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2013-6-5 15:38| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 113| 评论: 0|来自: 中国驻悉尼总领事馆

摘要: Remarks by Consul General Li Huaxin at the Reception Marking the Assumption of Office


Remarks by Consul General Li Huaxin at the Reception Marking the Assumption of Office



May 30, 2013














Hon. Victor Dominello, Minister for Citizenship and Communities, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, representing the Premier of NSW,and honorable Ministers of NSW Government,

Hon. Don Harwin, President of the NSW Legislative Council,

Hon. Shelley Hancock, Speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly, and honorable Members of NSW Parliament,

H.E. Mr. Chen Yuming, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia,

H.E. Mr. Lin Jun, Chairman of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese,

Hon. Virginia Greville, NSW State Director, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

H.E. Mr. Alvaro Barba, Dean of the Consular Corps of New South Wales&Consul General of Uruguay in Australia and New Zealand, and other colleagues of Consular Corps,

Mr. Willam Chiu JP, Chairman of the Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China,

Mr. Frank Chou OAM, Honorary Chairman of the Australian Teo Chew Association,

Dr. Tony Goh, Chairman of the Australian Council of Chinese Organizations,

Mr. Hu Shanjun, Chairman, China Chamber of Commerce in Australia,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Dear friends,




Good evening!




Thank you all for joining us today at this Reception. I just arrived in Sydney several days ago on May 14, and have not made acquaintance with everyone here yet. Therefore, I am so glad and moved to see so many guests and friends here.




The friendship between China and Australia has taken deep root and thrived vigorously in the past four decades. Prime Minister Julia Gillard made a successful visit to China with fruitful outcomes not long ago, during which our leaders announced that China and Australia agreed to develop a mutually beneficial and win-win Strategic Partnership based on mutual trust, established an annual meeting mechanism between the state leaders, announced the agreement on direct currency conversion between Chinese yuan and Australian dollar, and signed a series of documents of cooperation details. It is fair to say that the relationship between China and Australia is looking at a brighter tomorrow.




Assuming my post in Sydney in the new era of fast growth of China-Australia relations, I deeply understand the great responsibility and glorious mission on my shoulder. Known as “the Premier State of Australia”, New South Wales was the first state to be developed in Australia, and has the biggest population and strongest economy in the country. The Chinese side attaches high importance to the comprehensive and practical cooperation with NSW, and I would like to join hands with all our friends here to push ahead the relations between China and NSW, and look forward to your support in the future.




I am delighted to know that Premier Barry O’Farell will make his 3rd visit to China in a few days, and Mr. Andrew Stoner, Deputy Premier of NSW, Minister for Trade and Investment, is also planning to visit China at the end of next month. These visits fully demonstrate the enthusiasm and vision of NSW government to build stronger ties with China. I believe such visits will further promote the mutually beneficial co-operations between the related provinces and cities of China and NSW. I wish them nice and successful trips in China. Hereby, I would also like to take this opportunity to invite the Hon. Don Harwin, President of the NSW Legislative Council, the Hon. Shelley Hancock, Speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly and other dignitaries of NSW to visit China at your convenience.




Dear members of the Chinese community,


The vitality and prosperity of China-Australia relations are unlikely without your participation and support. For a long time, the Australian Chinese people have worked hard, stood together and supported each other and lived in harmony with other communities, contributing a great deal to the local economic development, social progress and the booming of multi-culturalism. At the same time, you care about the development back home in China, promote the Chinese culture and support the peaceful reunification of China, making practical efforts to intensify the friendly relations between China and Australia.


I was particularly touched that after the devastating earthquake hit Lushan County of Sichuan province on 20 April 2013, the overseas Chinese in NSW were concerned about affected area in Sichuan, and expressed their sympathy through phone calls, letters, and donations of cash and supplies, which showed the deep bond between compatriots, as blood is indeed thicker than water. On behalf of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Sydney, I would like to extend our sincere thanks and high tribute to all overseas Chinese in NSW.




Dear heads of Chinese enterprises, scholars and students,


Away from your families and home in China, you live, work and study in a foreign country with arduous efforts. The Consulate General is your home in Sydney, and you are welcome to come “home” at all times, and I wish you all great success in your study and career.




Dear friends,




Today, Chinese people are striving for the great goal of realizing the Chinese Dream. Chinese Dream, in essence, is the dream of “a prosperous country, strong people, great rejuvenation of the nation, and people’s welfare and happiness”. Achieving the Chinese Dream is not only beneficial to China, but also in line with the common interest of mankind, which, of course, needs our joint participation and common efforts. China is willing to share the fruitful achievements of prosperity, development, progress with all countries of the world including Australia.




Last but not least, I would like to propose to a toast,




To the friendship between the peoples of China and Australia,




To the further development of comprehensive cooperative relations between China and NSW,




To the health of all guests here today,




Thank you!





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