from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃在“国际消除种族歧视日”的致辞
21 March 2013 2013年 3月 21日
The International Day for the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 21 March, is one of the longest
established international days celebrated by the United Nations.
3月 21日的国际消除种族歧视日是联合国最为悠久的国际日之一。
This Day takes us to the origins
of the principles that underpin international solidarity and social life. It
also embodies UNESCO’s chief purpose to create conditions conducive to mutual
understanding and tolerance in the minds of men and women.
Racism poisons the diverse and
multicultural societies in which we live. Whether it be latent or openly
displayed, whether it take the form of denial of employment, housing or
education or the form of physical aggression, racial discrimination thrives on
the kind of reasoning that is built on the ranking and division of the human genus
and that points to the stranger, the minority, the immigrant and, ultimately,
humanity itself as undesirable. It is rooted in preconceptions inherited from
ages past and sustained by ignorance. It must be combated through action to strengthen
the inviolable principles of human dignity
To this end, UNESCO, drawing on
the full force of its mandate, is including human rights education in school
curricula, thus transmitting the history of the darkest pages of the past – in
particular slavery, the slave trade, the Holocaust and the genocides. The sense
of deep-seated unity of the human genus must be strengthened by the promotion
of cultures and better knowledge of the shared foundations that bring them closer
together. UNESCO’s International Coalition of Cities Against Racism has shown its
relevance through the exchange of best practices in order to strengthen social
cohesion. According to ubuntu wisdom,
most ably advocated by the Most Reverend Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape
Town, one needs other persons to be fully oneself. UNESCO has endorsed the ubuntu message and is putting it into
practice under an integrated strategy adopted more than ten years ago.
UNESCO is working to harness all
cultural and educational resources and to make the most of all sources of
knowledge so that we may live better together in our diversity. I call on all
UNESCO partners, governments, NGOs, artists, civil society stakeholders and
human rights activists to join us in upholding the principle of zero tolerance
of racial discrimination, in supporting victims and in combating all forms of racism,
xenophobia and intolerance.
教科文组织希望调动文化、教育、知识共享方面的所有资源,在多样性中和谐共处。我请所有合作伙伴、政府、非政府组织、艺术家、公民社会行动者、人权卫士与我们携起手来,弘扬对种族歧视的零容忍原则,支持受害者,与各种形式的种族主义、仇外和不宽容作斗争。 |
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