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2013-9-25 02:36| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 87| 评论: 0|来自: 中国驻南非大使馆

摘要: Keynote Speech by H.E. Ambassador Tian Xuejun at the Ambassadorial Forum on China-South Africa Diplomatic Relations at 15 Years


Keynote Speech by H.E. Ambassador Tian Xuejun at the Ambassadorial Forum on China-South Africa Diplomatic Relations at 15 Years



Pretoria, South Africa, 19 September 2013




It’s a great pleasure for me to attend this Ambassadorial Forum marking 15 years of China-South Africa diplomatic relations. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, which is also known as the Moon-cake Festival. This is a day for happiness and family reunion. It’s very symbolic that we gather here today with so many friends from both China and South Africa, to review what we have achieved in the past 15 years and to look ahead into the future.


To begin with, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Embassy, our warmest greetings to all the guests present today. Thank you for your long-time commitment and contribution to China-South Africa friendship and cooperation. This forum is one of a series of events marking the 15th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa, and I look forward to learning from your thoughts and insights for the future development of our relationship.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




Though China and South Africa are far apart, the friendship and exchanges between our two peoples date back to ancient times. Fifteen years ago, on January 1st 1998, China and South Africa formally established diplomatic relationship. This was a milestone in our bilateral relations, and opened up a new era. The past one-and-a-half decades have witnessed profound changes in international landscape, as well as major developments in China-South Africa ties. Today I wish to share with you my observations on China-South Africa relationship by raising three questions and offering my answers.



The first question is: how do we assess the development of this bilateral relationship in the past 15 years?




I think my answers will be around three words starting with the initial letter V, as in victory:




The first word is Vision. The leaderships of the two countries have always had a strategic vision in reviewing and promoting this relationship. Our relationship has achieved historic leaps and was elevated from partnership in 2000, to strategic partnership in 2004 and to comprehensive strategic partnership in 2010. Frequent high-level exchanges have guided the development of bilateral relations, and have been the strong driving force behind the cooperation in various areas between our two countries. For the past 15 years, almost all successive Chinese leaderships, including Presidents, NPC Chairpersons and Premiers, have visited South Africa. Likewise, many South African leaders visited China on various occasions. In July last year, President Zuma visited China and attended the opening ceremony of the fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. And in March this year, the new Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a highly successful state visit to South Africa and attended the fifth BRICS Summit in Durban during his first overseas trip after taking office.




The second word is Velocity. The speed at which China-SA relationship grows for the past 15 years is amazing. Take economic relations and trade as an example: our bilateral trade volume was only about US$1.5 billion when the diplomatic relationship was first established. But in 2012, the figure reached nearly US$60 billion, which means an increase of about 40 times in the past 15 years. For the first 8 months of this year, our trade volume reached US$44.2 billion, registering an increase of 13.3% from the same period last year. China has been South Africa’s largest trading partner country, largest export market and largest source of import for the past four consecutive years. Meanwhile, South Africa is China’s largest trading partner in Africa. In 2012, more than 130,000 Chinese tourists travelled to South Africa, an increase of 56% from the previous year. South Africa, compared with other African countries, has the largest number of sister cities with China and the largest number of Confucius Institutes and also attracts the largest number of Chinese tourists and Chinese overseas students.




The third word is Vitality. The vitality of this relationship comes from the convergence in the strategic interests and objectives of both countries. We are both developing countries and emerging economies. We face similar opportunities and challenges in development, and we share broad consensus on major international and regional issues. The vitality of this relationship is reflected in the rich content and diversified forms of our exchange mechanisms. For example, we have the Bi-National Commission at the Deputy President level and the fifth BNC plenary meeting will be held in Beijing in late October. We also have many other mechanisms, such as the regular exchange mechanism between our two parliaments, the strategic dialogue and the Joint Working Group. South Africa is now the co-Chair of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and has assumed the rotating presidency of BRICS. Our two countries are now having close and effective cooperation in the above mentioned mechanisms.






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