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2013-6-7 14:00| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 278| 评论: 0|来自: 新华网

摘要: Full text of Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli’s address at opening dinner of 2013 Fortune Global Forum



Third, we will further enforce the comprehensive strategy for regional development, and accelerate the development and opening up of the central and western regions. One of the major problems China faces today is regional income disparity and imbalanced development. Blessed with a vast territory, abundant resources and huge potential for development, China’s central and western regions provide important strategic space for development, convenient leeway as well as new points of economic growth. During the past decade or so, China has made remarkable achievements in developing these regions through its strategy for the development of the western region. We will make even greater efforts to press ahead the development and opening up of the central and western regions, particularly the western region, draw up layout plans for regional development, and work out more effective policies and measures to speed up the construction of major transportation networks between the regions. We will develop local industries with competitive edge, and push forward the development of green, recyclable and low-carbon industries, so that the resources advantages the central and western regions now enjoy will add to their economic strength. We will also support the transfer of some industries in the more developed eastern regions to the western regions, make overall plans on coordinated national and regional development, advance urbanization actively yet steadily, and well exploit the potentials of the process to boost domestic demand, promote economic growth and improve people’s livelihood. I believe that a new wave of western region development and opening up will add greater vitality to the Chinese economy, and help resolve the problem of imbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development in due course.




Fourth, we will strengthen the protection of resources, the environment and ecological systems as part of our effort to build a beautiful homeland with a blue sky, green land and clean water. I’ve always believed that the ecological environment is crucial to human civilization and to China’s development. Economic and social development is commendable only when it is achieved together with a sound ecological environment. This is also a responsibility we shoulder for our future generations. We have already outlined the goal of building China into a beautiful country. We will attach greater importance to addressing problems resulting from environmental pollution, and strike a proper balance between optimizing economic structure, boosting development that is driven by science and technological innovation, and conserving resources and protecting the environment. We are determined to make long-term and unremitting efforts to solve the problem. We will start with reducing PM2.5 in most polluted regions. We will implement forceful action plans with a multi-pronged approach to ensure nationwide progress through coordinated regional efforts. We will take gradual steps to improve the quality of soil and drinking water, so as to ensure that our people can live and work happily and in the meantime make new contribution to the global efforts of mitigating climate change.




Fifth, we will give high priority to ensuring the people’s well-being and improving their material and cultural lives. Ensuring and improving people’s well-being is the fundamental purpose of China’s development. We will do our very best to improve people’s livelihood through development, make every effort to increase household income, deepen reform of income distribution system, readjust the relationship of income distribution and gradually achieve common prosperity. We will implement the strategy of giving top priority to employment, encourage the practice of creating employment through multiple channels and forms, and ensure employment stability. We will strive to create equal access to basic public services in areas such as education, healthcare, social security and housing. We will administer justice impartially and increase the transparency of judicial operation; promote the equity of rights, opportunities and rules; narrow the gap between rich and poor, urban and rural, and reduce regional disparities, so as to turn the people’s aspirations for a better life into reality and achieve a virtuous circle of economic growth and the improvement of people’s well-being.




Sixth, we will deepen reform and opening-up across the board and never cease to reform or open up. Practices show that reform and opening-up are the essential driving force behind China’s development today. Had it not been for the reform and opening-up policy, the Chinese nation would never have been where it is today. Only by sticking to reform and opening-up can China have a bright future. We will integrate top-level design for reform with individual and community-level initiatives, underscore key areas and links as well as major issues, encourage breakthroughs in necessary areas while ensuring an overall gradual approach, forcefully pursue reform in a top-down manner, and make sure that every minor victory adds to our final triumph. We will form a unified market system, create a set of fair, equal and open market rules and an environment for all types of companies of different ownership structures to compete fairly. Reform of the administrative systems, fiscal and taxation, finance, investment, state-owned enterprises and pricing mechanisms will be deepened so that the systems of each area can be more mature and well-established. You may have noticed that a new round of reform measures has been unleashed in China. In less than three months since taking office, the new government of China has canceled or delegated to lower levels 133 items concerning business operation that needed central administrative approval. We will continue to do so and give more power to the market, society and enterprises. We will leverage to a greater extent and in a wider scope the basic role of the market in allocating resources.




China is committed to further opening up across the board. The Chinese nation, more open-minded and with a broader vision, will vigorously absorb and learn from other civilizations. China will embrace a more active strategy to open up its market and try to build an open economic structure that is mutually beneficial, diversified yet balanced, safe and highly efficient. To achieve balanced foreign trade growth, we will attach equal importance to imports and exports and make sure that we expand imports while optimizing exports. We are firmly opposed to protectionism of all forms, and stand for liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




To ensure growth, China needs the world, and the prosperity and stability of the world requires more of China’s participation. A China pursuing peaceful and robust development will bring more opportunities for cooperation and an even bigger market for all countries. By the end of 2012, China had approved more than 740,000 foreign-invested companies, whose combined direct investment in China had surpassed 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars. More than 400 of the Fortune 500 companies have invested in China. The sound and ever-expanding Chinese economy will unleash great consumption and investment potential, and provide more opportunities for cooperation for foreign investors. It is expected that in the next five years China will import a total of 10 trillion U.S. dollars worth of goods, and invest 500 billion U.S. dollars in foreign countries. Chinese tourists are expected to make 400 million trips overseas. We will continue to welcome and encourage foreign entrepreneurs and companies to start their business operations in China. We will protect the legitimate rights of investors, and provide opportunities for them to share the benefits brought about by China’s development as well as its reform and opening-up.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




Leaders of multinational corporations and other distinguished guests participating in this forum are all important players and facilitators of global economic activities. You have conducted mutually beneficial cooperation and wide exchanges with China and contributed significantly to China’s economic growth. Less than 40 miles from today’s venue lies the world’s oldest water conservation project, known as Dujiangyan. Built more than 2,300 years ago, the ancient project has brought blessings to the people of Sichuan for thousands of years, irrigating an immense area of arable land to this day. The story of Dujiangyan tells us that right investment will generate both immediate and long-term benefits. So let us join hands and work together to enhance cooperation for our mutual benefit and the benefit of our future generations.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




The hope for China’s new future and renewed expectation of the people all inspire us to persevere and be resolute in our work. As an old Chinese poem reads, “A time will come for me to brave the wind and waves, and I will seize that opportunity to cross the vast ocean.” We will steadfastly follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development, work under the leadership of the CPC central Committee led by General Secretary Xi Jinping, unite as one and make pioneering and innovative efforts to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realize the Chinese dream of achieving the great renewal of the Chinese nation.




In conclusion, I wish the 2013 Fortune Global Forum great success!




Thank you very much!






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