英语翻译资料下载 外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问 Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press
On 8 March 2016, the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress held a press conference. Foreign Minister Wang Yi was invited to answer questions on China’s foreign policy and external relations.
Wang Yi: Friends from the media, good morning. At the outset, I wish to thank you for your care, understanding and support for China’s diplomacy. I also want to extend festive greetings to all the ladies in this room, including the female journalists. Now, I am ready to answer your questions.
CCTV: In September, China will host the G20 Summit for the first time. What proposals will China put forward at the Hangzhou Summit?
Wang Yi: This is the first question, and you are asking about the G20 Summit. It shows people have high expectations for China’s G20 presidency. Indeed, the G20 Hangzhou Summit, the most important international conference that China will host this year, is the world’s most closely watched economic summit.
In the past few years, the G20 Summit has played a critical role in containing the global financial crisis. This time, the world economy has reached another crossroads. How to emerge from long-term economic sluggishness? How to find new sources of growth? And how to coordinate national policies more effectively? The world is turning its eyes to China. President Xi Jinping has clearly articulated China’s basic approach to hosting the G20 Summit. While making solid preparations on all the topics, we will try to break new ground from three angles. First, we want to discover new sources of growth through innovation. Second, we want to inject new momentum into the world economy through reform. And third, we want to open up new prospects through development.
For the first time, we will make innovative growth a key topic on the G20 agenda. We want to capitalize on the new industrial revolution and digital economy, and develop a new blueprint for the innovative growth of the world economy.
We will stress the importance of structural reform and encourage the major economies to build new consensus around this, so as to work together to put the world economy on the path to strong recovery.
And we will prioritize development issues in macro policy coordination. We will encourage G20 members to show leadership by developing action plans to implement the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, so as to catalyze inclusive and interconnected development all over the world.
I am confident that the G20 Hangzhou Summit will boost people’s confidence, build consensus and point the way forward. Hangzhou will be a new launch pad for the G20, and China will be a new launch pad for the world economy.
KBS: How will China make sure that the new UN Security Council resolution on the DPRK will be implemented effectively? Where to draw the line between “livelihood” and “non-livelihood” purposes?
Wang Yi: China is a permanent member of the Security Council. We have the obligation and capability to implement all the resolutions passed by the Security Council, including Resolution 2270 concerning the DPRK.
You mentioned the term “livelihood”: I think people would agree what it means. Of course, China will adopt an objective and impartial attitude during implementation and carry out necessary evaluation, determination and monitoring. I wish to point out that Resolution 2270 not just contains sanctions; it also reiterates support for the Six-Party Talks and asks the parties to refrain from taking any actions that might aggravate tensions. So in China’s view, the resolution must be implemented in its entirety. Sanctions are just a necessary means. Maintaining stability is the pressing priority, and only negotiation can lead to a fundamental solution.
At the moment, there is some saber-rattling on the Korean Peninsula, and the situation is highly charged. If the tensions worsen and get out of control, it would be a disaster for all parties. As the largest neighbor of the Peninsula, China will not sit by and see a fundamental disruption to stability on the Peninsula. And we will not sit by and see unwarranted damage to China’s security interests. We strongly urge the parties to act with reason and restraint, and refrain from aggravating tensions.
To eventually resolve the issues on the Peninsula, we have to adopt a multi-pronged approach and apply the right medicine. To have blind faith in sanctions and pressure would, in effect, be irresponsible to the future of the Peninsula. In terms of negotiation, China has put forward a proposal to pursue, in parallel tracks, the denuclearization of the Peninsula and the replacement of the armistice agreement with a peace treaty. Denuclearization is the firm goal of the international community, while replacing the armistice is a legitimate concern of the DPRK. The two can be negotiated in parallel, implemented in steps and resolved with reference to each other. In our judgment, this is an equitable, reasonable and workable solution. Other parties have also suggested some ideas, including flexible contacts in a three-party, four-party or even five-party format. We are open to any and all initiatives that can help bring the nuclear issue on the Peninsula back to the negotiating table.
People’s Daily: How do you rate China’s diplomacy in the last three years? What more can we expect from China’s diplomacy going forward?
Wang Yi: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we have built on China’s diplomatic tradition, made active efforts and broken new ground. Based on his keen grasp of the domestic and international situation, General Secretary Xi has put forward a whole series of new thinking, new ideas and new steps and pointed the way forward for China’s diplomacy. Three years is a good time to take stock of what we have achieved. Simply put, we are on the path of pursuing major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.
Our goal is to help realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation and build a community of shared destiny for all mankind. The strategic choice is to strive for peaceful development both at home and in the world. The basic principle is to seek win-win cooperation and, on that basis, build a new type of international relations. The main pathway is to establish various types of partnerships and choose partnership over alliance, dialogue over confrontation. The value we insist on is to adopt a balanced approach to friendship and interests, uphold justice in international affairs and put friendship before interests in state-to-state relations.
In his New Year message, General Secretary Xi said, “The world is so big and faces so many problems. The international community wishes to hear China’s voice and see China’s solutions. China cannot be absent.” We will go forward, guided by General Secretary Xi’s diplomatic thinking and the arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. In the course of realizing China’s development goals, we will embrace a broader horizon, a more open attitude and a more active posture. We will work with the international community and contribute our share to peace and stability of the world and to prosperity and progress of mankind.
The Reuters: Why doesn’t China allow foreign journalists to visit its South China Sea islands and reefs? What is the purpose of China’s construction on the islands and reefs?
Wang Yi: The Nansha Islands are China’s integral territory. Every Chinese has an obligation to defend them. China has not and will not make any new territorial claims.
In building defense facilities on our own islands and reefs, China is exercising its right to self-preservation under international law. China is not the first country to have deployed weapons in the Nansha, we are not the country that has deployed the most weapons, and we are not the country that conducts the most frequent military activities. China cannot be accused of “militarization”; the label is more suited to some other countries.
In addition to building necessary defense facilities on the Nansha and more importantly, China is building civilian facilities to provide public goods to the international community. When the construction is completed and the condition is ripe, we will consider inviting foreign journalists to visit the islands and reefs.
China is the largest country bordering the South China Sea, so we hope, more than any other country, to uphold the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Thanks to the concerted efforts of China and other regional countries, it is one of the freest and safest sea lanes in the world. I want to remind some people that the freedom of navigation does not give them a license to do whatever they want. If someone wants to muddy the waters or to destabilize Asia, China will not agree to it and the overwhelming majority of countries in the region will not allow it to happen.
The fact is, China has made various
efforts to promote peace and stability in the South China Sea. We have set up a
China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund, which has supported over 40 cooperation
projects. We are actively advancing the COC
consultation: The parties have reached two Lists of Commonalities and entered
into the phase of discussing crucial and complex issues. We have initiated to
formulate preventive measures for managing maritime risks. And we have offered
to set up the maritime emergency diplomatic hotline and the maritime joint search
and rescue hotline. These initiatives speak volumes about our sincerity, but
they’ve been obstructed by certain individual countries. Yet China has every
capability and confidence to work with ASEAN countries to maintain the overall
picture of peace and development in the South China Sea. |
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