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2015-8-9 16:23| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 460| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Wang Yi Brought Forth a Ten-point Proposal on China-ASEAN Cooperation


Wang Yi Brought Forth a Ten-point Proposal on China-ASEAN Cooperation




Foreign Minister Wang Yi told the ASEAN-China Ministerial Meeting (10+1) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on August 5 that in building a more closely-knit China-ASEAN community of common destiny and promoting the “2+7” cooperation framework, the Chinese side is ready to further deepen China-ASEAN cooperation by putting forward a new ten-point proposal.




First, plans shall be made for activities commemorating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue relationship next year. 2016 shall be designated as the year of China-ASEAN educational exchanges.




Second, the formulation of the Plan of Action to Implement the Joint Declaration on the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity (2016-2020) shall be finished in keeping with the times, highlighting inclusiveness and foresight and opening up new areas of cooperation.




Third, a working group shall be formed to discuss the signing of a China-ASEAN treaty on good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation, in a bid to anchor the amicable relationship on a legal basis and make people from the two sides more optimistic about China-ASEAN relationship.




Fourth, international production capacity cooperation shall be carried out to drive forward the complementary economic growth of China and ASEAN as well as their common renewal. The Chinese side stands ready to conduct mutually beneficial production capacity cooperation with ASEAN countries on an equal-footing and voluntary basis in compliance with the needs of ASEAN countries, so as to align development strategies and achieve win-win results.




Fifth, connectivity shall be advanced. The Chinese side would like to consult with ASEAN on the formulation of an overall plan about connectivity, keeping it in line with the relevant planning of ASEAN. There should be more input in connectivity with major projects as the basis to promote regional economic growth.




Sixth, efforts shall be made to ensure the year of China-ASEAN maritime cooperation a success, creating new highlights for maritime cooperation.




Seventh, joint efforts shall be made to promote sub-regional development. The Lancang-Mekong dialogue cooperation mechanism shall be launched so that the mechanism and the Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation program could reinforce and complement each other, help narrow the intra-ASEAN development gap and render more support to the building of ASEAN community.




Eighth, the Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone shall be signed as soon as possible. The Chinese side is positive about taking the lead in signing the protocol.




Ninth, defense and security cooperation shall be strengthened. The Chinese side welcomes the attendance by defense ministers of ten ASEAN countries and the ASEAN Secretary-General at the informal China-ASEAN defense ministers' meeting held in China for the first time in mid-October.




Tenth, peace and stability of the South China Sea shall be jointly upheld. Disputes shall be properly handled, peace maintained and cooperation boosted so as to produce win-win results.





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