of the
Beijing Declaration.
China is committed to building a
new Asia-Pacific of cooperation and prosperity.
China has benefited from a
prosperous and stable Asia-Pacific region, and hopes that other Asia-Pacific
economies can benefit more from China’s development. To this end, China has
continued to deepen its mutually beneficial cooperation with other Asia-Pacific
members, joining them in a concerted effort to build a more closely-knit
network of common interests for the region. It has tied its domestic
development with its opening up to the outside world, and aligned its own
interests with the common interests of Asia-Pacific economies. For many years,
China has been an important participant of and contributor to numerous regional
cooperation mechanisms, including ASEAN Plus China, ASEAN Plus Three, the East
Asia Summit (EAS), and the Great Mekong Subregion Cooperation (GMS).
China is committed to building a
new Asia-Pacific of openness and inclusiveness.
The Third Plenary Session of the
Eighteenth CPC Central Committee resolved that China needs to lay down a new
system for an open economy, increase the convergence of interests with other
countries and regions, and accelerate the implementation of a free trade zone
strategy that takes free trade with neighboring countries as its basis. China remains
committed to opening up further to the outside world, and to safeguarding and
developing an open world economy and open Asia-Pacific economy. At the same
time, it hopes that other APEC economies will remain committed to open
regionalism. China supports ASEAN centrality in regional cooperation and
welcomes the constructive participation of countries from outside the region.
Since 2013, President Xi Jinping has introduced a series of major cooperation
initiatives on behalf of China, such as the establishment of the Silk Road
Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, the founding of the Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the establishment of a Silk Road Fund.
China’s primary partners in these initiatives will be our neighbors and other
Asia-Pacific economies, and they are also the ones who stand to benefit the
most. These initiatives are completely open and inclusive. They are meant to
complement, not compete with APEC and other existing cooperation mechanisms.
Consequently, they are certain to provide new impetus for the improvement of an
Asia-Pacific cooperation network and for the sustainable prosperity and
development of the region.
The year 2014 marked the first year of China’s drive to comprehensively deepen its reforms. Fully showcasing the country’s reform and opening up, the Beijing APEC meeting allowed China to carry out active exchanges with the international community in the fields of reform, opening up, innovation, and growth. The resolve, intensity and achievements of China’s latest round of reform laid down a solid foundation for hosting the APEC meeting and introducing its proposals. The meeting represented a successful attempt by China to transform its growing economic strength into international influence and a force to shape the development of institutions. At the same time, the future plans for cooperation on innovative development, economic reform, and growth that were discussed at the APEC meeting, together with China’s deep involvement in APEC, will provide China with support and assistance as it comprehensively deepens its reforms. We are highly confident that China and APEC will grow together and move forward hand in hand! |
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