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2013-9-25 02:36| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 88| 评论: 0|来自: 中国驻南非大使馆

摘要: Keynote Speech by H.E. Ambassador Tian Xuejun at the Ambassadorial Forum on China-South Africa Diplomatic Relations at 15 Years



The second question is: what are the reasons for and what can we learn from the continued development of China-SA relationship?




I wish to summarize my answer in the following 6 short sentences: the long-time traditional friendship is the fundamental source, the leaderships’ engagement provides the right guidance, the mutually-beneficial and win-win cooperation in all areas is the driving force, the broad consensus on major issues is the bonding tie, the regular exchange mechanisms are the guarantee of constant and smooth communication, and the close and frequent people-to-people exchanges are the foundation. I think these are the successful experience that we can draw from the growth of this relationship. What’s more, our past experience and practice are the solid foundation on which we can further expand our relationship and cooperation to new depth.




The third question is: how can we promote the growth of China-South Africa relationship in the future?




China and South Africa have been supporting each other for common development in the past 15 years. We are good friends, good brothers and good partners. Currently, the international landscape, as well as both our two countries, is undergoing profound changes. This brings major opportunities to the development of our bilateral relationship.




From the domestic perspective, both China and South Africa are in a key transitional period. The Chinese government is working to deepen reform, change the pattern of economic growth and re-adjust the economic structure to push economic development into Season Two, featuring the improvement of quality and efficiency. In the meantime, South Africa has promulgated the National Development Plan, a blueprint for the next 20 years, and will embrace a second phase of transition with economic and social transition as the focus. Our two countries share many similarities in state governance. We both wish to scale up cooperation and will have broader room for cooperation in the future.




From the international perspective, it is way too early to be optimistic about the international economic and financial situation. Global economic recovery is still weak and fragile, the spillover of the monetary policies of some developed countries has started to be felt and a number of emerging economies are experiencing turbulence in their financial markets. On the other hand, emerging economies represented by BRICS countries are enhancing solidarity and coordination to jointly address challenges, and they remain the engine for global economic development. China-South Africa relationship has become one of the best examples of cooperation between developing countries.




Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,




A review of the great achievements of the past 15 years makes us confident about our future. China is now working to fulfill the Chinese Dream for the prosperity of the country, the renewal of the nation and the happiness of the people. While South Africa, the Rainbow Nation, is also exploring the best path for future development. China-South Africa relationship is like a giant vessel, carrying the profound friendship and common aspiration, hoisting the sails to a shared destination. I think, to make this voyage smooth, the vessel should proceed with three sails:




The first is the sail of unity. Unity gives us strength. No matter how the international situation changes, China and South Africa should always remain good friends, good brothers and good partners. We should be even more committed to the traditional friendship, enable closer high-level exchanges, enhance political mutual trust, treat each other with respect and equality for a win-win cooperation and common development. At the same time, the unity and cooperation between China and South Africa have gone beyond bilateral scope. We should also enhance our coordination and cooperation in international organizations and multilateral mechanisms like the United Nations, the G20, BRICS and BASIC etc., to jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.




The second is the sail of cooperation. China and South Africa should further expand and improve bilateral trade, scale up two-way investment and give full play to the role of mechanisms like the BNC and the Joint Working Group, and facilitate major cooperation projects in trade, investment, infrastructure, energy, communications, agriculture and human resources. At the same time, we should explore cooperation in areas like education, science and technology and culture to enrich the contents of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and South Africa. In 2015, the sixth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation will be held in South Africa. The Chinese side looks forward to working together with the South African side to lift the new type of strategic partnership between China and Africa to a higher level.




The third is the sail of friendship. We should look ahead to the future and nurture the amity between the peoples, enhance cooperation in culture and people-to-people areas, and try to ensure the success of the 2014 South African Year in China and the 2015 Chinese Year in South Africa. We should pay special attention to the exchanges between the young people of our two countries, so that they can carry forward our traditional friendship. We sincerely hope and welcome more South African friends to visit China and see by themselves the developments of China and the good will of the Chinese people. I also hope our South African friends present today can continue to play your very crucial role in promoting the exchanges and cooperation between China and South Africa.




“From shore to shore it seems wide at high tide; before fair wind the sail is lifting.” This is one line from an ancient Chinese poem describing a smooth sail. Also I know in Africa you have a proverb “The people sailing in the same boat share the goal”. Let us join hands together and ensure the smooth sail of the giant vessel of China-South Africa relationship, so that it can ride the tides and waves and reach our shared destination.




Finally, I wish this Forum a full success. I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.


Thank you.






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