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2013-9-20 16:47| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 37| 评论: 0|来自: 联合国大会

摘要: Acceptance Speech upon His Election as President

Acceptance Speech upon His Election as President



H.E. Mr. John W. Ashe



New York, 14 June 2013



Today I stand before the General Assembly in the tradition of my sixty-seven distinguished predecessors, and I am deeply humbled and indeed honoured. I am also grateful for the trust and support that the Assembly has placed in me by electing me, by acclamation, President of the General Assembly at its sixty-eighth session.




The distance between my country’s seat and this podium is merely thirty-six steps, yet the journey began many moons ago. Many other Members, in addition to my own Government, have graciously supported me, including my colleagues from the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, the Caribbean Community and last, but not least, those from my own regional group, the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States. Without them, I would not be standing here.




To each and every member of the General Assembly, I simply say “thank you”. As I have done on so many occasions in the past, I will continue to count on each member’s goodwill and willingness to work with me to find acceptable solutions in the year ahead.




Sixty-eight years ago, the Organization was founded in the wake of a terrible tragedy. Its Charter echoed a global longing for peace and cooperation. Since then, a steady stream of changes has reshaped our world, some positive, some negative, and some whose scope and magnitude are still evolving. I would posit that none among them has been more fundamental, more relentless and more far-reaching than the relationship between us, human beings, and the planet we inhabit. That reality affects each one of us.




A mere 18 months from now, the United Nations will launch its agenda for articulating the relationship between humankind and our physical environment.




That agenda must be wholly universal. It must, in my view, be a development agenda that is relevant to all people and all societies, and it must bring about global transformation for everyone, with shared but differentiated responsibilities.




Implementing such an agenda will be a complex task—politically, socially, economically, environmentally, culturally and technically. Arguably, it may be the boldest and most ambitious project that the United Nations has ever had to accomplish, and we, the General Assembly, will need to be equally bold, ambitious and collaborative if we are to rise to the task we are about to undertake and ensure its completion.




The undertaking is enormous, but we, the General Assembly, must find the courage to deliver on it. We have a shared commitment to work towards a collective goal and we are all accountable for our actions. We in the United Nations have been cautioned many times over that failure is not an option. But this time let us show the world that we are not resigned to failure and that we can be both bold and decisive in our actions.




As we consider our new agenda, let me highlight a few points. Above all, we must draw on the experiences—the lessons learned—from the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, both in terms of results achieved and opportunities missed. We must also reflect on the new and emerging development challenges, with attention to two main goals, namely, overcoming poverty and insecurity and ensuring sustainable development.




Both time-bound global goals and national-level targets with measurable indicators will need to be developed. New and revised partnerships and bold political leadership at all levels are paramount. We must skillfully integrate the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability, and we must balance the practical with the aspirational. Finally, our commitment to a world of opportunity, equity, freedom, dignity and peace—the principles of the Millennium Declaration of 2000 (resolution 55/2)—should not just be reaffirmed; they must also be re-energized.




Our agenda, which is formally known as the post-2015 development Agenda, must represent a significant evolution in the thinking of the international community, and it must envision an interdependent, planetary community regardless of development levels.




The time has come for the General Assembly—the supreme, deliberative organ of the United Nations—to exercise its collective responsibility and begin as soon as possible the process of finalizing the one shared, sustainable development agenda. To say it more clearly, development in general, and sustainable development in particular, is the work of the General Assembly. Very simply put, it is our reason for being.




During the upcoming sixty-eighth session, many of the outcomes of the Rio de Janeiro United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, as we just heard from the President [of the sixty-seventh session], are expected to come to fruition. We are expected to provide the requisite leadership and clarity for the process. I sincerely believe we have a duty to deliver on our responsibilities in an open, inclusive and transparent manner.




I therefore declare the theme of the sixty-eighth session, as well as that of the annual general debate of the General Assembly, to be “The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Setting the Stage!”. We all know that simply identifying a theme is largely symbolic and not an end in itself. Having done so, however, we must now take the next crucial, perhaps even arduous, steps to tease out the theme, enhance its relevance, create engagement opportunities for Member States, transform challenges into opportunities and strengthen our collective unity of purpose and commitment. Let us forge ahead with dogged determination and be steadfast. The theme is not a mere slogan. It should be operationalized and lead to concrete action for the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.




With that in mind, I will convene a number of related events towards fulfilling that objective. Working closely with the Secretary-General and his team and the relevant United Nations funds, programmes and offices, including, but not limited to, the United Nations Population Fund, UNICEF, the United Nations Development Programme, UN-Women, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the recently established Office for South-South Cooperation, my team and I will host high-level events on the following three topics: the contributions of women, the young and civil society to the post-2015 development agenda; human rights and the rule of law in the post-2015 development agenda; and the contributions of South-South and triangular cooperation and information and communication technologies for development to the post-2015 development agenda.




In addition to those high-level events, my team and I will work closely with Member States to convene three thematic debates. Each debate will be geared towards the further elaboration of the chosen theme. We will seek to provide results-oriented outcomes on the following issues: the role of partnerships; ensuring stable and peaceful societies; and water, sanitation and sustainable energy in the post-2015 development agenda.








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