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2013-6-8 23:01| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 220| 评论: 0|来自: IISS

摘要: The US Approach to Regional Security

Remarks at the IISS Asia Security Summit



Chuck Hagel, US Secretary of Defense



Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore



June 1, 2013



Ladies and gentlemen I have, as John noted, a deep appreciation for the International Institute for Strategic Studies. As John mentioned, I was present at the creation of this conference. And I am so pleased and proud, and particularly hopeful to see how much this institution has grown over the years and how relevant it has become.




My perspective is different today from when I spoke at the first Asia Summit in 2002, but my message today about the Asia-Pacific region’s critical importance is similar to the message I gave 12 years ago. The first decade of this new century has reaffirmed that this region is becoming the center of gravity for the world’s population, global commerce, and security.




My understanding of the region is based on some first-hand exposure to both its perils and to its promises. I learned early in my life that America is a Pacific nation -- the first ocean I ever saw was the Pacific Ocean -- and I learned that U.S. security was tied to the security of others in this region.




As a child, I heard my father, a veteran of World War II, speak of flying in B-25 bombers as a radio operator-tailgunner in the South Pacific theater. I recall when war broke out on the Korean peninsula in the early 1950s he was called up from the reserves. Although he did not deploy, many from small towns across Nebraska did go to the Korean peninsula.




Eventually, my turn came to serve our country. As a young soldier in the United States Army, I volunteered, along with my brother Tom, to fight in the Vietnam War. I had little insight into the decisions or global politics of the time -- what the decisions were about to send American troops there. I was simply doing my duty. But out of that experience I learned how important it would be for America to engage wisely -- engage wisely -- in Asia, and throughout the world.




In the years that followed my service, I saw the region’s promise up close as a businessman, president of the World United Service Organization (USO) and a U.S. senator. As president of the USO, I witnessed America’s security role and its partnerships in the Pacific with our bases in South Korea and Japan -- Okinawa -- as well as on the U.S. territory of Guam.




When I co-founded a cellular telephone company in the early 1980s, my business partners and I traveled to Beijing, Tianjin, and Guangzhou. We traveled to China to market this new technology. I was impressed by the skill, motivation, and hard work of the young Chinese technicians and engineers we met across the country. It became very clear to me that China had the potential to build a strong and dynamic economy in the years ahead.




Returning to China in the late 1990s as a U.S. senator, I saw how China’s growth had created a new, more hopeful economic path for its citizens. Trade between the United States and China had fostered understanding and mutual respect, building bridges between people and helping cement a stable relationship…in which other issues could also be discussed. In 1999 I saw the same thing in Vietnam, where I returned with my brother Tom more than 30 years after we had served together in 1968. I then also returned to Australia.




As a U.S. senator I visited many nations in the Asia-Pacific region. What I took away from all these experiences was a firm belief that the arc of the 21st century would be shaped by events here in Asia. America has been a Pacific power for more than two centuries. Our ties to this region -- economic, cultural and security -- are unbreakable and broadly supported by Americans of both political parties. However, these long-standing, bi-partisan ties needed to be renewed and reinvigorated -- they need this after a decade of war in the Middle East and Central Asia.




For these reasons, when I left the United States Senate in 2009, it was apparent to me that the U.S. would need to rebalance its capabilities and resources toward the Asia-Pacific region as it was winding down from two wars and complications, and reviewing its global interests and responsibilities around the world.




This rebalancing should not, however, be misinterpreted. The U.S. has allies, interests and responsibilities across the globe. The Asia-Pacific rebalance is not a retreat from other regions of the world.




Nevertheless, the world is undergoing a time of historic transformation, and Asia is at the epicenter of that change. The 21st century will be defined by the rise of new powers; the rapid spread of information, goods, and technologies; innovation and economic integration; new security coalitions that take on shared challenges; issues of trade, energy and the environment; and greater opportunities for all people of all nations to have a voice in shaping their own futures.




With this incredible promise come complications and challenges. In Asia, we see a range of persistent and emerging threats. These threats include:




• North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile programs, and its continued provocations;




• Ongoing land and maritime disputes and conflicts over natural resources;




• The continued threat of natural disaster, the curse of poverty and the threat of pandemic disease;




• Environmental degradation;




• Illicit trafficking in people, weapons, drugs, and other dangerous materials -- including the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;




• And the growing threat of disruptive activities in space and cyberspace.




These are the challenges of the 21st century. This morning I want to describe, from my perspective as the secretary of defense of the United States, what we can do together to meet these critical challenges. In particular, America and other nations of the Asia-Pacific must continue to strengthen existing alliances, forge new partnerships, and build coalitions based on common interests to ensure this region’s future is peaceful and prosperous.




In support of this goal, America is implementing a rebalance -- which is primarily a diplomatic, economic and cultural strategy. President Obama is increasing funding for diplomacy and development in Asia, including a seven percent increase in foreign assistance in the Asia-Pacific region. The United States is providing new resources for regional efforts such as the Lower Mekong Initiative, which helps improve water management, disaster resilience, and public health. We have built strong momentum toward implementing a next-generation trade and investment agreement through the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. We are fostering regional trade and investment through our work in APEC and our support to ASEAN.




The Department of Defense plays an important role in securing the president’s vision of rebalance. Our approach was outlined in the president’s 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance, which is still guiding the U.S. military as we reorient its capabilities, its capacities to better prepare for future global security.




As we carry out this strategy, it is true that the Department of Defense will have fewer resources than in the past. It would be unwise and short-sighted, however, to conclude that our commitment to the rebalance cannot be sustained -- particularly given the truth that even under the most extreme budget scenarios, the United States will continue to represent nearly 40 percent of global defense expenditures. Like the employment of all resources, it is always a matter of the wise, judicious and strategic use of those resources that matters the most and has the most lasting impact.









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