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2013-6-8 23:01| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 222| 评论: 0|来自: IISS

摘要: The US Approach to Regional Security

Building a positive and constructive relationship with China is also an essential part of America’s rebalance to Asia. The United States welcomes and supports a prosperous and successful China that contributes to regional and global problem solving. To this end, the United States has consistently supported a role for China in regional and global economic and security institutions, such as the G20. We encourage our allies and partners to do the same.




The United States strongly supports the efforts made by the PRC and Taiwan in recent years to improve cross-Strait relations. We have an enduring interest in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The United States remains firm in its adherence to a one-China policy based on the three joint U.S.-China communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act.




While the U.S. and China will have our differences -- on human rights, Syria, and regional security issues in Asia -- the key is for these differences to be addressed on the basis of a continuous and respectful dialogue. It also requires building trust and reducing the risk of miscalculation, particularly between our militaries.




President Obama and President Xi will soon meet for a summit in California, and they have both been clear that they seek a stronger military-to-military relationship. And I am pleased that the dialogue between our armed forces is steadily improving. Over the course of the past year, positive developments have included:




• We hosted then-Vice President Xi Jinping at the Pentagon, and later hosted China’s minister of defense;




• Secretary Panetta, General Dempsey and Admiral Locklear led delegations to China recently;




• The first ever Chinese observation of the U.S.-Philippine Balikitan exercise;




The first-ever joint counter-piracy exercise in the Gulf of Aden;




• The U.S. invitation for China to participate in RIMPAC, the Pacific’s largest multilateral Naval exercise;




• An agreement to co-host a Pacific Army Chiefs Conference with China for the first time.




Later this year, I look forward to welcoming the minister of defense to the Pentagon.




While we are pleased to see this progress, it is important for both the United States and China to provide clarity and predictability to each other about each other’s current and future strategic intentions.




Accordingly, China, the United States and all nations of the region have a responsibility to work together to ensure a vibrant regional security architecture that solves problems. America’s bilateral relationships and alliances will continue to underpin the region’s security and prosperity, and multilateral institutions provide critical platforms and opportunities for countries to work together.




The United States strongly supports a future security order where regional institutions move beyond aspiration to achieving real results, and evolve from talking about cooperation to achieving real, tangible solutions to shared problems, and a common framework for resolving differences. We are working toward a future where militaries can respond together rapidly, seamlessly to a range of contingencies, such as providing immediate humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.




ASEAN has set the stage for regional cooperation by developing a network of viable institutions. ASEAN nations play a critical role in this region’s security architecture, and will continue to do so. In addition to the East Asian Summit and the ASEAN Regional Forum, the relatively new ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM+) provides an important framework -- and important framework for nations in the region to pursue common security objectives.




One encouraging example of tangible and practical security cooperation of the ADMM+ is China, Vietnam, Singapore and Japan co-hosting this month a Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief and Military Medicine exercise with Brunei. The United States will participate in this exercise and also conduct bilateral military medicine exchanges with our Chinese counterparts.




The United States supports Asian nations taking the lead in pushing their region towards greater cooperation and I look forward to meeting with my ASEAN counterparts at the upcoming ADMM+ Ministerial in Brunei later this summer.




Our relationships with ASEAN nations are critical, and ASEAN leaders extend great hospitality to members of my government every year and work closely every day with members of my government. This weekend, in my meetings here in Singapore, I am reciprocating this hospitality and I am extending an invitation to ASEAN Defense Ministers to meet together next year in Hawaii. I believe this first-ever U.S.-hosted meeting of ASEAN Defense Ministers will provide another opportunity for us to discuss a shared vision for a dynamic, peaceful, and secure future for the region.




This future can only be realized if we work together to create an environment where all can prosper and succeed, and where coercion and conflict are put aside in favor of open dialogue. This requires a continued commitment to certain foundational principles that have enabled this region’s success for generations. These include free and open commerce; a just international order that emphasizes rights and responsibilities of nations and fidelity to the rule of law; open access, by all, to the domains of sea, air, space, and now, cyberspace; and the principle of resolving conflict without the use of force.




Threats to these principles are threats to peace and security in the 21st century. Unfortunately, some nations continue to dismiss these values and pursue a disruptive path – most notably, North Korea.




The United States has been committed to ensuring peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula for sixty years. That means deterring North Korean aggression and protecting our allies, and achieving the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The United States will not stand by while North Korea seeks to develop a nuclear-armed missile that can target the United States.




