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2013-9-15 13:41| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 52| 评论: 0|来自: 国新办

摘要: Speech by Cai Mingzhao, Minister of the Information Office of the State Council of the PRC, at the Opening Ceremony of the Sixth Beijing Forum on Human Rights



Ladies and gentlemen,




For human rights development, there is no best, only better. The cause of human rights of China has attained enormous achievements obvious to everyone, but China is still the largest developing country in the world, and still facing such problems as an excessively large population and great regional disparities, its environmental and ecological protection is enduring considerable pressure, and its development is still threatened by imbalance, disharmony and unsustainability. In the development of its various causes, there are still many problems concerning the actual interest of the people, and the improvement of the people’s living conditions and the protection of human rights are still facing many challenges. All these have to be solved with more strenuous efforts. China has formulated two sessions of the National Human Rights Action Plan. The National Human Rights Action Plan (2009—2010) was implemented on schedule, and all goals in the Plan have been achieved, in particular, about 35% constraint indexes and more than 50% indexes concerning the people’s living conditions have been fulfilled in ahead of the schedule or overfulfilled. Now, the National Human Rights Action Plan (2012—2015) is being put into practice.




Last year, the 18th National Congress of the CPC was successfully held. After “human rights” were respectively written into the Constitution of the PRC, the plans for national economy and social development and the Constitution of the CPC, this Conference once again established the “practical respect and protection of human rights” as one of the goals for the building of a better-off society. This Conference specifically proposed to build up a better-off society at the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the CPC (2021), and a wealthy, powerful, democratic, civilized and harmonious modernized socialist country at the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the PRC (2049). This Conference marks a new historic start point of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, and the beginning of a new era of the cause of human rights development of China.




The goal of the two “hundredth anniversaries” and the “Chinese dream” about the prosperity of the country, the invigoration of the nation and the happiness of the people are the simple ideal and good wish that the Chinese nation has persistently sought for, and the common pursuit of people of all the ethnic groups of China. The “Chinese dream” has the same source as the cause of human rights in China does, and is the organic unity of the state’s dream, the nation’s dream and individuals’ dream. In realizing the “Chinese dream”, each Chinese can live a wonderful life, make his or her dream come true, grow up and make progress together with the country, allow himself an all-round development, and the better enjoyment of various basic rights, so long as he grasps his opportunity.


国家富强、民族振兴 、人民幸福,不仅是中国人民的追求,也是世界各国人民的愿望。“中国梦”与各国梦、与世界梦相通相连。“中国梦”不仅造福中国人民,也造福全人类。中国坚持顺应国际大势,坚持和平的发展、开放的发展、合作的发展、共赢的发展。中国一方面给世界带来机会,提供了发展空间和条件,另一方面,中国也认真履行自己承担的国际义务和责任,是一个负责任的发展中国家。中国一贯尊重包括《世界人权宣言》在内的国际人权文书所确立的促进和保护人权的基本原则,支持联合国为促进人权和基本自由所做的努力,建设性参与联合国人权事务,认真履行根据已参加人权公约承担的义务,积极开展国际人权交流与合作。国际人权准则归根结底要通过各主权国家来具体实施。由于历史文化、社会制度、经济发展水平等各方面的差异,各国自然会有自己的人权发展模式,各国间彼此应该相互学习,取长补短。中国愿在平等和相互尊重的基础上,与世界各国就人权议题进行对话和交流,增进了解,缩小分歧,相互借鉴,共同进步。


The prosperity of the country, the invigoration of the nation and the happiness of the people are not only the pursuit of the Chinese people, but also the wish of people of all the other countries in the world. The “Chinese dream” is related to and consistent with the dreams of all the other countries and the world. The “Chinese dream” not only benefits the Chinese people, but the whole mankind. China insists on conforming to overall international situation, and adheres to peaceful, open, cooperational and win-win development. On the one hand, China creates opportunities for the world and provides space and conditions for development; on the other hand, China earnestly undertakes its own international obligations and responsibilities, and is a responsible large developing country. All along, China has respected the basic principles of promoting and guaranteeing human rights established by international human rights documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, supported the UN’s efforts to promote human rights and basic freedom, constructively taken part in the UN’s human rights affairs, earnestly fulfilled the obligations in the light of the conventions it has taken part in, and actively transacted international exchanges and cooperation in human rights. The international principles of human rights have to be implemented through countries with sovereignty after all. Due to differences in history, culture, social system and the levels of economic development, each country will certainly have its development mode of human rights, and all countries should learn from each other to improve themselves. On the basis of equality and mutual respect, China is willing to have dialogs and exchanges in human rights with all countries in the world, improve mutual understanding, decrease dissension, learn from each other and make progress together.




Ladies and gentlemen,




Since 2008, the Beijing Forum on Human Rights has been successfully held for six sessions, and obtained a series of very valuable achievements. With the support and participation of experts and scholars in human rights, distinguished personages and governmental officials from all over the world, the Forum has been better and better, with its influence growing, and has become a famous advanced academic platform for international exchanges in the field of human rights. Through this equal and open platform, people discuss the theories and practice of human rights that they are commonly concerned with, improving mutual understanding, developing common views, and deepening friendship. In a word, the Forum has made positive contributions to the exchanges and cooperation in the field of international human rights. In the next two days, guests will have discussion around the “construction of environment for sustainable human rights development”. I am convinced that through sincere exchanges and profound discussion, people will offer more inspiring ideas, reach more consensuses and collect more wisdom on how to construct the environment for sustainable human rights development.




At last, I wish you to work smoothly and live happily in Beijing, and wish a success to the Sixth Beijing Forum on Human Rights.




Thank you.






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