Secretary-General’s Message on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 世界道路交通事故受害者纪念日致辞 18 November 2012 2012年11月18日 This year, the world’s roads have claimed some 1.2 million lives. Added to the fatalities are the more than 50 million people injured each year – many of them now condemned to enduring physical disabilities and psychological trauma for the rest of their days. 今年,世界各地的道路已夺走约120万人的生命。除了死亡人数之外,每年还有5 000多万人受伤,其中许多人遭受终生残疾和心理创伤。 Around 90 per cent of road traffic deaths and injuries occur in low- and middle-income countries. Most of the victims are pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. The World Health Organization warns that, without urgent action, road traffic injuries will become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030. 约90%道路交通事故死伤人数发生在低中收入国家。大部分受害者是行人或骑自行车和摩托车者。世界卫生组织警告说,如不采取紧急行动,到2030年,道路交通伤害将成为第五大死亡原因。 Eighteen months ago, governments agreed to a Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2011-2020, with a pledge to save 5 million lives by implementing road safety strategies and information campaigns and enhancing and enforcing legislation. Governments are acting. Chilean law now requires people travelling on inter-city buses to wear seatbelts. China has criminalized drinking and driving and increased penalties for offenders, and New Zealand has introduced stricter controls on alcohol for younger drivers. 18个月前,各国政府同意,将2011年至2020年定为道路安全行动十年,承诺通过实施道路安全战略,开展宣传活动,加强和执行立法来拯救500万条生命。各国政府正采取行动。智利法律现在规定城际巴士乘客必须系好安全带。中国现将酒后驾车定为犯罪行为,并增加对罪犯的惩罚。新西兰推出了对年轻司机更严格的酒精控制措施。 Existing legislation is also being more vigorously enforced. Police in Brazil are now much stricter on drinking and driving. Seatbelt use in Turkey has increased from 8 to 50 per cent and, in Viet Nam, motorcycle helmet use has tripled from 30 to 90 per cent. Other countries, including Ghana, India, Mozambique and Pakistan, are improving care for people who have suffered road traffic injuries. All these efforts are saving lives. 各国也加大力度执行现有立法。巴西警方现在更严格控制酒后驾驶。在土耳其,使用安全带的人数从8%增加到50%;在越南,使用摩托车头盔的人数增加了三倍,从30%增至90%。其他国家,包括加纳、印度、莫桑比克和巴基斯坦,正在改善对道路交通受伤者的护理。所有这些努力都在挽救生命。 Earlier this year, the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development emphasized the importance of safe roads. On this World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, let us commit to minimizing road traffic deaths and injuries as part of our quest for an equitable and sustainable future. 今年年初,“里约+20”联合国可持续发展大会强调道路安全的重要性。值此世界道路交通事故受害者纪念日,让我们承诺最大限度地减少道路交通事故死伤人数,以便追求公平和可持续的未来。 |
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