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2013-6-8 03:29| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 139| 评论: 0|来自: World Bank

摘要: Mobilizing Agricultural Science and Technology for Ending Poverty in Africa and Beyond

To help meet these goals, we believe that Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) offers tremendous hope of achieving the triple wins of increasing farmers’ incomes, helping them adapt to future climatic changes, and contributing to the battle against global warming.




It is well known in development literature that the Green Revolution which transformed food production in Asia and Latin America bypassed Africa.




We are here to change the trajectory of Africa’s future agricultural development.




For Africa to bring about its own sustainable Green Revolution – or Ever Green Revolution – we need to work together to strengthen our collaboration, work together more on strategic partnerships that are focused on the special needs of small farmers, all with a view to raising the productivity and profitability of Africa’s farm sector.




We need more South-South learning and sharing of experiences.  This is an area where our host, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and Brazil’s EMBRAPA can play a signal role in bringing about the new partnerships needed for Africa’s agricultural sector to thrive.  China’s successes in the Loess Plateau and Brazil’s transformation of the cerrado provide valuable lessons of experience.




The good news is that change is happening, as more and more African countries are recognizing the latent power of their agricultural sector in delivering sustainable reduction in poverty.




In 2003, 53 African countries agreed to work together to scale-up agricultural investments, strengthen planning and programming, expanding evidence-based policy making and improving coordination among external partners.  The Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) was born with the blessings of the African Union Commission.




Today, CAADP at its tenth anniversary has achieved noteworthy successes.




-17 African countries have met, or surpassed the CAADP target of 6 percent agricultural growth.




-40 African countries received CAADP support to help them achieve their agriculture and food security goals.


·40个非洲国家 收到了CAADP的支持,帮助它们实现农业生产和粮食安全目标;


-CAADP has enabled systems for African leadership, collective action and peer review.




-Record high inflows of ODA to African agriculture have been achieved – US$ 4 billion annually in 2010 and 2011.




One of the most important outcomes of CAADP-led processes has been donor harmonization and alignment.




CAADP is an Africa-focused, African-led, African-owned and African-implemented program.  One of the most important developments for which CAADP can be given credit is that development partners – including the World Bank – have aligned their strategies to support CAADP priorities.




As we look forward to a new era of scientific collaboration, I am sure that the CGIAR which led the Green Revolution can now rededicate itself to bringing the best of modern science for the benefit of African farmers.




I would like to call upon this great assembly to dedicate ourselves to this important task of improving African agriculture.  I am sure it can be done with your support.




There has never been a better time to change the trajectory of African agriculture through a focus on greater productivity, more equity, and more sustainable farming practices.  Thank you.








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