Secretary-General’s Message for International Day for Tolerance<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 国际宽容日致辞 16 November 2012 2012年11月16日 Building tolerance and understanding is fundamental for the twenty-first century. In an increasingly globalized world – in which societies are growing more diverse – tolerance is central to living together. 建立宽容和理解是二十一世纪的根本。世界日益全球化,社会日益多元化,宽容是各方共处的核心。 Yet tolerance is being tested. In the face of economic and social pressures, some seek to exploit fears and highlight differences to stoke hatred of minorities, immigrants and the disadvantaged. To counter the rise of ignorance, extremism and hate-based political appeals, the moderate majority must speak up for shared values and against all forms of discrimination. 然而,宽容正在受到考验。面对经济和社会压力,一些人试图利用恐惧并强调差异,以煽动对少数民族、移民和弱势群体的仇恨。为遏制基于无知、极端主义和仇恨的政治诉求的抬头,温和的多数派必须宣扬共同价值,反对一切形式的歧视。 Our goal must be more than peaceful coexistence. True tolerance requires the free flow of ideas, quality education for all, respect for human rights, and the sharing of cultures for mutual understanding. As we advance these values, let us draw strength and guidance from the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity. 我们的目标肯定不仅仅是和平共处。真正的宽容离不开自由表达思想、人人享有优质教育、尊重人权以及共享文化以促进互相了解。在倡导这些价值的同时,让我们从联合国教科文组织的《世界文化多样性宣言》中汲取力量和指引。 Tolerance is both a condition of peace and an engine for creativity and innovation. In our evermore interconnected world, promoting tolerance is the way to build the harmony we need to address pressing challenges and secure a better future. 宽容是和平的条件,是创造力和创新的引擎。在这一始终互连的世界里,为解决紧迫挑战,实现更美好的未来,我们需要和谐,而提倡宽容正是创造和谐的必由之路。 |
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