Beijing Youth Daily: More and more Chinese citizens are traveling abroad. They are exposed to growing risks in foreign countries. What measures will the Foreign Ministry take to protect overseas Chinese citizens and institutions?
Wang Yi: Last year, mainland citizens made over 120 million overseas visits, a growth rate of almost 10 percent. Over 150 countries and territories have become destinations for Chinese tourists. There are over one million Chinese working abroad and close to two million Chinese studying abroad. This shows that our country is developing rapidly and the life of our people is getting better every day. On the other hand, it also puts enormous strain on consular protection. To be honest, our resources and tools are limited, and our capacity is not yet up to the task.
Having said this, we will do everything in our power to provide consular protection, bearing in mind that diplomacy must serve the people. In the course of last year, the Foreign Ministry and our diplomatic and consular missions abroad handled over 80,000 consular cases, or 235 cases per day, one case every six minutes. The 12308 consular protection hotline received over 100,000 phone calls and helped 166 of our overseas missions handle 15,000 consular cases. We successfully rescued 55 Chinese who had been abducted abroad. We evacuated 613 Chinese from conflict-ridden Yemen and over 6,000 Chinese from quake-hit Nepal. I know people care a lot about the “value” of the Chinese passport. Last year, we reached arrangements with another 18 countries to facilitate mutual travel. The number of countries and territories that give visa-free or visa-upon-landing treatment to ordinary Chinese citizens has reached 54. Of course, this figure still falls short of people’s expectations, but I can assure you that we will never relax our efforts.
Consular protection is never-ending work. The best approach is prevention beforehand rather than remedy afterwards. So we will focus more on preventive consular protection. For example, we will enhance the security awareness of our people and in countries where conditions allow, we will set up police-civilian cooperation centers and appoint local liaison officers for consular protection. We want to move the first line of consular protection to foreign countries, shorten the response time and make our work more efficient. We will try to solve problems locally so as to avoid the unnecessary cost associated with large-scale evacuation. In short, the interests of the people are paramount. Consular protection and service must go wherever our compatriots have gone. We will do our level best to put up an ever stronger umbrella for Chinese people abroad.
Mainichi Shimbun: How do you see the current state of affairs in China-Japan relations? What is the underlying problem in the relationship and how can it be improved?
Wang Yi: Japan’s wrong approach to history and other issues in recent years has dealt a body blow to China-Japan relations. Thanks to the efforts of wise people on both sides, there are signs of improvement in the relationship, but I don’t see any grounds for optimism. On the one hand, the Japanese government and leaders say nice things about wanting to improve relations. On the other hand, they are making trouble for China at every turn. This is a typical case of double-dealing.
China and Japan are neighbors facing each other across the sea and there is a tradition of friendship between our people. Of course, we want to see real improvement in China-Japan relations. But as a saying goes, to cure a disease, you have to address the underlying problem. As far as China-Japan relations are concerned, the underlying problem is that some politicians in Japan have the wrong perception about China. Do they view a growing China as a friend or a foe, a partner or an adversary? The Japanese side needs to give serious thought to this question and make the right choice.
Xinhua News Agency: The past year saw closer relations between Europe and China. How do you see this change?
Wang Yi: Diplomatic engagement with Europe was a highlight of China’s diplomacy last year. President Xi’s “super” state visit to Britain created a new wave of China-Europe cooperation. As a result, you see the simultaneous and complementary development of relations between China and various European countries.
The positive change in China-Europe relations is not a temporary phenomenon; it is a long-term and inevitable choice. China has always regarded Europe an important pole in a multi-polar world, and Europe has come to view China’s development and rise in a more objective and sensible way. There was a time when China-Europe relations were beset by recurring frictions. But after the dust settled down, Europe has found that China and Europe are not headed for strategic rivalry and that there is no clash of fundamental interests between us. On the contrary, we have an increasing need for cooperation and a growing set of common interests. Of course, everything has two sides. Problems of one kind or another will arise in China-Europe relations. But I am sure the two sides will move closer to each other and our joint steps will be more steady.
Going forward, we want to make concrete efforts with Europe to advance our partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization. This is our shared commitment in the 21st century and the due contribution that China and Europe can make to the development and progress of mankind.
The Cambodia Daily: The first Lancang-Mekong River Cooperation Leaders’ Meeting will take place in late March. How will China support ASEAN’s development?
Wang Yi: This year is, if you will, the “silver wedding” anniversary of dialogue relations between China and ASEAN. For a quarter century, our relationship has stood all kinds of tests and our cooperation has borne rich fruits. Now the relationship has reached a new starting point. We will further follow President Xi’s guideline of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness for dealing with our neighbors, and work hard to build an ever closer China-ASEAN community of common destiny.
We see ASEAN as a preferred partner in Belt and Road cooperation. We want to ensure the success of the China-Laos Railway, the China-Thailand Railway and the Jakarta-Bangdung High-speed Railway that China and Indonesia are building together. These are important building blocks of the Pan-Asian Railway Network. When they are completed, the people of China and ASEAN countries will find it easier to visit each other.
ASEAN is our preferred partner in FTA cooperation. We want to ensure the success of the upgraded version of the China-ASEAN FTA, so as to bring more benefits to businesses and people on both sides. And we want to actively advance the RCEP negotiation and try to wrap it up before the end of the year.
