笔译、口译资料下载 英文版:Message from Ms Irina Bokova on the Occasion of World Water Day.doc 中文版:联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜博科娃在世界水日的致辞.doc Message
from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of World
Water Day 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃在世界水日的致辞
22 March 2013 2013年 3月 22日
This World Water Day occurs
during the 2013 International Year of
Water Cooperation. With this, Member States agreed on the importance of
water cooperation for human health and well-being, for achieving the Millennium
Development Goals, and for lasting peace and sustainable development.
今年的世界水日恰逢 2013年国际水合作年。这项活动显示了会员国一致认为水合作对于人类健康与幸福,对于实现千年发展目标,以及持久和平与可持续发展极其重要。
The International Year of Water Cooperation is guided by the slogan—“water,
water everywhere, only if we share”. This includes the management of transboundary
waters between countries – it means also sharing water between different uses
and varied users inside national borders. We need stronger water governance
between and within States.
Cooperation must be our byword.
This is essential to preserve our ecosystems, to eradicate poverty and to
advance social equity, including gender equality. Women are key actors -- we
must empower them fully with the rights to match their responsibilities.
Ensuring equality in access to and control over water resources is important
for the well-being of current and future generations.
Water challenges are complex—solutions
must be equally multi-faceted. This calls for innovative thinking and
cooperation across the board. For this, UNESCO pursues a wide angle, drawing on
its International Hydrological Programme as well as its 29 water-related Chairs
and 18 water-related centres. These include the IHE-Institute for Water
Education, in the Netherlands, which has trained 15,000 water professionals
from 160 countries since 1957.
水挑战错综复杂,解决方案也必须是多元的。这需要新思路和跨界合作。为此,教科文组织将利用其国际水文计划以及与水有关的29个教席和 18个中心拓宽视野,其中包括设在荷兰的水教育研究所。自1957年以来,该研究所培训了160个国家的15 000名水资源专业人员。
Water cooperation is not a
technical or scientific issue. This is about fighting poverty and protecting
the environment. It is about laying the foundations for sustainable development
and lasting peace.
Governments must commit to
finding inclusive and cooperative solutions to water challenges. For this, we
must take decisions that involve all relevant actors, from investors to users.
Each of us is concerned, and we are all responsible. Water cooperation is not
an option—it is an imperative for a better future for all.
各国政府必须致力于寻求以包容和合作的解决方案应对水挑战。为此,我们的决策必须使所有相关方面,从投资方到用户,全部参与进来。我们每一个人都无法置身度外,我们都承担着责任。为了全人类更美好的未来,水合作不是一个选项,是必须采取的行动。 |
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