驻澳大利亚大使陈育明在“友谊奖”和“国际科技合作奖”澳获奖专家招待会上的致辞 Remarks by H E Chen Yuming, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Australia at the Reception in Honor of the Winners of Friendship Award and China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award 18 June 2013 各位专家,朋友们: Dear Friends, 很高兴大家能出席今天的活动。我谨代表中国政府和人民向历年来获得中国友谊奖和国际科技合作奖的各位澳大利亚专家表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候,感谢你们为推动两国科技合作所做出的卓越贡献。 Today, I am very delighted to meet Australian experts who have won the Friendship Award and China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I wish to extend to you our warm welcome and cordial greetings, and thank you for your outstanding contribution to China-Australia science and technology cooperation.
追昔抚今,中澳两国的友好关系,就像墨累-达令河那样漫长,在河流的源头是科技界专家首先架起中澳两国友好往来的桥梁。在中国人民为建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈努力的伟大征程中,伴随着许许多多外国科技界专家的汗水和贡献。澳大利亚专家用他们的智慧和专业知识,帮助和支持中国的经济发展和科技、教育、文化以及环保事业不断发展,促进和加深了两国人民的深厚友谊。 When we look back, we are glad to see that the friendship between 大家知道,中国仍是一个发展中国家,在边远山区工作和生活条件还相当艰苦。让我们感动的是,在座的各位专家朋友们有的数十次甚至上百次往返中国,有的长期居住在中国的艰苦地区,在工厂、在田间、在沙漠、在山林,在中国人民最需要你们的地方,你们长期与当地的科研人员一起,无私地帮助当地的群众,为中国的建设事业做出了重要的贡献。中国人民永远不会忘记你们的奉献和付出。 As you know, 正如你们所知,中国人民正在为更好的教育、更可靠的社会保障、更高水平的医疗卫生服务、更舒适的居住条件、更优美的生活环境,更稳定的工作、更满意的收入、更有尊严的生活以及更有利于个性全面发展的中国梦而不懈努力。在中国人民追求幸福、实现梦想的路途中,面临着如何突破能源资源和环境对发展的瓶颈制约等诸多挑战,这为我们两国之间科技界的进一步合作提供了巨大的空间。 The Chinese people are making unremitting efforts to achieve the Chinese dream, that is better education, more reliable social security, a higher level of medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, more beautiful living environment, more stable jobs, higher income, more dignified life and a society more conducive to the comprehensive development of individuals. Yet on our way to pursue dreams and happiness, we are facing many challenges such as how to break the bottleneck on development caused by energy and resources scarcity and environmental degradation. This is also an area we have a huge space for closer cooperation in science and technology. 各位朋友,中国梦不仅仅是中国人民追求幸福生活的梦想,更是十三亿人民和全世界一起和平发展、谋求共赢的史诗。我们真诚欢迎各位专家朋友们发挥你们的聪明才智,常回中国看看,回到那片你们挥洒过青春和汗水的热土,抓住中国快速发展为全世界提供的机遇,以各种方式参与中国的现代化建设,为促进中澳两国的科技合作与交流,增进两国人民的友谊做出新的贡献! Dear friends, the Chinese dream is not only a dream of the Chinese people to pursue a happy life, but also a commitment of the 1.3 billion people to pursue peaceful and win-win development with the rest of the world. We sincerely hope that you can go back to 最后,祝愿各位专家和在场各位家庭幸福、身体健康。 To conclude, I wish you and your families happiness and good health. |