Secretary-General’s Message for World Press Freedom Day<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 世界新闻自由日致辞 New York, 3 May 2012 2012年5月3日 纽约 In an era of rapid and often momentous change, the value of a vigorous, independent and pluralistic press is undeniable. 当今的时代瞬息万变,往往会发生惊天动地的变化,一个独立、多元且充满活力的新闻媒体所体现的价值,无可辩驳。 Over the past year and a half of transformation across the Middle East and North Africa, social media, mobile telephones and satellite television have played a central part in generating an extraordinary ripple effect: from a vegetable seller’s simple cry for human dignity to the fall of autocratic regimes and the possibility that millions of people will enjoy, for the first time, democracy and opportunities so long denied. 在过去一年半时间里整个中东和北非的变革中,社会媒体、移动式电话和卫星电视发挥了核心作用,促使产生了非同寻常的涟漪效应:从一个蔬菜小贩对维护人的尊严的呐喊,到一个专制政权的垮台,以及到几百万人有可能第一次享有被长期剥夺的民主和机会。 This role is highlighted by the theme of this year’s observance of World Press Freedom Day: New Voices: Media Freedom Helping to Transform Societies. 这一作用突显在今年纪念世界新闻自由日的主题中:新的声音:媒体自由有助于改变社会。 A free press gives people access to the information they need to make critical decisions about their lives. It holds leaders accountable, exposes corruption, and promotes transparency in decision-making. It raises awareness and offers an outlet for different voices, especially those that would otherwise go unheard. 一个自由的新闻媒体可以为人民提供他们对自己的生活作出重大决定所需的信息。它对领导人实施问责、揭露腐败、促进决策的透明度。它加深人民对事实的了解,为不同声音,特别是得不到倾听的声音提供发声的渠道。 But press freedom remains fragile. Every day, journalists face dire threats as they try to carry out their work. Last year, more than 60 journalists were killed worldwide, and many more were injured. As of 1 December 2011, 179 journalists were detained, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists – an increase of 20 per cent over the year before, and the highest level since the 1990s. Countless others were silenced or censored by governments, corporations and powerful individuals. Yet impunity for those who attack or threaten journalists remains disturbingly prevalent. 但是新闻自由仍很脆弱。记者每天都为试图开展工作而面临可怕的威胁。去年全球有60多名记者遇害,更多的人受伤。根据保护新闻工作者委员会提供的资料,截至2011年12月1日,有179名记者被关押——比前一年上升20%,人数达到1990年代以来的最高水平。无数其他人受到政府、公司和有权势的人的压制或审查,不让其发声。而令人不安的是,任意攻击或威胁记者又不受惩罚的现象仍然普遍存在。 I am outraged that attacks on journalists are on the rise. I call on all concerned to prevent and prosecute such violence. Defenders of a free press are safeguarding our rights and we must, in turn, ensure theirs. 我对记者受到攻击的事件不断上升感到愤慨。我呼吁各有关方面防止这种暴力行为并对其提出起诉。捍卫自由新闻的人是在维护我们的权利,我们也因此必须确保他们的权利。 In September last year, the United Nations held its first-ever inter-agency meeting devoted to the safety of journalists. The meeting produced a comprehensive Plan of Action, and the UN system is now mobilizing to intensify our efforts to raise awareness, help Member States strengthen legal frameworks and encourage them to investigate attacks against journalists. 去年9月,联合国有史以来第一次举行了一次专门讨论记者人身安全问题的机构间会议。会议产生了一项综合行动计划。目前联合国系统正在为我们加紧作出努力进行动员,以提高认识、帮助会员国加强法律框架,并鼓励它们调查对记者的攻击事件。 As we mark World Press Freedom Day, let us pledge to do our utmost to ensure that journalists can perform their work -- in new and traditional media alike—which makes an indispensable contribution to building stronger, healthier and more peaceful societies. 在我们纪念世界新闻自由日之际,让我们承诺将尽最大努力确保记者能够顺利开展工作——无论是新媒体还是传统媒体——他们对建立更加强大、健康和和平的社会作出了不可或缺的贡献。 |
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