四、中国有意愿、有能力全面履行对非合作承诺 China has the willingness and capability to comprehensively fulfill its commitment.
These China-Africa cooperation plans announced during the Summit are unprecedented in terms of a wide range of areas, large amount of input and substantial proposals, which have attracted the attention of Africa and the whole world. Some people doubt that, in the context of the sluggish world economic recovery and slowdown in China’s economy, these plans can be fully implemented. My answer to this question is YES.
The history of China-Africa cooperation proves that China always honors its promises with good faith. President Xi Jinping pointed out in the Johannesburg Summit that no matter how the international political landscape may evolve, China and Africa will remain brothers, treat each other as equals and trust and support each other. No matter how the international economic landscape may evolve, our fundamental goal of achieving win-win cooperation and common development will not change. No matter how the time and social development may change, the spirit of China-Africa cooperation based on mutual understanding to achieve common progress will not change. No matter what threats or challenges may emerge, the firm resolve of China and Africa to meet challenges in solidarity will not change. In 1970s, the Chinese people assisted the construction of Africa’s strategic projects like Tazara Railway against great odds. Even faced with the 2008 financial crisis that swept the globe, China never said No to Africa. With the concerted efforts of both sides, the commitments made during the FOCAC Beijing Summit and the ministerial conferences have been honoured as scheduled and some even over-delivered. Regardless of changes in the world political and economic landscape, China will always keep its promises to Africa, and the sound development momentum of China-Africa cooperation will remain as strong as ever.
当前,中国进入经济结构调整和转型升级的“新常态”。2015年,中国国内生产总值实现了6.9%的平稳增长,对全球经济增长贡献率超过四分之一。随着改革的全面深化和经济结构调整的不断推进,中国将在“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的发展理念指导下创造经济 “转型奇迹”,增长将更趋平稳,动力将更为多元,这将为中非合作注入更大的活力和创造更广阔空间。与此同时,非洲各国也正在积极推进工业化和农业现代化,中非双方在发展上互有需要、互有优势,为实现战略对接、全面拓展各领域合作创造了难得的历史性机遇。“十大合作计划”作为峰会举措的核心内容,将中非双方最为关心、迫切需要的重点领域作为优先方向,承载着中非双方的共同期待。只要中非双方齐心协力,这些举措必将得到最有效的落实。
At present, China’s economy has entered a “new normal” of economic restructuring, transformation and upgrading. In 2015, China’s GDP increased by 6.9%, which contributed more than 25% to world economic growth. With the sound progress in comprehensively deepening reform and economic restructuring, China will, by pursuing innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared’ development, create another miracle in economic transformation featuring steady growth and diversified driving force, which will provide a stronger impetus and broader space for China-Africa cooperation. At the same time, African countries are actively advancing industrialization and agricultural modernisation. China and Africa meet each other’s demands and enjoy respective competitive edges, thus presenting a historic opportunity to align our strategies and comprehensively explore cooperation in various fields. As the core of the Summit, the ten major plans put the key cooperation areas that concern us and that we need the most as the priorities. These carry the expectations of both sides. As long as we work together, all these plans will be carried out in a most effective way.
To ensure the successful implementation of these ten cooperation plans, China decided to provide a total of US$60 billion of funding support. It includes US$5 billion of grant and zero-interest loans to help African countries in the fields such as poverty reduction, health, agriculture and ecological protection and help improve African people’s livelihood and welfare; US$35 billion of loans of a concessional nature on more favourable terms and an export credit line which focuses on supporting African countries to construct some large projects, and helping African countries to improve infrastructure and create more social and economic benefits; the China-Africa Fund for Production Capacity Cooperation with an initial contribution of US$10 billion (already launched on January 7th, 2016); an increase of US$5 billion to the China-Africa Development Fund and the Special Loan for the Development of African SMEs respectively to support China-Africa cooperation in capacity, investment, trade and other fields. The shared aspiration for cooperation and adequate financial support have provided reliable guarantees for the implementation of the ten cooperation plans and will enable China and Africa to move forward more steadily, faster and further on the track of win-win cooperation and common development.
五、中南合作应当而且能够成为中非合作的成功典范 China-South Africa cooperation should and could be the successful model for China-Africa cooperation.
During his state visit to South Africa last December, President Xi reaffirmed with President Zuma the commitments to strengthening bilateral cooperation in such key areas as blue economy, production capacity, economic zones, energy, infrastructure development, human resources and finance. The two Presidents witnessed the signing of 23 cooperation agreements, which has lent fresh and strong impetus to the development of China-South Africa comprehensive strategic partnership.
China and South Africa regard each other as a strategic pivot and priority in our respective areas of diplomacy. Our ties have already gone beyond bilateral scope with growing overarching and strategic influence. As an influential African country, South Africa firmly supports China-Africa friendship, leads China-Africa cooperation and safeguards China-Africa interests. China-South Africa cooperation will play a greater role in promoting China-Africa relations. By deepening bilateral cooperation in priority areas including production capacity, blue economy and special economic zones, China and South Africa will boost the practical cooperation between China and Africa. As the co-chairs of FOCAC, China and South Africa will further enhance coordination on the forum affairs and actively push forward the implementation of the plans announced during the Johannesburg Summit. As the important members of BRICS, G20 and the United Nations, China and South Africa will maintain closer collaboration on international and regional issues so as to uphold the interests of China, Africa and the rest of the entire developing world.
2016 is the first year to implement the outcomes of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit. In the spirit of “wide consultation, joint development and shared benefits”, China will join hands with all African countries including South Africa to pursue win-win cooperation and common development and open a new era of China-Africa relations. |
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