英语口译、笔译资料下载 Message
from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the World
Science Day for Peace and Development 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃“争取和平与发展世界科学日”致辞
10 November 2013 2013年11月10日
Today, in a world changing
quickly, on a planet under pressure, we need more science, we need more
scientists. Science is a force that brings people together, to join hands in
the pursuit of knowledge. Science is our best ally to tackle the consequences
of climate change, to foster the innovation all societies need today.
This is UNESCO’s message on World
Science Day, and it guides all our work to harness the power of the sciences
for lasting peace and sustainable development.
In this International Year of
Water Cooperation, we focus on sharing knowledge, data and innovation, around
water. Water is our most precious resource, essential to life and human development.
There is enough water in the world – our challenge is to share and manage it
sustainably and together. We believe that sharing data, knowledge and
innovation is key to the sustainable management of water. Cooperation brings
new ideas, it catalyses innovative solutions and it fosters new ways of
working. As they collect and disseminate data, scientists transform information
into knowledge, to build stronger policies for the benefit of all. Linking
science more tightly with policy is the goal of the new Scientific Advisory
Board, launched by the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Ban Ki-moon, to be
taken forward by UNESCO.
Water cooperation is not only a
technical or scientific issue. It is about supporting human rights. It is about
preventing disease and promoting gender equality, it is about fighting poverty.
Fundamentally, it is about strengthening the foundations for peace, through
cooperation between States and across regions. These goals guide UNESCO as it
leads the International Year of Water Cooperation on behalf of UN Water.
Together, we will continue to
strengthen the link between science and policy, in order to make the most of
scientific cooperation as a force for peace and development. Water resources
pay no heed to borders—our cooperation must be guided by the spirit of
solidarity. Together, we can harness the full power of water to strengthen
human dignity and build a better future for all. This is UNESCO’s message
我们将共同努力,继续加强科学与政策的联系,充分发挥科学合作的力量,促进和平与发展。水资源的存在不受边界的左右——我们的合作也必须以团结一致的精神为指导。团结一致,我们就能够充分利用水资源的力量来提升人类的尊严,为所有人建设更加美好的未来。这就是教科文组织今天希望传递的讯息。 |
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