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2013-10-21 03:20| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 46| 评论: 0|来自: UNESCO

摘要: Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October 2013

Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty



17 October 2013



The eradication of poverty must be the absolute priority of any development policy. Extreme poverty is an impediment to the full exercise of human rights, an obstacle to development and a threat to peace.




Millions of people are still victims of famine—842 million people continued to suffer from chronic hunger between 2011 and 2013. How can we imagine that lasting peace and sustainable development may be built in these conditions? This is an insult to society and the notion of human dignity and it requires our full attention.




A leap forward is possible, solutions do exist—starting with education, which opens the door to social inclusion, skills and employment. Education is the most important foundation to build equal societies, especially for women. Education empowers and it improves crop yields, health and children’s lives.




Beyond economic indicators, material resources and “dollars per day” thresholds, poverty is a question of social inclusion and the ability of individuals to control and give meaning to their lives. Achieving progress in eliminating poverty will depend on finding innovative solutions to tackle its economic, social and ethical aspects. In recent years, the role played by culture and cultural activities has attracted the attention of those engaged in these efforts. The results of the Culture and Development projects led by UNESCO demonstrate the potential of the creative industries as well as the craft and cultural sectors to create jobs and facilitate social dialogue, inclusion and self-esteem. Cultural heritage and creativity belong to the peoples of the world and can be used to build balanced development. Full recognition must be given to the potential of culture in the post-2015 development agenda.




The goal is not to reduce but to eradicate poverty—to get to zero. This is within our reach. Poverty is declining at an unprecedented rate. In 1990, 43% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty on less than $1.25 a day. Today, this applies to only 21%—still far too high a figure. Humanity cannot look to the future when millions of people are chained to the task of day-to-day survival. Lasting peace and sustainable development are impossible while these levels of inequality persist. We can achieve success if we act urgently and with conviction—in this spirit. I call upon governments, civil society along with the private and public sector today to create more wealth and to share better available wealth, for the greater good of humanity.


我们的目标不是为了消减贫困而是为了消除贫困,将贫困现象的存在归零。这一目标伸手可及。贫困现象正以前所未有的速度消遁。1990年,世界人口的43 %生活在极端贫困之中,人均每日不足1.25美元。今天,这一比例已经下降到21 %。然而,这一比例还是太高。当数百万人还在为每天怎样温饱度日饱受煎熬的时候,人类是不可能一心一意投向未来的。只要不平等现象在这个水平上存在,任何持久和平、任何可持续发展都是不可能的。此时此刻,怀着迫切的心情和定然成功的信念,我向所有的政府、公民社会、私营与公营部门的各界人士呼吁,为了人类共同的福祉去创造财富,去更公平地分配现有的财富!





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