英语口译、笔译资料下载 Message
from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the
International Day for Tolerance 教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃国际宽容日致辞
16 November 2013 2013年11月16日
The International Day for
Tolerance is an opportunity for each of us to renew our commitment to
practicing tolerance and promoting harmony. Globalizing quickly, the world is
also increasingly fragile. This is why every day, in every society, we need to
build new bridges of tolerance, trust and understanding.
This takes commitment and time.
We must begin with quality education, to combat ignorance, prejudice and
hatred, which are at the root of discrimination and racism. We need education
to disarm the fears that many feel of the unknown and of other people, their
cultures, life choices and beliefs. Education is the best way to foster a
culture of peace and build inclusive societies.
Intolerance is a global challenge
that takes many local shapes. To be effective, global action must be combined
with national, local and, not least, individual measures.
At the global level, UNESCO is
leading the United Nations International Decade for the Rapprochement of
Cultures, launched this year, to promote the benefits of exchange and dialogue
across cultures and to build new networks to fight against racism and
We act also on the ground, where
needs are most acute. This was the objective of a recent UNESCO project to
promote a culture peace among young women and men living in Tripoli, Lebanon.
Through exchanges through theatre and the arts, UNESCO worked with young people
throughout the city, to deepen mutual understanding, to learn to live and work
together, to resolve differences through dialogue.
To create positive change, we
must constantly ask ourselves the following questions. How are the rights of
persons belonging to social, national, ethnic, religious, linguistic or other
minorities guaranteed in our community, State and region? Are we doing enough
to promote the equal rights and dignity of indigenous people, migrant workers,
asylum-seekers and refugees, or people with disabilities? Answering these
questions must lead us to action.
This International Day is a
chance to deepen our commitment to dialogue and solidarity, in our families and
communities, in relations with other peoples. Tolerance can never be taken for
granted. It is a way of living that we must constantly reinvent for new times,
to recognize the differences of others as the same as our own and the riches of
other cultures as the wealth of all to share.
In a world of uncertainty, in
societies undergoing deep transformation, this has never been so important for
lasting peace and sustainable development.
在充满不确定性的世界里,在经历深刻变革的社会里,持久的和平与可持续发展比以往任何时候都更为重要。 |
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