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2013-5-24 20:43| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 51| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Making New Progress in Growing China-Pakistan All-Weather Friendship: Speech by H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, at the Senate of the Islamic Republic ...



Ladies and Gentlemen,




Peace, development and cooperation are the underlying trend of our times, and Asia has increasingly become one of the most dynamic regions in the world and the focus of international attention. Profound traditional friendship has laid a solid foundation for further growing our friendly relations; and rapid changes in the world today call for lifting China-Pakistan comprehensive strategic cooperation to a higher level. On the other hand, the world is undergoing profound and complex changes, and uncertainties and destabilizing factors are on the rise. Our two countries need to develop closer cooperation and enhance strategic communication to jointly meet international uncertainties and challenges in Asia. China is at a decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. To achieve sustained and sound development and upgrade the economy, we need to unleash the benefits of reform and open wider to the world; and westward opening is a major step taken by China in this regard. Pakistan has a unique role to play in China’s endeavor to grow relations with countries in South Asia, Central Asia and West Asia. Pakistan’s support and cooperation are important to China’s development. Pakistan faces arduous tasks of economic and social development. As the closest friend and brother of Pakistan, China will render support and assistance as our ability permits. To help you is to help ourselves. Given the strong complementarity of our economies and the vast space for industrial development and market expansion in both countries, it is highly necessary for us to strengthen cooperation. Our friendship and cooperation meet the fundamental interests of our two peoples and are conducive to maintaining global peace and stability.




As an old Chinese saying goes, “Friendship between chess playmates lasts less than a day. Friendship between diners lasts less than a month. Friendship based on power and influence lasts less than a year. Only friendship based on shared values lasts a lifetime.” What we have between China and Pakistan is a friendship based on shared values. It will not only last a lifetime, but also endure from generation to generation and last forever. However strong China may grow, we will always stand shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani people as good neighbors, good friends, good partners and good brothers, come rain or shine. China will work with Pakistan to forge a stronger, deeper and more solid strategic partnership of cooperation.




We should deepen China-Pakistan comprehensive strategic cooperation. China and Pakistan should keep the tradition of frequent high-level exchanges and enhance communication and coordination on issues involving the major interests of both countries. During my visit, China and Pakistan will issue a Joint Statement on Deepening Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation. We should take this opportunity to step up all-round cooperation and enrich the strategic dimension of our relations.




We should boost pragmatic cooperation. We should continue to make full use of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), hold the second round of tax reduction negotiations in the second phase of the FTA, and upgrade our business relations, so as to expand the size of bilateral trade and work towards a dynamic trade balance. China is ready to work with Pakistan to speed up the upgrading of the KKH and actively explore and develop a long-term plan for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, so as to strengthen the connectivity between South Asia and East Asia and promote economic development and livelihood improvement in the neighborhood. This will not only help expand the shared interests of China and Pakistan, but also provide an exemplary model for cooperation between regional countries. We will also work with Pakistan to launch big projects, enhance financial and investment cooperation, and focus our efforts on infrastructure development, connectivity, maritime, energy, agriculture and defense cooperation.




We should expand people-to-people exchanges. The Chinese government will continue to support bilateral exchanges and cooperation in culture, health, education, tourism and sports and between media and academic institutions so as to strengthen popular support for China-Pakistan friendship. China highly appreciates Pakistan’s efforts to promote the learning of Chinese language and will offer more help for such learning. In the next five years, China will train 1,000 language teachers for Pakistan and open more Confucius Institutes in your country. China will continue to support the exchange of 100-member youth delegations and welcome more young people from Pakistan to visit and study in China.




We should increase coordination in regional and international affairs. China will continue to work with Pakistan to enhance communication and coordination, jointly uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, safeguard the overall interests of developing countries, promote democracy in international relations and dialogue between civilizations, and work for the building of a harmonious world.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




China-Pakistan friendship, nurtured by our two peoples and fostered by succeeding generations of Chinese and Pakistani leaders, has stood the test of hardships and it is more precious than gold. To be friends forever is the shared aspiration of our two peoples. We should continue to forge ahead in both good and difficult times and work together to make new progress in growing China-Pakistan all-weather friendship.




Finally, let me say one more time, “Chin-Pak dosti zandabad” (Long live China-Pakistan friendship)!




Thank you.






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