ASEAN is our preferred partner in regional cooperation. At the end of this month, Premier Li Keqiang will invite the leaders of all countries along the Lancang-Mekong River, namely Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand, to gather in Hainan Province for the first Lancang-Mekong River Cooperation Leaders’ Meeting. The Lancang and Mekong connect all six countries. We drink from the same river, and our destinies are intertwined. What makes Lancang-Mekong River cooperation different is that it is more down-to-earth and more efficient. To date, we have prepared 78 early harvest items. Lancang-Mekong River cooperation is a useful supplement to China-ASEAN cooperation. It can help boost the holistic and balanced development of ASEAN.
ASEAN is also our preferred partner in maritime cooperation. We want to make good use of the China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund, and step up cooperation on the ocean economy, marine environmental protection and maritime security. In the meantime, we want to explore the possibility of establishing a South China Sea littoral states cooperation mechanism, and work together to maintain and build our common home, the South China Sea.
China News Service: The term of the current government in Myanmar will end in late March. What is China’s expectation for the incoming government? What about the prospects of Myitsone Dam and other Chinese-invested projects?
Wang Yi: China-Myanmar friendship is rooted in the heart of people on both sides; it is strong and dynamic. It will not be weakened by the changes in Myanmar’s domestic situation. We have every confidence about the future of China-Myanmar relations.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD under her leadership have had longstanding friendly contacts with China; our mutual understanding and trust have been growing. So we also have every confidence about Myanmar’s future.
China and Myanmar are neighbors and we will remain so forever. We would like to help Myanmar achieve better and faster development. The Myitsone Dam is a commercial project that has cleared all the approval procedures. There are some difficulties in the cooperation. These are “growing pains” which the two sides will continue to manage in an active and appropriate way. So of course, we also have every confidence about the future of win-win cooperation between China and Myanmar.
Zambia Daily Mail: The world economy is sluggish. China’s growth is slowing down and its demand for commodities is dropping. Will this affect China-Africa economic cooperation and China’s development aid to Africa?
Wang Yi: China’s diplomatic relations with African countries go back 60 years. In the meantime, the world has changed, and so have China and Africa. But what remains unchanged is the deep bond of friendship, mutual trust and mutual support between China and Africa.
At the end of last year, President Xi announced 10 cooperation plans for China and Africa. The most salient feature of these plans is that we want to transition from a trade pattern that has so far been dominated by resource products to more investment and industrial cooperation. By encouraging more Chinese businesses to invest in Africa, we want to help the continent accelerate its industrialization and boost its capacity for development. So these plans couldn’t have come at a better time. They are designed precisely to help Africa deal with the new challenges from the global economy. When China makes a promise, it always delivers. Just three months after the China-Africa summit, we have gotten into touch with over 20 African countries to follow up on the outcomes of the summit. A number of early harvest items will materialize soon, and the China-Africa Fund for Industrial Cooperation is already up and running.
For many years, there are all kinds of comments about China-Africa cooperation, but the African people know the best. At last year’s summit, many African leaders stated publicly that China has never colonized Africa. Rather, China has helped Africa to emerge from poverty and realize development, and China has brought new life to Africa. They also said that Africa has been searching for a truly reliable partner with common interests. Eventually, they have found such a partner in China. These statements struck a chord with many in the audience; the African leaders spoke the mind of the African people.
Question from a Diplo-Chat follower: China’s diplomacy is very busy. What are you busy with? Does what you do have an impact on the lives of ordinary people?
Wang Yi: I’m glad to have the opportunity to answer a question from the netizens. Let me first thank all the netizens for their understanding and support for China’s diplomacy.
The netizen is right in noting that China’s diplomacy has been pretty busy in the last few years. In my view, it’s worthwhile and fruitful.
Our hard work is worthwhile, because more and more problems in the world cannot be resolved without Chinese participation. In the last three years, President Xi has made 20 overseas visits and he has flown enough miles to circle the globe 10 times. Everywhere he traveled, he created a strong “Chinese whirlwind”. Today, China has an ever higher international standing. Wherever Chinese people go, they can hold their head high.
Our hard work has also been fruitful, because China’s diplomacy is not only “high-flying” but also “down-to-earth”. As you can see, our leaders, including our President and our Premier, have often acted as “presenters” and “salesmen” of Chinese equipment and technology on foreign trips. Even when they are abroad, what they think about is China’s development and the wellbeing of the Chinese people.
Let me give you just one example. Four days after President Xi visited Iran in January, the first freight train ran on the Yiwu-Tehran railway. The railway provided a cost-effective channel of transportation for over 70,000 businesses in Yiwu, creating more business opportunities and better profits for them. There are many more such stories. If you’re interested, you can follow the Diplo-Chat Weibo account.
Recently, the Foreign Ministry created a new platform to showcase and promote the development and opening of Chinese provinces. In the Blue Hall of the Foreign Ministry, we organized a promotional event and invited foreign diplomatic envoys and businesses to have face-to-face discussions with the representatives of Chinese provinces. Last week, the first event focusing on Ningxia was a great success. In the future, we plan to hold such an event once every few months. We welcome the active participation of Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
In short, China’s diplomacy will only get busier. We’ll provide ever stronger services and support for China’s development, and Chinese people can expect more benefits from China’s diplomacy.
The press conference lasted two hours and was attended by more than 500 Chinese and foreign journalists. |
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