三、中非加强互利合作契合非洲发展需要,符合双方共同利益 Stronger mutually beneficial cooperation serves both Africa and China.
With similar historical experiences, the same development goals, and common strategic interests, China and Africa have always been a community of shared destiny, giving our cooperation a dimension of natural complementarity. As developing countries, China and African countries are at similar stages of development. This makes the experience and technologies of China more relevant to Africa’s situation and practical needs. China respects the independent will of African countries and supports the development of Africa in good faith, never attaching any political conditions, interfering with domestic affairs, or imposing our own will on African countries. In the “Ten Key Cooperation Plans” proposed by the Chinese government during the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit, we have identified industrialisation, agricultural modernisation, and the development of public health systems as priorities for China-Africa cooperation, focusing on the three bottlenecks of Africa’s development – infrastructure, people, and capital. We hope that by resolving the long-standing problems of jobs, food and health, we can contribute to the systemic solution of Africa’s development challenges and put the continent on an independent and sustainable development path.
First, we will implement the China-Africa industrialisation plan. China will actively promote industry partnering and production capacity cooperation between China and Africa and encourage more Chinese enterprises to make business investments in Africa. China will build or upgrade a number of industrial parks in cooperation with Africa, send senior government experts and advisers to Africa and set up regional vocational education centres and schools for capacity building. China will also train 200,000 technical personnel and provide 40,000 training opportunities for African personnel in China.
Second, we will implement the China-Africa agricultural modernisation plan. China will share its experience in agricultural development with Africa and transfer its readily applicable technologies. We encourage Chinese enterprises to engage in large-scale farming, animal husbandry, and grain storage and processing in Africa to create more local jobs and increase farmers’ income. China will carry out agricultural development projects in 100 African villages to raise rural living standards, send 30 teams of agricultural experts to Africa, and establish a “10+10” cooperation mechanism between Chinese and African agricultural research institutes. China will also provide RMB 1 billion of emergency food aid to the countries affected by El Nino.
Third, we will implement the China-Africa infrastructure plan. China will step up mutually beneficial cooperation with Africa in infrastructure planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance. We support Chinese enterprises’ active participation in Africa’s infrastructural development, particularly in sectors such as railways, roads, regional aviation, ports, electricity and telecommunications, to enhance Africa’s capacity for sustainable development. We will also support African countries in establishing five transportation universities.
Fourth, we will implement the China-Africa financial plan. China will expand its RMB settlement and currency swap operations with African countries, encourage Chinese financial institutions to set up more branches in Africa, and increase its investment and financing cooperation with Africa in multiple ways to provide financial support and services for Africa’s industrialisation and modernization drive.
Fifth, we will implement the China-Africa green development plan. China will support Africa in bolstering its capacity for green, low-carbon and sustainable development and support Africa in launching 100 projects to develop clean energy, protect wildlife, promote environment-friendly agriculture and build smart cities.
Sixth, we will implement China-Africa trade and investment facilitation plans. China will carry out 50 aid-for-trade programmes to improve Africa’s capacity, both “software” and “hardware”, for conducting trade and investment. China will support African countries in enhancing law enforcement capacity in areas such as customs, quality inspection and taxation. We will also engage in cooperation with Africa in standardisation, certification and accreditation and e-commerce. China is ready to negotiate with countries and regional organisations in Africa comprehensive free trade agreements covering trade in goods and services and investment cooperation and will increase its imports of African products.
Seventh, we will implement the China-Africa poverty reduction plan. China will increase its aid to Africa and carry out in Africa 200 “Happy Life” projects as well as poverty reduction programmes focusing on women and children. We will cancel outstanding debts in the form of bilateral governmental zero-interest loans borrowed by the relevant least developed African countries that matured at the end of 2015.
Eighth, we will implement the China-Africa public health plan. China will help Africa strengthen its public health prevention and control system as well as its capacity building by participating in the building of the African Centre for Disease Control. We will support pace-setting cooperation between 20 Chinese hospitals and 20 African hospitals, and upgrade hospital departments. We will continue to send medical teams to Africa and provide medical assistance such as the “Brightness Action” programme for cataract patients and maternal and child care. We will provide more anti-malaria compound artemisinin to Africa, and encourage and support local drug production by Chinese enterprises in Africa to increase Africans’ access to medicine.
Ninth, we will implement the China-Africa cultural and people-to-people plan. China will build five cultural centres in Africa and provide satellite TV reception to 10,000 African villages. We will provide to Africa 2,000 educational opportunities with diplomas or degrees and 30,000 government scholarships. Every year, we will sponsor visits by 200 African scholars and study trips by 500 young Africans to China, and train 1,000 media professionals from Africa. We support the opening of more direct flights between China and Africa to boost our tourism cooperation.
Tenth, we will implement
China-Africa peace and security plan. China will provide US$60 million of grant
to support the building and operation of the African Standby Force and the African
Capacity for the Immediate Response to Crisis. China will continue to
participate in UN peacekeeping missions in Africa and support African countries’
capacity building in areas such as defence, counter-terrorism, riot prevention,
customs and immigration control. |
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