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Solutions Partnership to End Poverty
--Speech at World Knowledge Forum 在世界知识论坛上的发言
Collaborative Knowledge, Learning
and Innovation as Key Accelerators 协作知识、学习与创新是核心加速器
Sanjay Pradhan, World Bank Vice
President for Change, Knowledge and Learning 世界银行副行长桑贾伊·普拉丹
Seoul, Republic of Korea 首尔,大韩民国
October 16, 2013 2013年10月16日
It is an honor to be here, and to
follow the steps of Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President, who spoke at this
Forum last year.
I want to talk to you about
ending poverty—more specifically, since this is the World Knowledge Forum, I
want to talk about how a collaborative approach to Knowledge, Learning and
Innovation can become a powerful accelerator in our collective drive to end
The Ganga Problem 恒河之困
But first, I want to start with a
story from my home country, India. The story is about the river Ganges.
The Ganges is a sacred river,
worshipped by Hindus as the Mother Ganga. The Ganga’s waters are considered to
be so pure and sacred that, when you bathe in them, it cleanses you of all your
sins. The Ganga River provides 25% of India’s water resources. More than 2500
kilometers long, it is the most heavily populated river basin in the world. For
400 million people, mostly very poor people, life and survival depend on Mother
Ganga every day.
But sadly, today, the Ganges is
dying. Poorly planned rapid urbanization and industrialization have turned the
Ganga into the most polluted river in the world. Every day, more than 250
million liters of untreated sewage goes right into the Ganga. The reality is
that today, bathing in the Ganga, does not cleanse you. It makes you sick. Health costs in the Ganga basin alone are
about $4 billion per year.
The Ganga problem is not just a
problem of immense magnitude. It is also a problem of immense complexity. It is
not simply about cleaning a river. It is about how governments regulate, how
companies make their profits, how people live their lives. The Ganga problem
cuts across many different sectors—agriculture, urban management, environment,
to name just a few. It also cuts across
many stakeholders in society and most importantly, millions of poor people
depend on the river for their lives and livelihoods.
Other countries too increasingly
face challenges that are complex, multi-dimensional, and crucial to improving
the lives of the poor: for instance, creating jobs in the townships of
South-Africa; or, providing access to water in Yemen. Those are problems that
have no specific technical fixes—building roads and bridges alone won’t do.
They require humility, the ability to collaborate and learn from the
experiences of others, and the ability to innovate and take innovations to
The challenge before us is how we
can join forces and solve transformational problems of the magnitude,
complexity and impact of the polluted Ganga?
That question is at the very heart of the new World Bank Group (WBG)
The WBG Goals and New Strategy –
The Imperative for a Solutions Partnership
Last April, the shareholders of
the World Bank Group, its 188 member countries, endorsed two goals: to end, by
2030, extreme poverty – as measured by those living under $1.25 per day— and to
promote shared prosperity—as measured by income gains of the bottom 40% of the
population. Four days ago, at our Annual
Meetings, they took the next step by endorsing a new WBG Strategy to focus
relentlessly on achieving those goals in a sustainable manner. Achieving the goals requires that we achieve
a deeper and faster impact in the lives of 1.2 billion people worldwide who
live in extreme poverty, on less than $1.25 a day, and another 2.7 billion who
remain poor and vulnerable, living on $1.25 - $4 a day.
以最底层40%人口的收入增长水平为衡量标准)。四天前,在世行集团年会上,成员国又进一步批准了世行集团新战略,支持世行全力以赴以可持续的方式实现这些目标。实现这些目标要求我们迅速带来深刻影响,提高12亿赤贫人口(每天生活费低于1.25美元)以及27亿贫穷弱势群体(每天生活费在1.25 - 4美元之间)的生活水平。
The challenge is massive. Achieving the goals means that it cannot be
business as usual. We need to accelerate.
We need to unite our efforts to support countries in solving their
problems. And this is why we need a
Solutions Partnership to end poverty and boost shared prosperity.
The Ganga will become clean when
the country’s stakeholders from different sectors, disciplines and social
groups work, learn and innovate together to implement and iterate solutions to
that complex challenge, drawing on global evidence of “what works” and the
practical experience of other countries.
