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2013-9-20 16:47| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 38| 评论: 0|来自: 联合国大会

摘要: Acceptance Speech upon His Election as President

In the course of the long lead-up to today, I have been deeply touched by all the advice from colleagues about what to highlight during the sixty-eighth session—also known as lobbying. To no one’s surprise, in an Assembly as diverse as ours, ideas often differ. Nonetheless, I have identified the following common elements: the need for an open, transparent and collaborative presidency; greater involvement by the established organs of the General Assembly; and reinvigoration of the reform agenda of the General Assembly.




First, in response to the almost universal call for an open, transparent and collaborative presidency, let me provide a very clear answer: yes. My team and I pledge to be open and fully transparent, and we welcome the Assembly’s input for the work of the sixty-eighth session. However, let me be equally clear on another point. Whenever and wherever true leadership is required, whenever deadlocks must be broken and processes advanced, I will do my utmost to be resolute, fair, even-handed and unequivocal. On that the General Assembly has my personal assurance.




Second, beyond any shadow of a doubt, there is a need for greater involvement by the various organs of our institution in its work. Therefore, to ensure increased cooperation, coordination and exchange of information, it is my intention to hold regular meetings with the Secretary-General and senior members of his team and to continue the practice of holding periodic informal briefings, during which he briefs us on his priorities, travels and most recent activities, including his participation in international meetings and events organized outside the United Nations. In my meetings with the Presidents of the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council, as well as the Chairs of subsidiary bodies, I will introduce periodic informal briefings by each to update the General Assembly on the work of those principal organs. Last but not least, I will also hold regular meetings with the General Committee. That will enable the Committee to assess the ongoing progress in the work of the sixty-eighth session so that we may receive its counsel on how best to further our work. To that end, my team and I will work closely with the Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and Conference Management and his team to ensure a smooth and productive sixty-eighth session.




Third, with regard to reinvigorating the reform of the General Assembly, let me say that our relevance as an institution depends upon it. Any organization that cannot evolve or adapt to changing circumstances is at risk—any organization. Our time at the United Nations is a privileged time. The hopes and dreams of millions for a conflict-free world rest on us. We cannot afford to be indifferent or immune to the changing world around us. We cannot stand idly by as millions struggle, or merely settle for surviving, when there should be opportunities for all to thrive. Put another way, the United Nations must reform or it will become inconsequential.




A critical component of that reform is to revitalize the General Assembly and its work programme. What exactly does that mean? It means enhancing its role and authority and increasing its effectiveness and efficiency. Of course reform is needed in all the principal organs of the United Nations, including the Economic and Social Council and the Security Council. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that I will strive to reinvigorate, advance and, yes, against incredible—and some would say impossible odds—conclude discussions on the reform of these organs. That is a top priority, and I call on each and every one of you in the General Assembly to join me in making it a reality.




Finally, we must also be cognizant of the evolving challenges the use cyberspace poses. To that end, I intend to work with Member States on identifying ways in which the Assembly can, and should, address emerging cyber issues.




As the Assembly may know, I was born on a small island in the Caribbean. However, I take to heart the often-repeated maxim that no man is an island. I fully recognize that, given the task of my position, I will need to rely—indeed depend—on all members if I am to perform my duties effectively. As a start, I have assembled a team of highly capable, experienced professionals, most of whom are drawn from among the General Assembly’s midst and represent the rich diversity that is our United Nations. This is only the beginning. But what I really need is for each and every Member State and individual to play a role in making the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly productive and results-oriented, since in reality we are all on the same team. I therefore welcome everyone on board.








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