The frustrated finance minister’s
story also helped me define what success should look like: In the future, I
expect Finance and Development Ministers to say that we are more responsive,
easier to work with, and provide them with invaluable global knowledge to solve
local development challenges. As we become that World Bank Group in the next
few years, we’ll not only succeed in the eyes of ministers, we’ll also succeed
in the eyes of those who matter to us most: the poor and vulnerable.
But we know we must do more than
change our structure. We must change our internal culture as well. For our
staff, this means we will reward collaboration, performance and accountability,
all tied to our goals of ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity. We want
to create a culture that retains our most motivated and talented people and
attracts the best and brightest to the World Bank Group. We must all embrace the change.
We will use our knowledge to
become a bolder institution. Let me give you one example. We’re launching today
an initiative to provide universal financial access to all working-age adults
by 2020. Globally, 2.5 billion adults have no mechanisms to save money, let
alone pay bills through a savings account or a mobile phone. We believe we can
chart a path toward universal financial access by bringing together multiple
approaches and technologies. This is exactly the type of ambitious project that
can help lift many people, especially women, out of poverty.
We will also measure more
effectively whether our programs are successful. This means getting delivery
right – what we’ve been calling the science of delivery, which is fundamentally
a much more rigorous and systematic focus on outcomes. To help us get these results, I am creating a
Presidential Delivery Unit, which, as far as I know, is the first of its kind
in a multi-lateral organization.
Initially, we’ll be looking at
several aspects of our work that are good indicators of how we’re performing in
the field and inside our organization. I’ll be personally following all of
them. Here are three examples:
First, we know that we must
decrease administrative barriers. We promise to reduce transaction times by a
third from conception of a project to first disbursement of funds
Second, we must become a better
listener. Last year, we had beneficiary feedback on 34 percent of our projects.
We promise that for our projects with clear beneficiaries, we will get feedback
– from every single one of them, 100 percent.
第二,我们必须成为更好的倾听者。去年,我们34%的项目有受益人反馈。我们承诺将对所有受益人明确的项目收集反馈 ——每个项目都要收集,百分之百。
Third, we know that our partners
and clients need to know where we work in order to better coordinate all of our
collective resources. We promise to add rich detail to our maps so that anyone
will be able to go online, click on the maps, and immediately learn where we
are working and what we are doing.
We also are recommitting
ourselves to work in fragile and conflict-affected states, and we will
substantially increase our funding through IFC and IDA, our fund for the
poorest. IDA has achieved transformational results for the poor in these
difficult contexts, and IDA17 will help us accelerate this work over the next
three years.
In Afghanistan, this means
building on successes--achieved with many partners--in educating girls. Just 12
years ago, Afghan girls were largely shut out of primary school. Today, with
the help of IDA and other donors, nearly three million girls are in primary
school, while female enrollment has skyrocketed in universities, vocational
schools, and in enterprise development programs
In Mali, which has returned to
democracy after 18 months of upheaval, we are working together as one World
Bank Group—IDA, IFC and MIGA--to help scale up clean hydropower potential,
increase food production, and improve education and governance. IDA is critical to sustainable progress in
Mali by funding programs which help those shut of out of the development
process--women, the poor, and minorities. Through these programs, we are trying
to get at the root of the problem.
在经过18个月动荡后刚刚回归民主的马里,我们整合世界银行集团各机构IDA、IFC和IDA——帮助开发清洁水电潜力,增加粮食生产,改善教育,加强治理。 IDA资助那些帮助被发展进程拒之门外的妇女、穷人和少数族裔的项目,对推动马里的可持续进步发挥着重要作用。通过这些项目,我们试图从根源上解决问题。
And in Myanmar, which is in the
midst of a transition to democracy, we’re helping the government move from a
state-centered economy to one that is more market oriented. We’ve helped them
set up a politically independent central bank just weeks ago, which will
promote economic and financial stability.
And, because three-quarters of its citizens are without power, our board
recently approved an IDA credit of $140 million dollars to build a clean,
energy-efficient natural gas-fired plant.
These ambitious efforts in
Afghanistan, Mali, and Myanmar represent just a few examples of how the World
Bank Group is working to become a more effective solutions bank for fragile
Over the past decade, IDA has had
a stunning impact, including funding immunizations for 600 million children,
and giving better access to water and health services for about 120 million
people. To build on this work, have a
transformational impact, and reach our goals, we need a strong IDA17
replenishment this year. It will help create more jobs, increase educational
opportunities for girls, and address climate change risks.
IDA is also helping to build
strong institutions--from the management of natural resource revenues, to tax
administration--that help countries finance their own development. But we need your help. We’re asking you to
increase where you can and to at least maintain your precious contribution to
IDA. I’m committed to ensuring that IDA
is the best instrument for the global community to tackle the toughest, most
complex development issues in the most difficult places.
In closing, let me note that our
institution, founded 69 years ago, has had many great successes. Working
together with governments and development partners, we have helped lift hundreds
of millions of people out of extreme poverty.
We are committed to becoming even
better, and we will act boldly, without fear.
And always we will speak loudly
on behalf of the poor and powerless. As Martin Luther King Jr., once said, “Our
lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Our purpose is clear, our voice unwavering.
No one should live in the abysmal conditions of extreme poverty, living on less
than a dollar and 25 cents a day.
Extreme poverty in our world is morally reprehensible, and more painful
to witness with each passing day.
Together, we must urgently lift a billion people from extreme poverty,
help them to regain dignity, help them find hope, and help them change their
own lives -- and the whole world’s future -- for the better.
Thank you very much.
谢谢各位。 |
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