This will require repeated iteration and collaborative problem solving,
with the support of a range of partners with different strengths and
comparative advantage. This
collaboration to tackle such difficult challenges through a solutions cycle,
underpinned by global and local knowledge, mutual learning and innovative
solutions constitutes the accelerator in the fight to end poverty and build
shared prosperity.
This is the essence of the
Solutions WBG that President Kim talked about at this Forum last year. In the spirit of global solidarity which
President Kim spoke about, we invite you to join us in a global partnership for
solutions to end poverty and boost shared prosperity.
An Approach to Development
Solutions 探索发展解决方案之道
Development solutions have a
cycle, which starts by understanding the true nature of the problem—the
diagnosis. How often have development
organizations, including my own, approached countries with technical fixes
without truly understanding the problem?
As part of our new strategy, we will invest systematically in shared
diagnosis. Using all available evidence
and analysis, we want to invest in a systematic country diagnostic to help
countries identify, within the context of their national plans, what their
biggest challenges are, and what the greatest opportunities are to reduce
poverty and boost shared prosperity. While being analytically rigorous, this
will also be a tool for collaborative learning among the full range of
stakeholders -- governments, the private sector and civil society – to agree on
the key problems and understand the political, social and cultural realities
that drive the incentives and behaviors that helped create these problems in
the first place.
Only when there is a shared
understanding of the key problems with clear indicators of success, can we
mobilize an enhanced bundle of financing, knowledge and convening services from
across the WBG and with other partners to help country stakeholders solve these
problems. The resulting Solutions
Partnership operating at the country and global levels underpins our collective
drive to end poverty.
In this bundle of solutions,
obviously finance remains crucially important.
The estimated sums needed for infrastructure alone in developing
countries are staggering: up to $1.5 trillion per year. But the WBG needs to approach finance
differently, especially when official development assistance is less than one
percent of total capital flows to developing countries and our own financial
footprint is a fraction of that. The
private sector today accounts for the bulk of capital investment and job
creation. We need to develop innovative
ways to use official development assistance to leverage much larger amounts of
finance from the private sector. We need
collaborative public-private approaches for tackling transformational
challenges. Under the new WBG strategy,
we will marshal the combined resources of the World Bankwhich supports
government, with the IFC and MIGA that support the private sector.
But money alone is not the
answer. How to use the money—that is the question. The Ganga will not become
clean with just more money. That money already exists. The Ganga will become
clean when the country’s stakeholders work and learn collaboratively, and
persist through to sustainable results.
There is no better place than
Korea to demonstrate the power of relentlessly and iteratively tackling the
most difficult challenges to successfully traverse the journey from a country
stricken by abject poverty only 60 years ago to the status of a developed
nation. Take the Saemul Movement of
Korea in the seventies, which had unprecedented success in tackling the very
complex problem of rural poverty. The Saemul Movement built on a deep
understanding of the prevailing socio-economic context of rural poverty in
Korea, and then turned that into a method, which was refined and successfully
scaled up over time, to support traditional community norms of diligence,
self-help and collaboration. Today, the
Saemul Movement solution itself might not be replicable “as is.” However, the
approach to understanding, and methodically tackling, the problem of rural
poverty in all its cultural, political and economic complexity, provides the
international community invaluable lessons.
在百折不挠、坚持不懈地应对艰巨挑战方面,韩国堪称最佳典范,通过艰辛的历程,这个60年前一贫如洗的国家已迈入发达国家之列。韩国于上世纪七十年代开展的新乡村运动在解决复杂的农村贫困问题上取得了史无前例的成功。新乡村运动是在对造成韩国农村贫困的主要社会经济背景的深刻理解基础之上,将此理解转化为解决方法,经不断改进和成功拓展,将勤奋、自强及协作等社会优良传统推向更新的高度。如今,我们可能无法“全盘”复制新乡村运动的解决方案。但是,这种充分了解和有条不紊地解决涉及文化、政治和经济等诸多方面的农村贫困问题的举措,可为国际社会提供宝贵经验。 |
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