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2013-7-24 16:47| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 28| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Remarks by Wang Yang, Vice Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China at the Joint Opening Session of the Fifth Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues



This round of the S&ED provides an opportunity for us to build on past achievements and look ahead towards the future. The international landscape is undergoing profound and complex changes. Despite many of our differences, our common interests are also growing. For us, candid dialogue and sincere cooperation remains the right option.




We need to raise our strategic mutual trust to new heights through dialogue. Trust starts with communication and exchanges. The more communication and exchanges we have, the less misunderstanding and disagreement. I believe our mutual trust would be raised to new levels if we continue to strengthen our dialogue, view each other’s strategic intentions from an objective and sensible perspective, respect each other’s choice of social systems and development paths as well as core interests and major concerns, and learn to appreciate each other’s cultural tradition and way of thinking.




We need to seek new opportunities to deepen cooperation through dialogue. For China and the United States, there is huge space for cooperation in many areas. Both countries are vigorously advancing economic reform and structural adjustment. Cooperation opportunities abound in this process. During this round of economic dialogue, we will focus on such major issues as macroeconomic policy coordination, trade and investment, energy security, climate change and financial stability and reform, deepen cooperation in investment, finance, energy, green economy and infrastructure and find new areas of converging interests and growth so as to inject “positive energy” to China-US relations.




We need to explore new ways to manage differences through dialogue. Given our differences in development stage, social system, cultural tradition and economic interests, it is unavoidable that we may have some misunderstandings, disagreements and even frictions. What we need to do is to narrow the gap and manage the differences through dialogue, refrain from politicizing economic and trade issues or playing up certain specific issues. We have to make sure that the steady growth of China-US relations is not affected by certain isolated issues at any particular time.




We need to forge new consensus on upholding world peace and development through dialogue. China is the world’s largest developing country and the United States the largest developed one. The importance of our relations has gone far beyond the bilateral scope and acquired global significance. Good cooperation between China and the United States can serve as an anchor for world peace and stability and an engine for prosperity and development.




Dear colleagues,




This round of S&ED presents a new model of major-country relationship that is based on non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. I am sure that the outcomes of the dialogue will further boost our confidence in building a new model of major-country relationship. Let’s join hands to usher in a new era of cooperation across the Pacific.




Thank you!






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