The United States has been clear that we will take all necessary steps to protect our homeland and our allies from dangerous provocations, including significantly bolstering our missile defense throughout the Pacific. No country should conduct “business as usual” with a North Korea that threatens its neighbors. We are working closely with our Republic of Korea and Japanese allies to strengthen our posture and ability to respond to threats from North Korea. The prospects for a peaceful resolution also will require close coordination with China.




Beyond the peninsula, the United States also remains concerned over the potential for dangerous miscalculations or crises posed by numerous competing territorial claims in the region.




The United States has been clear that we do not take a position on the question of sovereignty in these cases. That does not mean, however, that we do not have an interest in how these disputes are addressed and settled. The United States stands firmly against any coercive attempts to alter the status quo. We strongly believe that incidents and disputes should be settled in a manner that maintains peace and security, adheres to international law, and protects unimpeded lawful commerce, as well as freedom of navigation and overflight.




In the South China Sea, the United States continues to call on all claimants to exercise restraint as they publicly pledged in 2002, and to seek peaceful means to resolve these incidents. In that regard, we support the recent agreement between China and ASEAN to establish crisis hotlines to help manage maritime incidents. The U.S. also welcomes efforts to start talks on a Code of Conduct for the South China Sea. We encourage claimants to explore all peaceful means of settling their territorial disputes and the use of the dispute adjudication resolution mechanisms provided by the Law of the Sea Convention. Such efforts should not hinder progress towards developing a binding Code of Conduct.


在南中国海(South China Sea),美国继续敦促各索求方如他们在2002年公开承诺的那样保持克制,并寻求以和平方式解决这类事件。在这方面,我们支持中国与东盟新近达成的开通危机热线以帮助管理海事事件的协议。美国还对就《南中国海行为准则》(Code of Conduct for the South China Sea)启动对话的努力表示欢迎。我们鼓励各索求方探索各种和平途径解决领土争端,并利用《海洋法公约》(Law of the Sea Convention)提供的争端裁定解决机制。这些努力不应阻碍向制定一项具有约束力的《行为准则》迈进。


Even as we seek to uphold principles in well-established areas, we must also recognize the need for common rules of the road in new domains.




The U.S. and all nations in the region have many areas of common interest and concern in cyberspace, where the threats to our economic security, businesses and industrial base are increasing. In response, the United States is increasing investment in cyber security and we are deepening cyber cooperation with allies in the region and across the globe. Next week I will attend a meeting of NATO defense ministers with many of my NATO colleagues in attendance here this morning devoted to cyber issues.




We are also clear-eyed about the challenges in cyber. The United States has expressed our concerns about the growing threat of cyber intrusions, some of which appear to be tied to the Chinese government and military. As the world’s two largest economies, the U.S. and China have many areas of common interest and concern, and the establishment of a cyber working group is a positive step in fostering U.S.-China dialogue on cyber. We are determined to work more vigorously with China and other partners to establish international norms of responsible behavior in cyberspace.




The United States and ASEAN nations, Pacific allies, and all nations are far more likely to be able to live peacefully and prosperously in a world where we are bound together by strong economic ties, mutual security interests and respect for rules, norms, and the institutions that underpin them.




This is essential because we are living at a defining time. For Americans, the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt at his Fourth Inaugural on January 20, 1945 echo even more loudly today, when he said: “We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other nations, far far away…We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community.”




In the 20th century, America’s role as a leader in the world community helped this region grow and prosper. It came at a cost -- one I experienced first-hand as my father, my brother and I were sent off to war in Asia. Many others here in this audience this morning from other nations across the region understand, far better than I, the high price so many have paid for the peace and prosperity we have enjoyed.




We must not squander those precious sacrifices. I do not want my children, nor your children, nor anyone’s children, to have to face the same brutal realities that were visited on this region in the last century. Instead, I, like each of you, want them to have an opportunity, all of them to live in a century of peace and prosperity. We owe that to future generations.




This is a complex and challenging time, but it is also a hopeful time. It is hopeful because of the tremendous legacy that has been built through the shared sacrifices of many nations and millions of their people. It is hopeful because there exists today more real possibilities for more people than ever before in the history of man to prosper. Whether those possibilities will be fulfilled depends on us.




The world’s seven billion people are being brought closer together than ever before in human history, and we will add two billion people to the face of the earth in the next twenty-five years. Together, we have the opportunity to forge a secure, prosperous and inclusive future. The decisions we make today will help determine how that future unfolds in what will undoubtedly be a Pacific century.




Thank you.









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