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2013-7-17 10:31| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 39| 评论: 0|来自: 中国驻澳大利亚使馆

摘要: Remarks by H E Chen Yuming, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Australia, at the Reception in Honor of the Winners of Friendship Award and China International Science and Technology Coop ...


Remarks by H E Chen Yuming, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Australia at the Reception in Honor of the Winners of Friendship Award and China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award




18 June 2013




Dear Friends,




Today, I am very delighted to meet Australian experts who have won the Friendship Award and China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I wish to extend to you our warm welcome and cordial greetings, and thank you for your outstanding contribution to China-Australia science and technology cooperation.




When we look back, we are glad to see that the friendship between China and Australia runs as long as the Murray-Darling River, and at the source of the friendship river, it was our scientists who set up the first bridge of bilateral cooperation. Many foreign experts have made important contributions to China’s effort to achieve national revitalization and a strong, prosperous, democratic, harmonious, culturally developed modern socialist country. This includes experts from Australia who, with their wisdom and expertise, have assisted and supported China’s development in economy, science, education, culture and environmental protection, and deepened the friendship between our two peoples.




As you know, China is still a developing country, with harsh working and living conditions in the remote mountainous areas. What touch us deeply is that you have traveled to and from China for dozens or even a hundred times, and you lived in China’s tough areas for a long time. You worked together with Chinese reachers in factories, in the fields, in deserts and mountains, and in places where the Chinese people most need your help, and helped the local people selflessly. You have done so much for China’s development that the Chinese people will never forget your sacrifice and contribution.




The Chinese people are making unremitting efforts to achieve the Chinese dream, that is better education, more reliable social security, a higher level of medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, more beautiful living environment, more stable jobs, higher income, more dignified life and a society more conducive to the comprehensive development of individuals. Yet on our way to pursue dreams and happiness, we are facing many challenges such as how to break the bottleneck on development caused by energy and resources scarcity and environmental degradation. This is also an area we have a huge space for closer cooperation in science and technology.




Dear friends, the Chinese dream is not only a dream of the Chinese people to pursue a happy life, but also a commitment of the 1.3 billion people to pursue peaceful and win-win development with the rest of the world. We sincerely hope that you can go back to China often, to see your second hometown where you had sweet memories, seize the opportunities the rapidly developing China offers to the world, and participate in China’s modernization drive in your ways. I am confident that with your new contribution, our bilateral cooperation in science and technology will move to a higher level and bring more benefits to our two countries and peoples.




To conclude, I wish you and your families happiness and good health.







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